Ok...I sent you the pics. Now some clarifacation. Yes, you are right that if a person "included" the photos in a regular HTML document (webpage), then we could simply goto the URL and see all the pics. This is true...BUT, GeoCities is simply NOT just pulling down photos as soon as they are back up. GeoCities does NOT ALLOW "DIRECT" linking to anyone who has a FREE account and tries to link to their personal "File Storage." It's as simple as that...and they have also installed a bandwidth rule...once a user has exceded their bandwidth limitations, Noone can see nothing no matter what...pages, images, sounds...ZERO...until the new monthly bandwidth cycle.
I believe the reason this happened was because when WebTv was very popular for a while, people were using places like GeoCities, Tripod and Angelfire to store graphics at...then they were using these graphics in their e-mail sigs OR since alot of webtv users did not know how to download stuff they would link to others files and the bandwidth was outrageous!!! It was causing all the services (servers) to slow up big time as well as caused system problems that continually needed maintenance.
I will prove it. Here is a text link to one of the photos.
Now either copy and paste it in your address bar or left click, hold down and DRAG it to the address bar and let go!!!!
Now notice if you just try to click on the link, it will not work...why??? Because it is trying to link to a FILE instead of an HTML document and that is a No-NO. Notice it says patr2.jpg...that is a specific file name...not a path to a web page. Now if the pic was INCLUDED in the WEBPAGE, then it would work therefore having either a .htm/.html extension. Hope this helps clear things up about this.
REMINDER TO ALL:::if the user of this site has passed bandwidth limitations, NOTHING will work!!!!