3rd Level Green Feather
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- Feb 14, 2002
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Ok, everyone here pretty much knows how liberal I am. After some long hard thinking I wrote this essay to explain my views.......THIS IS NOT FLAME BAIT!
Conservatives stand for status quo. Liberals want change. Conservatives only oppose (abolition of slavery and segregation; Christianity). They propose nothing of value for the public. Creativity and growth occur under liberal leadership. War, pestilence, misery occur under conservatives. Conservatives misunderstand (and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt) simple principles of economics. Poor people make the economy move. Money in their hands provide benefits to many. Money in the hands of conservatives benefits only conservatives. Poor people simply want to live easier. They spend their money to provide that ease. They buy cars, washing machines, TVs, VCRs, CD players, clothes, and other consumables. This creates jobs. Conservatives park their money in offshore bank accounts and avoid paying taxes. Yet, conservatives are the first to demand war to correct slights to their positions and well being. They who contribute little to the treasury demand and get the most in return. Selfish blighters. They are the first to call themselves Christian. And are the first to refute Christian teachings.
I would say this type of generalized tripe in your article message is typical of whites who would tell us how to deal with our painful experiences that continue to today in this society. I wonder what the reaction would be to the situation faced by Jews in Warsaw in 1939. That experience, though somewhat different in scale and scope, holds similarities to our plight.
Jews who advocated what Clarence, Thomas, Walter and Ward propose, were similarly treated and somethimes put to death in Warsaw. Clarence and friends urge cooperation with those who wish us ill and on the oppressors' terms. Jews who pushed for cooperation with the occupying Nazis used the same arguments as Clarence and co.
What is the level of mistreatment Clarence and friends receive? They are unmolested physically, but castigated verbally for their opinions. Right wingers do not died for their beliefs. Only progressive voices are silenced: MLK, JFK, RFK, MX. I cannot recall any dropout/uneducated Rush Limbaugh types getting murdered. This is the American way. The nail that sticks up gets hammered. Can conservatives (reactionaries) point fingers? With honesty they can not. The level of hatred levelled at President Clinton from the day he WON election fairly and squarely is without parallel in anyone's experience. Reactionaries put the m in mistreatment. Even Richard Nixon (Watergate, Allende, CREEP) and the amiable idiot Ronald Reagan (Iranian Hostage crisis, Nicaraguan Contras, Iranian Arms deals) were treated decently when they were shown to have attempted hijacking of the constitution.
This is not a nation of free speech. One who has the temerity to express an opinion in public must be prepared to receive vilification, if one is progressive minded. No one shoots reactionaries. Reactionaries are the ones with the shooter mentality. As far as one might generalize, blacks do not display political bumper stickers on their automobiles that support liberal causes/candidates; only conservatives do. When last have you seen one on a black person's vehicle? There is a reason for that. It simply is dangerous to do so. Liberal minded people do not mark cars, break windscreens because they do not like a bumper sticker. Reactionary/consrvatives very often cause damage to vehicles displaying messages contrary to their positions. They feel (not think) they have a right to tell others what to think and how to express themselves.
It is a specious assertion that liberals stand for a welfare state among other things. I suppose it is only liberals who subscribe to New Testament offerings that we should help the less fortunate, we should strive for fairness in all dealings, love our neighbors, etc. Reactionaries/conservatives spout individual responsibility, but practice corporate welfare. Unchallenged subsidies, guarantees, cost overruns, monopolistic contracting in billions of dollars are available to giant corporations. Reactionaries have the gall to decry a few (I repeat, a few) contracts to black companies to provide $65,000 worth of furniture, $400,000 worth of asphalt, et al, amounting never to more that $1 million each. The totality of affirmative action contracts awarded to black comapnies last year does not exceed the cost overrun paid to General Dynamics on one submarine contract.
Multiculturalism. It is a fact. The complexion of this nation is changing. Reactionaries should take a page from the book they ask us to read. Get over it and quit whining. Move on. Whites will be in the national minority in due course. They fear that what was done unto others may be their fate under changing and different circumstances. Folks with clear consciences should not fear this coming phenomenon. I embrace it.
Why is this nation hated so abroad? It is not the nation that is hated. It is the power structure and its representative face: White males. Having visited over 90 different nations and being able to hold discourse with different elements on all continents (Europe is not a continent), I have heard the voices of many express their unappreciation. The handlers of Clarence and Ward embody those objects of hatred. It is for good reason they are disliked. Most of the world's people live at tiptoe stance, not knowing from where the meals for tomorrow will come. They are not stupid. They know when things are uneven. They know their despotic rulers are acting on behalf of U.S. and lesser foreign interests. No one has to tell them that. They tolerate, persevere, endure until all boils over. Then they go on seemingly mindless rampages of unbridled rage. They are not after progressives. They want release from the conservatives. Downtrodden people in many places say that white male conservatives are incapable of honesty, dcency, fairness, empathy and justice. They cry out why is this happening to us? What have we done to faceless people who have never been to our village? They see their gold, diamonds, oil, minerals, agricultural products leaving their shores for pittances of compensation.
Why Clarence, Jesse Lee, Ward andco. believe they have much in common with their handlers is beyond reason. The 10% that owns 90% of this nation's bounty are phylogetenically incapable of having the likes of those who "stray from the reservation" in their midsts. This cadre may do their bidding by sowing confusion and dissent, but they can never be part of the oligarchy. Many of us liberals choose not to attempt entry into those halls of the mighty.
We who believe in a "paternalistic" government want one thing from that government: ...establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
Conservatives stand for status quo. Liberals want change. Conservatives only oppose (abolition of slavery and segregation; Christianity). They propose nothing of value for the public. Creativity and growth occur under liberal leadership. War, pestilence, misery occur under conservatives. Conservatives misunderstand (and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt) simple principles of economics. Poor people make the economy move. Money in their hands provide benefits to many. Money in the hands of conservatives benefits only conservatives. Poor people simply want to live easier. They spend their money to provide that ease. They buy cars, washing machines, TVs, VCRs, CD players, clothes, and other consumables. This creates jobs. Conservatives park their money in offshore bank accounts and avoid paying taxes. Yet, conservatives are the first to demand war to correct slights to their positions and well being. They who contribute little to the treasury demand and get the most in return. Selfish blighters. They are the first to call themselves Christian. And are the first to refute Christian teachings.
I would say this type of generalized tripe in your article message is typical of whites who would tell us how to deal with our painful experiences that continue to today in this society. I wonder what the reaction would be to the situation faced by Jews in Warsaw in 1939. That experience, though somewhat different in scale and scope, holds similarities to our plight.
Jews who advocated what Clarence, Thomas, Walter and Ward propose, were similarly treated and somethimes put to death in Warsaw. Clarence and friends urge cooperation with those who wish us ill and on the oppressors' terms. Jews who pushed for cooperation with the occupying Nazis used the same arguments as Clarence and co.
What is the level of mistreatment Clarence and friends receive? They are unmolested physically, but castigated verbally for their opinions. Right wingers do not died for their beliefs. Only progressive voices are silenced: MLK, JFK, RFK, MX. I cannot recall any dropout/uneducated Rush Limbaugh types getting murdered. This is the American way. The nail that sticks up gets hammered. Can conservatives (reactionaries) point fingers? With honesty they can not. The level of hatred levelled at President Clinton from the day he WON election fairly and squarely is without parallel in anyone's experience. Reactionaries put the m in mistreatment. Even Richard Nixon (Watergate, Allende, CREEP) and the amiable idiot Ronald Reagan (Iranian Hostage crisis, Nicaraguan Contras, Iranian Arms deals) were treated decently when they were shown to have attempted hijacking of the constitution.
This is not a nation of free speech. One who has the temerity to express an opinion in public must be prepared to receive vilification, if one is progressive minded. No one shoots reactionaries. Reactionaries are the ones with the shooter mentality. As far as one might generalize, blacks do not display political bumper stickers on their automobiles that support liberal causes/candidates; only conservatives do. When last have you seen one on a black person's vehicle? There is a reason for that. It simply is dangerous to do so. Liberal minded people do not mark cars, break windscreens because they do not like a bumper sticker. Reactionary/consrvatives very often cause damage to vehicles displaying messages contrary to their positions. They feel (not think) they have a right to tell others what to think and how to express themselves.
It is a specious assertion that liberals stand for a welfare state among other things. I suppose it is only liberals who subscribe to New Testament offerings that we should help the less fortunate, we should strive for fairness in all dealings, love our neighbors, etc. Reactionaries/conservatives spout individual responsibility, but practice corporate welfare. Unchallenged subsidies, guarantees, cost overruns, monopolistic contracting in billions of dollars are available to giant corporations. Reactionaries have the gall to decry a few (I repeat, a few) contracts to black companies to provide $65,000 worth of furniture, $400,000 worth of asphalt, et al, amounting never to more that $1 million each. The totality of affirmative action contracts awarded to black comapnies last year does not exceed the cost overrun paid to General Dynamics on one submarine contract.
Multiculturalism. It is a fact. The complexion of this nation is changing. Reactionaries should take a page from the book they ask us to read. Get over it and quit whining. Move on. Whites will be in the national minority in due course. They fear that what was done unto others may be their fate under changing and different circumstances. Folks with clear consciences should not fear this coming phenomenon. I embrace it.
Why is this nation hated so abroad? It is not the nation that is hated. It is the power structure and its representative face: White males. Having visited over 90 different nations and being able to hold discourse with different elements on all continents (Europe is not a continent), I have heard the voices of many express their unappreciation. The handlers of Clarence and Ward embody those objects of hatred. It is for good reason they are disliked. Most of the world's people live at tiptoe stance, not knowing from where the meals for tomorrow will come. They are not stupid. They know when things are uneven. They know their despotic rulers are acting on behalf of U.S. and lesser foreign interests. No one has to tell them that. They tolerate, persevere, endure until all boils over. Then they go on seemingly mindless rampages of unbridled rage. They are not after progressives. They want release from the conservatives. Downtrodden people in many places say that white male conservatives are incapable of honesty, dcency, fairness, empathy and justice. They cry out why is this happening to us? What have we done to faceless people who have never been to our village? They see their gold, diamonds, oil, minerals, agricultural products leaving their shores for pittances of compensation.
Why Clarence, Jesse Lee, Ward andco. believe they have much in common with their handlers is beyond reason. The 10% that owns 90% of this nation's bounty are phylogetenically incapable of having the likes of those who "stray from the reservation" in their midsts. This cadre may do their bidding by sowing confusion and dissent, but they can never be part of the oligarchy. Many of us liberals choose not to attempt entry into those halls of the mighty.
We who believe in a "paternalistic" government want one thing from that government: ...establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.