The deal that Ross was shown and told to "Feast His Eyes On" was in Lubbock Texas.
It was a very complex situation.
The deal was a parcel of land, which definitely had oil and gas on it.
It was ripe for development of a housing project, something which Ross, Fritz and Steve had done many years earlier , but had put on the :"back burner" for a long time.
"We were hoping that since you are upset with what is going on at and with RossShell, that you can and could stay up to a week. We really dont care if we do investor signings this trip. That is "Small Potatoes" compared to what this could potentially be. We want to go to Lubbock tomorrow for at least several days" Steve said.
"My head hurts, but you know like hell that I will call a nurse and stay. I just wont tell VP the details of how I feel. I know that if I go home, I will not be able to stay out of RossShell office, and will only end up upsetting myself more" Ross said.
"Good! We will go out to dinner tonight. You can find a nurse, and we will all go to Luboock tomorrow!" Steve said.
The men had dinner that night.
Ross had a nurse from the nursing company meet him at his hotel. Ross retained the nurse for a week. The nurse slept in the other room of Ross's suite, and Ross of course kept the door between the suite rooms open, in case Ross needed the nurse's services.
Ross called the VP
"VP, I have to stay down here for several days. We are not doing any regular oil deals here. We have to go to Luboock Texas to check things out. I asked the nursing company that a nurse please come over. The nurse is in the other room of the suite. I promise that I will have her help me, and go to the hospital if I dont feel well" Ross said.
Kayley sighed. "I dsnt like it, but I am going to bite my tongue, because I know that if you come home, you will rest one day at home, and go into RossShell anyway, so okay. Do what you have to, and you have the nurse to protect you" Kayley said.
"Kale, the way I feel right now, I am so upset and angry that I could sell RossShell and retire. I know that such is just an overreaction to a situation that Tom and the other lawyers will likely get me out of. I am just going to do my work here, try to forget about what is going on at RossShell, and I promise that I will be home by Saturday morning at latest" Ross said.
"That's fine. You have a nurse, and you are doing work with Mister P and Steve which you always do. I will say nothing. Please just go about your work, and please just call in every day. I love you, and take care of yourself"
Kayley said.
"I love you too, and I promise I will" Ross said.
The next morning, Ross checked out of that room. Ross, Fritz, Steve, and the nurse, flew to Lubbock Texas, where Ross, Fritz and Steve met with the people about the "wild deal"
"Thanks for coming. First things first. Since I know that you guys have not engaged in Real Estate deals for a long time, let's discuss the energy deal first. We have quite a few areas of oil and gas wells just ripe for drilling. We propose that we get involved with these wells, and as things progress, we get more deeply involved. Our initial asking is 100 million for the first section of wells. We know you will want to negotiate, so we are prepared to offer you a first deal discount of twenty five percent. Seventy Five million, and we can be raring to go!" Ian, the man involved with the deals, said.
"Ian, that sounds very feasible. As I'm sure you understand, we need to have the RFS geologists examine these numbers, and wells. We figure, thirty days to survey everything, and then if all goes well, we can sign and begin drilling within 30 to 60 days"Steve said.
Ian shook hands with Steve, Ross, and Fritz. "Just fine! Send in your geologists, and when all is done, if all pans out, we have a deal!" Ian boomed.
After dinner with Ian, their business was basically done.
Steve could see that Ross was fighting it.
"Ross, we made a major step. Mister P and I ask that you please make a flight home tomorrow, and go take care of yourself. Neither of us likes the way you look, and we are not doing any regular shows anyway" Steve said.
Ross saluted Fritz and Steve. "Yes, Sirs. I will go home, take care of myself, and be back ASAP"
Ross went back to the hotel, told the nurse the plans, and then called Kayley.
"VP, I am in Lubbock Texas. We met a new guy, Ian, who we are trying to work out a major new project with. Neither Steve nor Mister P like how I look, so I will be home tomorrow night" Ross said.
"I'm relieved to hear you say that. Ross, when you come home, please just come to the apartment, get into bed, do not trouble yourself about RossShell, and just be happy about the hopefully good new deal" Kayley said.
"Aye, Aye, VP See you tomorrow night" Ross said.
Ross and the nurse took a plane from Lubbock to Dallas, changed, went to JFK, and then went back to Ross and Kayley's apartment
It was about 5 pm Kayley had just gotten home.
Ross, as he was walking into the building lobby, was handed two big FEDEX envelopes with unknown papers.
Ross took the envelopes, went upstairs, kissed Kayley hello, and went to change his clothes.
The nurse was relieved by another nurse, Paula, who planned to stay overnight, in case Ross had a problem, since it was known that Ross was not feeling well.
Ross sat on the couch with Kayley next to him.
Ross opened the FEDEX envelopes, looked at the contents, and his face turned pale white.
"Ross? Sweetie what on earth is the matter?" Kayley said, her voice extremely worried as she went to take Ross's hand.
"Trouble, Kale. Big Big Trouble! I must call Alan Hell and Tom first thing in the morning. The "Controlled problem " which I gave to Alan and Tom seems to suddenly be spiraling into a hurricane which is getting stronger. I want to put this aside, look at it when I am more clear headed, and then digest it, as my Dad likes to say, before calling anyone. I also have to call the neurologist tomorrow. I have to prepare you, Kayley. There is likely a significant amount of trouble coming I am going to try to stay calm, give it to the lawyers, and let them figure it out. I ask that you please do so as well" Ross said.
As RFS was sailing along, RossShell seemed to be almost inviting more trouble., whether Ross liked it or not.
What was the "new bit of trouble" which Ross had received in the FEDEX envelope?
How would it be handled by Tom and or Alan and anyone Alan recommended?
That would all be seen. *
It was a very complex situation.
The deal was a parcel of land, which definitely had oil and gas on it.
It was ripe for development of a housing project, something which Ross, Fritz and Steve had done many years earlier , but had put on the :"back burner" for a long time.
"We were hoping that since you are upset with what is going on at and with RossShell, that you can and could stay up to a week. We really dont care if we do investor signings this trip. That is "Small Potatoes" compared to what this could potentially be. We want to go to Lubbock tomorrow for at least several days" Steve said.
"My head hurts, but you know like hell that I will call a nurse and stay. I just wont tell VP the details of how I feel. I know that if I go home, I will not be able to stay out of RossShell office, and will only end up upsetting myself more" Ross said.
"Good! We will go out to dinner tonight. You can find a nurse, and we will all go to Luboock tomorrow!" Steve said.
The men had dinner that night.
Ross had a nurse from the nursing company meet him at his hotel. Ross retained the nurse for a week. The nurse slept in the other room of Ross's suite, and Ross of course kept the door between the suite rooms open, in case Ross needed the nurse's services.
Ross called the VP
"VP, I have to stay down here for several days. We are not doing any regular oil deals here. We have to go to Luboock Texas to check things out. I asked the nursing company that a nurse please come over. The nurse is in the other room of the suite. I promise that I will have her help me, and go to the hospital if I dont feel well" Ross said.
Kayley sighed. "I dsnt like it, but I am going to bite my tongue, because I know that if you come home, you will rest one day at home, and go into RossShell anyway, so okay. Do what you have to, and you have the nurse to protect you" Kayley said.
"Kale, the way I feel right now, I am so upset and angry that I could sell RossShell and retire. I know that such is just an overreaction to a situation that Tom and the other lawyers will likely get me out of. I am just going to do my work here, try to forget about what is going on at RossShell, and I promise that I will be home by Saturday morning at latest" Ross said.
"That's fine. You have a nurse, and you are doing work with Mister P and Steve which you always do. I will say nothing. Please just go about your work, and please just call in every day. I love you, and take care of yourself"
Kayley said.
"I love you too, and I promise I will" Ross said.
The next morning, Ross checked out of that room. Ross, Fritz, Steve, and the nurse, flew to Lubbock Texas, where Ross, Fritz and Steve met with the people about the "wild deal"
"Thanks for coming. First things first. Since I know that you guys have not engaged in Real Estate deals for a long time, let's discuss the energy deal first. We have quite a few areas of oil and gas wells just ripe for drilling. We propose that we get involved with these wells, and as things progress, we get more deeply involved. Our initial asking is 100 million for the first section of wells. We know you will want to negotiate, so we are prepared to offer you a first deal discount of twenty five percent. Seventy Five million, and we can be raring to go!" Ian, the man involved with the deals, said.
"Ian, that sounds very feasible. As I'm sure you understand, we need to have the RFS geologists examine these numbers, and wells. We figure, thirty days to survey everything, and then if all goes well, we can sign and begin drilling within 30 to 60 days"Steve said.
Ian shook hands with Steve, Ross, and Fritz. "Just fine! Send in your geologists, and when all is done, if all pans out, we have a deal!" Ian boomed.
After dinner with Ian, their business was basically done.
Steve could see that Ross was fighting it.
"Ross, we made a major step. Mister P and I ask that you please make a flight home tomorrow, and go take care of yourself. Neither of us likes the way you look, and we are not doing any regular shows anyway" Steve said.
Ross saluted Fritz and Steve. "Yes, Sirs. I will go home, take care of myself, and be back ASAP"
Ross went back to the hotel, told the nurse the plans, and then called Kayley.
"VP, I am in Lubbock Texas. We met a new guy, Ian, who we are trying to work out a major new project with. Neither Steve nor Mister P like how I look, so I will be home tomorrow night" Ross said.
"I'm relieved to hear you say that. Ross, when you come home, please just come to the apartment, get into bed, do not trouble yourself about RossShell, and just be happy about the hopefully good new deal" Kayley said.
"Aye, Aye, VP See you tomorrow night" Ross said.
Ross and the nurse took a plane from Lubbock to Dallas, changed, went to JFK, and then went back to Ross and Kayley's apartment
It was about 5 pm Kayley had just gotten home.
Ross, as he was walking into the building lobby, was handed two big FEDEX envelopes with unknown papers.
Ross took the envelopes, went upstairs, kissed Kayley hello, and went to change his clothes.
The nurse was relieved by another nurse, Paula, who planned to stay overnight, in case Ross had a problem, since it was known that Ross was not feeling well.
Ross sat on the couch with Kayley next to him.
Ross opened the FEDEX envelopes, looked at the contents, and his face turned pale white.
"Ross? Sweetie what on earth is the matter?" Kayley said, her voice extremely worried as she went to take Ross's hand.
"Trouble, Kale. Big Big Trouble! I must call Alan Hell and Tom first thing in the morning. The "Controlled problem " which I gave to Alan and Tom seems to suddenly be spiraling into a hurricane which is getting stronger. I want to put this aside, look at it when I am more clear headed, and then digest it, as my Dad likes to say, before calling anyone. I also have to call the neurologist tomorrow. I have to prepare you, Kayley. There is likely a significant amount of trouble coming I am going to try to stay calm, give it to the lawyers, and let them figure it out. I ask that you please do so as well" Ross said.
As RFS was sailing along, RossShell seemed to be almost inviting more trouble., whether Ross liked it or not.
What was the "new bit of trouble" which Ross had received in the FEDEX envelope?
How would it be handled by Tom and or Alan and anyone Alan recommended?
That would all be seen. *