Two related true f/m tickling stories
Jenna, thanks for your answer. You sound like a female tickler whose

passion for the tickle game rivals that of a lot of male 'lers! In fact, you make me think of the two wildest female ticklers I ever knew.
One was

Georgette, whom I wrote about on the TMF. The link:
Then there was

Susie, a friend of mine who got me good - in public, just like little old you, Jenna! It was in the early 1980s when I was in college and met Susie. She was a bit plain but could be very charming, with alluring brown eyes and a pear-shaped, slim figure. Susie was maybe 5'2" with short blonde hair. On some level, Susie and I liked each other even though we never dated.
Susie was fun-loving, with a crazy sense of humor. And, as I learned one day, she had a passion for tickling that rivaled mine.
I worked in a supermarket, stocking shelves. One night I was working the aisles when Susie and her roommate Jean were shopping. I was unpacking boxes of pickles, which came in glass jars. As luck (for Susie) would have it, these pickles went on the top shelf.
Just as Susie and Jean entered the aisle I was working, I decided to place the box of pickles on the top shelf before unpacking it. It was a heavy box with, all those glass/water contents. As I started lifting it, the girls caught my eye and I said hello. Susie looked me over, watching me lift the box towards the top shelf.
Suddenly, Susie ran towards me with a look on her face of the cat who is about to get the canary. Not knowing Susie was a tickler, I didn't realize what she was about to do to me. Just as I had my arms up but did not yet have the box of pickles on the top shelf, Susie dug her ten tickling fingers into my sides! She ran her hands up and down, ribs to under-arms, not caring if I dropped the box!
No one had tickled me this intensely since I was a kid, when adults and bigger children had the size advantage over me. While Susie was much smaller than me (I'm 5'8" and, back then, weighed 200 lbs.), holding that box of pickles packed in water & glass and not wanting to drop it was like having my arms tied over my head. My struggle to hold on to that heavy box gave Susie all the advantage! Susie was not going to stop tickling me until she had to, even if it meant a box of pickles crashing to the floor.
In a split second, I decided to try to endure Susie's tickle torture and finish placing the box on the shelf. But as I felt my arms naturally drawing to my sides in reaction to Susie's tickles, I then just wanted to hang on to that heavy box! While Susie tickled away, I went to plan B, lowering the pickles to the floor before her tickles could make me drop everything.
The entire tickle lasted maybe four or five seconds, but when someone's really getting you good - and by surprise - it seems like an hour. And Susie was really tickling me well - she must have honed her tickling skills on younger sisters and brothers.
(Some time later, Susie dated a friend of mine whom she constantly tickled. Realizing what a tickler Susie was, I wished I had tried to get her when she was available. However, I never knew if Susie was ticklish nor did she ever show interest in me.)
As it was so long ago, I don't remember what I said or did once Susie stopped tickling me. But I do remember the intense ticklish sensation, the excitement of having a kind-of-cute girl doing it to me, and the embarrassment of having her tickle me in public - Susie's friend Jean witnessed the whole thing, not to mention any customers or coworkers who might have seen the action. In today's age of supermarket surveillance, that would have been quite a show for anyone watching the store TV monitors. I would have asked for a copy of the tape.