I also must agree about the content of the clips in the member section(i looove gabrielle, is my dream come true ^_^ ); but the quality of the clips is the problem; or better; not the bitrate, but the encoding 🙁
The realmedia clips seems to have some problems (they start, then you'll see that it seems to accellerate the image, then it return to normal after 1-2 seconds...this for all the clips 🙁 )but also the other clips sometimes have some strange audio artifacts (like noises or clicks, but not so often as described by t7 ), but anyway i can watch the clips without problems, so i think that is a problem of the computer that encoded the videos...maybe is too slow or the one that make those clips was using other programs while the encoder was working (bad thing if you haven't a lot of ram and a big fast processor ^_^).
In the end....for me is ok; also because for the price that i paid for the memebrship, if you look at the contents, i have more than other sites that ask more money and gave to me bad clips with faking models ^_^