<B><FONT SIZE="4"><A HREF="http://www.quizyourfriends.com/takequiz.php?quizname=021216205827-How~p20Well~p20Do~p20You~p20Know~p20Mimi~p3F">Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!</A></FONT></B>
I see all...I know all, but I still often fall. Scored 100% and made it put it up on your scoreboard for you. I think you have an incorrect link posted. Regardless.. Q
Ok, so I thought you were an inch shorter than you are. I don't know what red coke is and I thought you were a TMF Master. 😀 Ther rest I got right making it a 70%. Not too shabby I'm thinking.
Awwww....don't feel bad about your scores, folks. Look at it this way, how much BETTER do we all know one another NOW after taking these quizzes on one another? Right? 😀
Jenbie, my sweet....The one honest 100 in the group! Pat yourself on the back girl!