Many of the web finds people post are found through searches using the word 'tickle' or a variant. If the caption underneath a picture reads 'cory tickles samantha,' it comes up in their search. The actual tickling is not neccessarily evident in the picture, and the ticklee's reaction may not suggest tickling, either. Personally, I try to post images that are clear-cut and ignore the other ones. However, most ticklefiles that have ever taken a picture of someone being tickled probably know how difficult it can be capturing such a potentially fleeting moment. Therefore, the majority of the pictures that are posted on the internet and that come up under a search for tickling on not obvious examples of tickling or tickling reactions, are badly blurred (sometimes due to the reaction), were taken after the tickling had already taken place, etc. Every now and again, though, you turn-up one that was taken at the right moment in time from the right angle of someone who is ticklish.