After my hands were secured, he asked me to roll slowly onto my stomach. OH...did I mention the fact that Im naked? Teehee. Anyway..I rolled slowly onto my stomach. He asked me to get comfortable while he collected a few "things". I laid there feeling the cool breeze on my flesh and took myself to that mental place where, I thought, nothing could touch me. He returned to the room and lifted my legs, putting them across his lap. I felt something like a towel beneath my feet. comfortable I was. Next I felt something fluid flowing over my toes and down over my feet. Mmmmm....a baby oil massage? I was liking this and slipped a bit out of my mental place. "This isnt going to be a challenge at all. Ahhh..this is nice". Little did I know I had spoken way too soon. Next thing I knew I felt something cold and pointy dragging along the soles of my feet. Instinct causing me to pull away. He softly says "Oh no my Love. If you move I add on 3 more minutes of torture. Remember the rules". Oh My Gawd!! My body was tied up, I was blindfolded. I couldnt clutch anything for support or to stifle the screams I could feel building from deep within. This, this...tool kept moving across my sole, up, down, over, under, side to side. Now Im laughing and trying my best not to move. I knew there was no way I could take having anymore moments added to this, this......torture. I remember laughing and squealing all at the same time, mumbling "Oh gawd (his name) more (his name)!!!" All I got in response was evil laughter and "what's wrong baby? cant handle (his name) little, harmless fetish". Part of me was wanting to yell "NO..I cant handle anymore" but there was a part of me, lord knows where it came from, that just said "ohhhhh....gawd (his name)Dont stop" Then there was something happening to me. Something that I didnt believe was happening. I wont go into detail but suffice it to say I was enjoying this MORE than I should have been. I tried to tell myself "this is wrong, you're not in control. This man has complete and total control of this situation but.....oh he controls this situation". Needless to say, the torture ended much too soon but he tells me I did such a good job enduring this thing he loves so much that....he decided to keep me. Only thing is, I think he sometimes regrets that I learned all too well from him and now he finds himself in the "helpless victim" position. If he regrets it he sure is lousy at showing it. This man is now the love of my life and when we talk of the future, we speak of the dungeon we just MUST have in our home together. Some couples speak of fireplaces and staircases. We talk of racks and tickle chairs.
The Ticklish End
by Majestickle....oop..I mean...Majestic
The Ticklish End
by Majestickle....oop..I mean...Majestic