My most ticklish spot ..... Stomach
One time I me and my cousin were tickling each other, to see who could take being tickled for a full two minutes. First she tried under my arms, I lasted. Then she tried my feet, I lasted. Then she tried my stomach and I was only able to last 20 seconds. I was begging her to stop, and I was saying my safe word over, and over again. She looked at the stop watch and said “only 20 seconds, no way you’re going for the full 2 minutes.” She was sitting on my arms, pinning them down, and believe me, I fought like a wild animal to get free. Now I wish that someone would tie me up and really let me have it. A full merciless, sadistic, non-stop tickle torture, that would last at least 1 hour. Oh by the way my cousin was only able to last 25 seconds on her feet.