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- NEST Love -


Dec 24, 2002
ALL - I repeated it a hundred times this weekend, but here it goes for one last time. I have great friends, awesome family and am pretty happy with my life overall. That having been said, I never feel as amazing, loved, accepted, content, confidant, like I can completely be myself, secure, beautiful and happy as I do at a gathering, and every single person there is a part of that. The love at these things is overpowering, and there's nothing like it. I just want to thank everybody who was there for making the experience one of the best I've ever had.

Lee – Thank you for all your hard work and amazing job well done this year. Once again, you created something precious and irreplaceable for us to share. You're an amazing friend, and somebody that I feel so lucky to have gotten closer to over the past months. Seeing you is always a pleasure. Can't wait until next time. Oh, and how could I possibly forget the pom-poms?? Best. Gift. Evar. :bubbleheart:

My beautiful 13 – Babygirl, where do I start. Once again you were a highlight of my weekend. Your energy and spirit are amazing, and my experience would not have been what it was without you there. Our friendship is irreplaceable, and means the world to me. We srsly IFD'ed the shit outta this gathering. Thank you for making everything around you a little more beautiful, especially me. P.S. I joined forces with you so I would never have to experience your wrath – fucking a, Gin. Your pwning skills haz a major win. :ily:

Wife – Having you there this weekend enhanced my entire experience. I can't even begin to express the love I have for you. You are amazing, beautiful, smart and funny, and I could not be more proud to call you my Wife. Way to rock the naughty teacher thang, and sorry for keeping you awake all night every night – okay not really – it was pretty fucking hilarious. Thanks for taking epic pictures of my boobs, and for the badly needed cuddles Sunday night. Sorry my tears burned your retinas. I love you. P.S. You're a lee. Please don't forget again, kthx :ily:

Rhino – My husband. You were one of my hardest goodbyes. As usual, you had a huge hand in making my weekend wonderful. You were my first, favorite and most successful Speed Date. No one makes me laugh like you do (in one way or the next), and I have yet to find anything that even comes close to Rhino cuddles. Thank you for all the love. You make me feel beautiful.

Amanda – Would you rather eat 3 tablespoons of the ashes of your dead cat or snort three lines of the ashes of someone else's dead cat? I am so happy that we have gotten closer these past months. No one shares insanity with me and is completely inappropriate with me quite the way you do. It was so beautiful to watch you this weekend, and be part of your amazing act at the talent show and Rob's match game. Spending time with you is always a wonderful and...unique experience LOL I love you, babygirl. This morning is bullshit.

Katie – My little herna, it's been so wonderful to watch you grow from the timid little thing I met a year ago to the beautiful, sexy, confidant woman you're becoming. I love you so much, and I can't tell you how happy I am that we've gotten so close. You were absolutely hilarious during Distraction and your kidnapping, but you held it together and did the Dream Team proud. I love you, babygirl.

Zach – my toy! I love you so much – more than you probably understand. You are an amazing person, and I'm amazed and thankful that we've gotten so ridiculously close in such a short amount of time. You are sincerely one of my best friends, and I value and cherish you so much. Thanks for letting me totally own you during Speed Dating, and anti-thanks for making my 13 turn on me unexpectedly :doh: You are stupidly strong, by the way. Srsly, it was fun and surprising getting owned by you. Thanks for being fucking amazing.

Rob – MOW MY LAWN!! Cabana Bob – your harem has serious love for you. Thanks for the countless Chunky Monkeys – they were epic. You're very much a gentleman, and it's never anything but a pleasure to spend time with you. Thank you so much for the gifts. They were adorable and the whole thing was very creative and thoughtful.

Donkey & Sarah – It was so wonderful to see you two again. You're both funny and refreshing and I just love being around you. You're so beautiful together. I can't wait to come to NY to see you again, or for you to come to a Philly munch :happyhop: I love you both. Thanks for losing Catch Phrase 😛

Kelby & Meg – OMG if you two were any cuter I'd have to stab myself in the heart. Srsly, you are two of the sweetest people I have ever met, and I could not love hanging out with you more. You guys are beautiful, and I fully expect to see you at future Philly munches. It was fantastic to spend more time with you this year than last year. Thanks for being my dinner partners! Anti-thanks for making me eat a flower LOL :ily:

Gregg – Wow, you did a bitchin' Johnny Cash (minus forgetting the lyrics) and whatever that other song you did was ( j slash k! LOL) Srsly, you made me swoon with your epic guitar skills :sing: It's always wonderful to see you. Thanks for teaching me proper group eating etiquette LOL ILY

Pokey – You have got to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met. It's always so wonderful to see you. Thank you so much for the candy. That was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. You are absolutely amazing and so refreshing. Your wife is a lucky gal 🙂 Take care :Kiss2:

Infidel – As always it was fantastic to see you again :bubbleheart: Thanks for being the official NEST photographer and taking pictures for the rest of us lazy fuckers to perv on 😛 I hope that despite all the work YOU got to have some fun! See you at NHLee? :bubbleheart:

Mike – Date!! :pounce: I'm sorry I was a shitty date and made you sit at a different table :doh: I'm so glad I got to see you this weekend. You are one of the most charming guys I have ever met. Hope to see you at the next one! :bubbleheart:

Dino the awesome waiter at Nifty Fifties – Best. Waiter. Ever. Thanks for the epic hats and embarrassing the shit outta natural. And thanks for looking like House :faint:

Jay – Thanks for being on MY team for Catch Phrase. There's no way I would be able to give clues with you in my ear LOL The trip to Nifty Fifties was epic and wonderful. *slaps & grabs face* “You listen to me!” “.....that was hot” LOL By the way, I totally think someone ended up eating my boob cookies. :ily:

Brent – My other half of the BCC :lovestory: It's so awesome to travel to and from gatherings with you. It's so much easier to leave when you get to take a little piece of it with you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show how ferocious I really am :lion: Get me the information on next year's tryouts and I'll see if I can make it 😛 ILY boo

Jo – It was so awesome not spending any time with you at all. It was really great to see you in passing and say hi and squee and ily and you're beautiful, and not have any real depth to our interaction. I can't wait to not hang out with you again. I know you've got a kid and responsibilities and all, but if you're not at the next gathering, I'm not going to have anyone to not hang out with, so try to be thoughtful and make sure that you come so I'm not stuck missing not seeing you at all, kthx :ily:

Natural – Wow Operation Big Black Birthday was an uber success this time, and we have you to thank. Well, actually we've got Dino to thank. We've got you to laugh at 😛 Srsly, you're a great sport. It's always great to see you, boo. We missed out on our cuddles this time, but next time fo sho :bubbleheart:

Bella – As always, it was wonderful to see you this weekend. We didn't get to spend much time together, but as usual your typical Mama B TLC helped make the goodbyes slightly less excruciating. Your friendship means so much to me, and I want you to know how glad I always am to see you. Love you, mama :bubbleheart:

Bruce – It was great to see you make it out! I heard lots of buzzing about you, so I see you left your mark (so to speak) on several of the ladies once again :dom: I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you, but it was really great to see you. I hope that you had a terrific time :twohugs:

Big Dogg – You are, without a doubt, one of my FAVORITE newbies! It was so fantastic to get to know you this weekend. You are awesome and funny and one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Your cuddles are amazerful, and I had an incredible time hanging out with you. I really hope that you're able to make it to something before NEST 2011 :bubbleheart:

Luke – MESSAGE! I am especially glad that you came out this weekend. It wouldn't have been nearly the same without you there. I'm also glad that you had such a good time. I hope you went home feeling happy and refreshed, because you deserve it! Love you, boo.

Morgan – Thanks for everything. You are one of the most sincere and gentle people I have ever met, and I appreciate you more than you know. I hope that you had a great time this weekend. I want to see you again soon, plzkthx.

Christina – We didn't get to spend a lot of time together, but I guess that's okay since we live so close and can munch it up anytime we want I hope you had a ton of fun this weekend. See you again soon!!

Mel – Adulterous lover of my first wife – it's always awesome to see you. You and Jay have the best sense of humor – putting you together and watching is just awesome LOL I know you're gonna be busy the next several weeks, but we have to make it a point to spend some time together very soon. Love you, babygirl :bubbleheart:

Scottish Kevin – Thanks for sharing a bed with me and my Wife, if even for only one night. Sorry that you had to have Wifey's boobs pressed up against you all night LOL I'm glad you had fun at your first NEST!

Team Canada – Forgive my laziness, but this is already far too long. It was awesome to see you all again. You all bring something special to the gatherings, and it wouldn't be the same without you all there. Special thanks to Laura for being part of the cuddle-orgy that took place Sunday night :bubbleheart:

Norm – It was great to meet you, and I'm so glad that you had such a great time! Now I'll be able to tag along to the next fetlife munch you go to and not be a huge scaredy cat LOL I hope you realize that now that we've all met and you live so close you're going to be obligated to hang out with us on a semi-regular basis.

HDS - As always, it was wonderful to see you. Sorry you hurt your ankle doing that ninja move. You're an amazing friend and put others before yourself to a fault. I love you so much, and I will come and throw you in my trunk and kidnap you to the next gathering if you try to say you can't come. :bubbleheart:

Spotman/Spotlady – It was so much fun sharing that TERRIBLE Ruby Tuesday's experience with you guys LOL It was awesome to get the opportunity to talk with you both a little more this time around. You're both super sweet, and I look forward to seeing you next time!

Kassi – It was great to talk to you more this weekend! Karaoke was an absolutely awesome idea. I had a ton of fun. Your lack of filter created some awesome quotes LOL I hope to see you at the next one!

Sanna & Ru – It wasn't the same without you two there. You were talked about and missed much of the time. Sanna, we honored your spirit with shouts of “GAYYYYY” throughout the weekend. And Ru, I missed you really hard when Zach shouted angrily at the ATM voice “Why the fuck are you British?!?” I hope to see both you again much sooner rather than later :bubbleheart:

Kered – It's always so great to see you 🙂 You're sense of humor rocks. I LOVE the little rhino :excited: Thanks for not asking me any questions about Akoiadfa Kura;lkdfasda.

– Congrats on your first NEST! I hope you had a great time! Thanks for letting IFD pwn you It was great to meet you. Hope to see you next year!

Lastly, I'd like to extend an extra special thanks to everyone who contributed to my Skippy Litter gift 😛 It was an adorable idea, and each little thing in there meant so much to me. From beautiful jewelry to yummy nomz to a little rhino figurine to keep me in my place at home 😛 It was amazing and just looking at it makes me realize how incredibly lucky I am to have found such beautiful friends. I love you all more than you know.

I know there were a lot more people that I met, and I don't intentionally leave anyone out. If I talked to you, chances are I thought you were awesome, so please PM me or friend request me or whatever. I just can't possibly remember everyone and keep names and faces straight. Everybody I interacted with made this gathering a huge success for me. I love you all.
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I promise we will do something. Thank you for the an awesome weekend lovey.

P.S.: You have beautiful cookie tits. <3
LMFAO. I fucking love you so much I want to kill 5 billion little kids in your honor.
Love ya baby girl! C'mon, I think we need to get another Shark drink... whatcha think?
LMFAO. I fucking love you so much I want to kill 5 billion little kids in your honor.
Can I just tell you that when I first read this I thought you said 5 million kittens and I was like NOO!!! Then I realized you said 5 million kids and I was like, oh okay. :facepalm: ILY
I forgive you on the date if you forgive me for making you cry sunday after you finally finished crying over everyone else
and dont forget
Skippy, thank love. I always know I am at NEST when I get a hug from you girl. Keep rockin!! :twohugs: :redheart:
Sorry for showing up so late 🙁

Still, it was great to see you again Skippy 😉 Take good care of yout kitties 🙂

And thanks for passing my insult to Brent on the phone :thumbsup: I had been waitting a long long year for that 😀

Big hug
Skippy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully your Skippy Litter is in a well deserved place. 😀

I love you and miss you. I am arranging time to go and mow your lawn as we speak.

You are EPIC, the word was created for you.

I miss you so much right now, Wife, that it shouldn't even be humanly possible. Next time I'm at your house, I'm biting your cats face off and showing him who's boss...then stuffing it in your mouth so I can sleep. <3
Skippy! We'll have to see what the next gathering brings, although if you're going to kidnap me, I want to ride in the back seat at the least. Jeeze. 😛 Always a pleasure, and I'm sorry they used my room and the baldisax birthday bash to give you a taste of your own medicine. 😛
Thanks Skip. Were definitely going to be hanging out more. I think I may have to actually start using TMF more then fetlife at some point. Maybe I should fill out my profile here while I'm at it....

and dont forget

OMG I will never forget!! YOU don't forget!! :bubbleheart: :bubbleheart: :bubbleheart:

I miss you so much right now, Wife, that it shouldn't even be humanly possible. Next time I'm at your house, I'm biting your cats face off and showing him who's boss...then stuffing it in your mouth so I can sleep. <3

Good! He deserves it!! (I, on the other hand, do not!)

I'm sorry they used my room and the baldisax birthday bash to give you a taste of your own medicine. 😛

Hey, I held my own! :lion:
Two NESTs and you've already become an institution.

Miss you already.

R & M
There are no words. You are easily the best part of my gathering experience every time. I fucking love you more than you could ever know. You're right; our friendship is irreplaceable.
I love you Skipz! And we must hang out very soon. Seriously though...boobs on my back...not a problem. Purr apologized too. I'm happy to provide my back for that at any time. 😀
I always enjoy your hugs. Looking forward to another munch together.:twohugs:
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