Nice to see you here.
Nice to see another TMF member who is not hypnotized by female feet.
Hope to read more posts by you.
Let me echo Hollywood's words and encourage you to consider them carefully. Our (i.e., us men) chances of connecting with a 'Lee/'Ler through the TMF alone are approximately non-existent. (I ran some reasonable numbers once, and came up with something like 0.0008, if I remember correctly).
Still, you (and I and the others) need friends. It's nice to know that normal intelligent contributing members of society are here, and that we're not subjects for argument in the "Crime Or Mental Illness ?" debates.
I have found that setting up a Yahoo Messenger account and ID have provided me with a healthy dose (meaning not too much, but not too little) of friendly conversation with other men and women who are intelligent, contributing, stable individuals.
Yes, indeed, I have run into an <I><B> OCCASIONAL </B></I> internet golden nutzo. He/She gets removed from my list at once. So don't expect this to be the Ivy League Alumni gathering or anything.
You will find sensible sane people with some good words to put in your ear.
I try to spend at least ten minutes a week in voice chat with at least one other member from the TMF. There are about 6 or 7 such people on my list. You (and anyone else reading, for that matter) are invited to contact me to get on my list as well.
We seldom discuss tickling or cyber-tickling, or whatever. We normally just talk about stuff in general. Believe me, you need those kind of friends.
I guess I'm trying to say that we (i.e., the TMF members ourselves) need each other more than others need us.
I'll let the semantic impossibility of that statement stand as written. Whatever, ditch the notion that you'll find your dream girl here; believe me, you won't (although I'll be delighted for you to prove me wrong). Do connect with other members (I try my best to have both men and women on my list) and make friends who TRULY understand your state of mind. Requirements include reasonable skills with your personal speaking abilities and one ounce of good manners in dealing with strangers. Amazing thing, after awhile, they aren't strangers anymore.