It's sad to hear this forum is largely dead, but you have an addition now! Yes, I do need a scanner! I can't afford one yet though, but when I can, I'll do them properly.
Thanks for your extremely kind comments, it's always nice to be appreciated! Yeah, I used to play 40k, but largely just collect and paint. And draw! I collected Space Wolves to begin with, but then decided to start collecting Chaos Space Marines. I love the fact that Chaos are hard as nails, but I also like the fact that the Imperium is human and that they are the good guys, so I'm still collecting Imperium (although not as much as Chaos).
It's hard to draw from miniatures and even more difficult from my memory, unless I know exactly what to draw, so I tend to draw from Codex books, and White Dwarf, so these aren't from my memory. (I never claim credit for the original pics, I'll always state they are drawn from someone else's drawings.) But all are recreated by my own hand!
EDIT: The sword was from my memory!