Rest of Summer Weather Forecast
The temperature for the remainder of the summer will be 50 – 120 degrees
It might rain / it might not
It might be party cloudy or party shiny depending of what type of person you are
It might be sunny or cloudy
It might be windy
It might be humid
It might storm, and or hail
You might experience hurricane winds
You might experience high waves if you live by a great body of water
You might be deluge with locust, frogs, grasshoppers, roaches, ants, spiders and a visit from George Bush.
The temperature for the remainder of the summer will be 50 – 120 degrees
It might rain / it might not
It might be party cloudy or party shiny depending of what type of person you are
It might be sunny or cloudy
It might be windy
It might be humid
It might storm, and or hail
You might experience hurricane winds
You might experience high waves if you live by a great body of water
You might be deluge with locust, frogs, grasshoppers, roaches, ants, spiders and a visit from George Bush.