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Moments of Great Discovery


3rd Level White Feather
Sep 20, 2003
In the spirit of the "What's the first tickle site you visited?" thread I will pose another question...

When and in what format did you first realize that there are other people into tickling? That you were not alone as it were?

To answer my own question...
If I remember correctly it was a book I was browsing through at the tender age of 13 or 14 (give or take) called "The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices" found on Amazon here:
As was fast becomming an obsession for me I was rummaging through the bookstore, scanning indexes of books for mention of the sacred word. Don't laugh and pretend you havent done the same thing!
Anyway, the writup in that book possitively gave me tunnel vision I was so worked up. It had me going for WEEKS...maybe months! Truly a life changing moment for me. The realization that there were people making VIDEOS of this made me practically giddy. it was like a cartoon where the light shines down from above and you hear a heavenly chior.
Only the light was shining down on a budding pervert reading a book that probably wasn't legal for her to look at.
Ahh well...Like Newton, Darwin, Cortez...We all have our moments of great discovery...and that was mine.
First of all, let me say that if much more women could be like you Nessonite, all of us (guys) could accept himself and his fetish without problems. (I hope I give the idea, I'm not so good in english :happy: ). Now, this is my answer: I discovered that I wasn't alone and I wasn't a kind of pervert (or maybe I am :weird: ) 8 years ago, in 1996, with my first access to internet. It was like a new birth, there were sites and video companies, and most important many other like me! And last but not least, I want to thank Tickle Theater and all the members, I consider this site like a virtual second home. 😀
When I was 13 or 14...I was surfing the web one nite and entered the word "Tickling" into my search engine...when I found all of the info that was out there--web sites, chats, stories, pics, vids--I had tears rolling down my face...I had thought I was strange my whole life, and that something was wrong with me for liking what I like...that day, I realized I was not alone, I wasn't weird, and there was nothing wrong with me: I just realized, earlier than my friends, that I knew what did it for me sexually...and life began anew...😛
Same time frame here [96-97] and same giddy feelings [as Ness].

To be true, I never really felt THAT freak - but drawing is a good excuse to reach those really ticklish "tactical places". 😉 😉 😉
blktk75 said:
First of all, let me say that if much more women could be like you Nessonite, all of us (guys) could accept himself and his fetish without problems. (I hope I give the idea, I'm not so good in english :happy: ). Now, this is my answer: I discovered that I wasn't alone and I wasn't a kind of pervert (or maybe I am :weird: ) 8 years ago, in 1996, with my first access to internet. It was like a new birth, there were sites and video companies, and most important many other like me!

That's about the same for me exactly. 1996 is when I first accessed internet and once I got around to searching for "tickling" that was the very first time I realized I wasn't the only one in the world.
And yes, you're right. It's pretty hurtful when ladies not only reject what you're into but make fun of it as well. Just the thought of that is enough to keep many guys from doing lots of things we might otherwise do or be expressive about. But I can't put that all on women though. Just agreeing with your feelings about it.
I just realized, earlier than my friends, that I knew what did it for me sexually...and life began anew...

This discovery (of what did it for me) came very very early for me. Actually earlier than I can remember. I do clearly recall having those feelings at the age of 4.
Nessonite: Perversion and Mental Deformity Since 1984 (at least)
Looks like the internet is helping more than therapy with people's hangups... I have had a love of tickling ever since I was a young girl of four but was brought up by a mother who thought sex was a necessary evil and that tickling was, "stupid, unacceptable and not ladylike". So of course I thought something was terribly wrong with me and tried my best to repress my feelings. Suffice it to say that sex with my husband has always been a chore -thanks mom- and I was very depressed that I would never get what I really wanted in bed. Only a few months ago I typed "tickle" into an ebay search and actually cried when I found all the videos available. That only led to trying out search engines and eventually finding this site and many others. Wow, my entire life has changed since then because I can finally accept myself now that I know there are others out there and I'm not as messed-up as I thought I was. I recently told my husband, (I was nervous because if he wasn't accepting of my fetish then I'd be forced to spend the rest of my life wanting what I knew I couldn't have) but I was lucky in that he finds it really arousing to tickle me and was thankful that I finally told him what turns me on. Yeah! My problem now is that I'm not even as ticklish as I thought I would be especially in my favorite tickle spots...If only there were an over-the-counter supplement that could enhance the skin's sensitivity. Oh well one life-changing step at a time....
Well... in reply to this post, ticklishness is "situational".
It is possible to "unlock" it a bit.

But don't ask me how, since it is really individual-dependant.
Good for you!!!! It is SO fantastic when someone can make such a life affirming discovery! I am truly truly happy for you!!
Boy, do I feel old. My first exposure to tickling as a fetish other people share was in the good old Penthouse "Forum". I was about 16, and I was leafing through an old issue when I saw the word "tickling" in the title. I thought I was seeing things, but I immediately locked my bedroom door and began reading. It was written(supposedly)by a woman who had always harbored a secret desire to be tied and tickled. One night she was at a party, drank too much and confessed her secret to a guy she was attracted to. So, of course, he took her back to her place, she pulled out the scarves she had been saving for just such an occasion, he tied her to the bed and tickled her with a big ostrich feather until she reached orgasm. As I say, who knows if it ever really happened, but to a 16-year old who had no name for those strange feelings, it was heaven. Not only did I feel like I wasn't the only one, but I discovered how intensely erotic it was for me. All the internet stuff came much later. This was, dare I say, late '70's. After I moved to NY, I discovered the "Tied & Tickled" mags, the CalStar videos, the Harmony videos, etc., etc.
nessonite said:
Good for you!!!! It is SO fantastic when someone can make such a life affirming discovery! I am truly truly happy for you!!


Just because I refrain from being sarcastic, doesn't mean I cannot be... 😛
I kinda backed into in, for lack of a better description. Always a big mystery fan, I used to get Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine all the time in High School. When we first got it, they were building up to 'first story #500' which would have been the 500th time an author's 1st publication was in their mag. Inspired, I decide to write my own short mystery to become perhap first story #550 or 600. It would be a simple who/howdunnit. I needed a perfect murder weapon, and discovered it: the feather! No marks or wounds, the victim would be tickled to death. Puberty kicked in at thsi time as well, and the female victim became more attractrive in my mind, etc. I thought I was nuts for feelling this sexual link to tickling. It stayed latent until 1995 when I was on AOL and discovered by accident a tickling chat room. One of the people told me how to get to the old atl.tickling.what-ever-it-was link and discovered I wasn't alone in this afterall! I bounced to differing sites, but seem to like this one best.

Well, my first story didn't get published in EQMM, but I did just get one published......

To go back to Nessonites first post. I used to hang around libraries, grabbing the biggest reference dictionaries I could find, and looked up the word in there. I then started to become somewhat expert at hyper speed reading novels in said libraries, to see if I could spot any usages.

Post internet generation don't know you're born.
Just to follow up on Oglemee's post (although drifting off topic), I think I can help (from personal experience) on how to become more ticklish. Namely force yourself to laugh when being Tickled, rather than waiting for the sensation to make you laugh (try pretending you're a model for FM Concepts). The more you let yourself go from this forced laughing (this will take a bit of practice to overcome self conciousness), the more hysteria will start to overtake you. After a time you will find, what were slight tickling sensations, will suddenly become massively amplified at which point you will be overwhelmed. See how easy it is (not) to pull yourself back from your self enforced hysteria then.
Good one Ness .
For me it was when I was about oh 19 or I was reading the advise colunm in Playboy (not sure what they call it) But anyway this guy had wrote his girlfirend wanted to be tickled infact tied to his bed and he felt this was a problem ..(course I was thinking wow what a lucky guy) but that was the first time I thought I`m not alone
Toneus--do you think that idea to increase "sensitivity" will work in a situation where you're completely comfortable with your ler? In fact, almost too comfortable? I'll try anything...especially if it makes my Ler happy...and she loves to hear me laugh...😉
Mine was hotbot.. I was browsing at like midnight one night when I was alone and I got the idea to type "Tickle" into the search engine.. when I came up with some 1200 odd pages of results I didn't figure it would be much of anything really - little kids are always getting tickle stuff like tickle-me-elmo and books about it... I got to looking through the results though... "Tickle-me-Elvis.. tickle-me-Yoda... the Tickle Bugs, what the Hell.... TickleTheater.. hrm.. *click* Are you eighteen or older... er.. suuuuure..in a couple months... *click*" And I get here... I am just awestruck, staring at it.. I didn't cry, though, I was a little too astonished to cry.. I started lurking.. but not for long. I read some posts, signed up for an account, and I've been here ever since.
I always figured something was up when I got a shiver every time I read the word in a book.. and I was always going back to it.. I was like thirteen reading an animorphs book and I saw the sentence, "I laughed crazily - like being tickled, I couldn't stop" and I just kept going back to that line every time I finished a chapter... and Piers Anthony's Xanth novels are good for that too - brief little scenes or mentions of it.. " 'I'll scream.' I knew how to handle that, 'I'll tickle.' 'That's not fair!' that got her. For as everyone knows you can't scream realisticly while laughing, and Ivy was hyper-ticklish. She heard somewhere that being more ticklish made girls more attractive.."
Hi Camel 26

I think the thing is for me (despite being obsessed with tickling/being tickled all my life) my level of sensitivity in the past, has been that of the proverbial sack of spanners. Why ? well because I have been so uptight about it in the past (not macho to want to be ticklish/embarrased uptight about even saying the word etc, etc,) that I have just not been able to let myself go. This would also have once been a fair reflection of my personality in general anyway. However as you get older, you care less about what people think of you, and care only about what you think of them.

Anyway after going through life wanting to be tickled yet being too uptight to let it happen, I decided on one occasion when an opportunity presented itself, to laugh as long and as hard as I could, even if it didn't tickle one bit. Eureka I found myself becoming mega ticklish during that session. The person doing the tickling didn't know the difference, and assumed I was ticklish from the off. From that point onwards whenever being tickled arises, I have just let the laughter flow, and have found on every occasion that the ticklishness soon catches up with the laughter, and rapidly overtakes it to the point where you can't stop even if you want to. MEGA

On your point about being comfortable with your partner, if you are then try this out (certainly if your point about being too comfortable means too routine, then this could really spice things up). On the other hand there may be issues of comfort and letting yourself go with someone you don't trust or know that well, but then that would apply to all intimate behaviour anyway.
Toneus--I will try it out and get back to you with any news!!! Thank you so much for your honesty and advice!!! You're awesome!!! And don't worry: I've stopped caring what people think of me...it took up too much time...now, I have more time to devote to myself, my ler, and, of course, to tickling!!! 😛 Thanks again!!
I was online for a year or two before I ever discovered there were other people into tickling. It was not something I ever talked about, it was just something I did. I would constantly be starting tickle fights, because I loved when people would tickle me back. So, when I first signed onto AOL and they had you fill out a profile, I made a crack in my list of hobbies that said: "instigating tickle fights". It was something I would even joke about online. If people started getting really agitated on a bulletin board I would always start asking them goofy questions like if they were ticklish and where. A friend thought it was so funny that he started a folder called "St. Raichyll's Tickling Temple". Throughout those first years it never occurred to me that I could type the word "tickle" into a search bar and find others who love it, much less were turned on by it the way I knew I was. I was so sure that I was odd that I never tried it.

At some point after that there was a big jump from ver. 1.5 to 2.0 on AOL, and there were suddenly twice, three times the number of members. This fellow musician started sending me emails, asking me about common interests, what music I liked and so on... After corresponding with him for months he sent me this email one day that mentioned the fact that I had "instigating tickle fights" as one of my hobbies, he wanted to know what I meant by it. So, I wrote back how I was constantly starting tickle fights with everyone I knew; my bandmates, friends, groupies, etc... And he responded with a magical question! (At least, I thought it was at the time.) He wrote back and asked, "Do you ever fantasize about being tied up and tickled?" I read it and freaked! I thought, he must be psychic or something! How could he have known that? It wasn't even something I ever spoke about to anyone. I was so sure it made me even more left of center than I am, that I never even allowed myself to examine the topic inside my own head for very long without scolding myself for being 'weird'. He started telling me about the fact that there were old Penthouse Forums and so on that had stories about being tied and tickled, and even shared a few of his own stories with me. Shortly after that IM's became popular, and I'd get IM's from various people asking about my habit of "instigating tickle fights". One of them eventually taught me all about NG's and it all just grew from there.
nessonite said:
Yay you! Awesome story!! Thanks for sharing! 😀

its YAY ME!! nessie..YAY ME!! im awesome...lol.i seriously need off these pills..lmao..im going crazy :super_hap 😀 😛 😀
Raichyll--first of all, I LOVE how you spell your name!!! That is awesome!!! A new twist on a classically beautiful name...🙂 Anyhoo, thank you so much for sharing your story with us!!! If I lived near you, I'd start a tickle fight with you any time!!! Happy tickling!!! 😛
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