Hi Gina, my name is Mitch. Welcome to the TMF. I would love to get to know you better. I have left you a message in your TMF private message box. To access it, go to the bottom of the second page after you enter the forums where is says private message, and click on your name, the message will be there. I gave you a bit of an intro about myself, and asked you just a couple of questions that I hope you wont mind answering. As you've seen from the messages posted, you have joined us at a time when the chat is down. We are hoping it will come back soon, but we really dont know. Normally we are a close knit group on here. I have been here since last August, and consider the TMF to be like my second family. Anyhow, welcome again, and take care, I hope to hear from you soon with either a private message or email.
All the best,