I have to agree with everything said here - I am hyper ticklish to start with and before I met my current partner lost many a man because (and it's their words) they could not cope with my level of ticklishness when they touched me. I have only once so far managed to endure a prolonged after sex tickle, it blew my mind, my skin was alive like its never been before and left me in orgasmic ripples for literally almost an hour afterwards. I am trying to persuade my partner to go for it again, but he only has to move towards me and I am a giggling, laughing wreck. It is odd that the less sensitive areas of my body prior to sex, seem to come to life all of their own, although it does of course open up whole new areas for exploration. Nowadays since then, he tends to massage me more afterwards and tease tickle me during which I calm down a little enough for round 2!!!! alhough he is attempting it that bit more so who knows - usually only stopping cos he's worried I'll wake the neighbours - lol