Nikki Sebastian is a VERY ticklish (not to mention hot) girl. And who better to tickle dominate her than her best friend, (also hot!) Jade Indica? And let me tell you, Jade is an EXCELLENT ler; so taunting and degrading! She even plays nice and kisses Nikki to distract her and then tricks her by digging her fingers into her ribs! How cruel! And Jade does a NUMBER on Nikki's feet; holding them in her lap even though they are already tied together. She forces Nikki to open her legs so that she can get to her ticklish inner thighs and Nikki reluctantly obeys. Poor Nikki is not only being physically tortured, but mentally tortured. And what could be better than that? *evil smile*
*Gosh, Jade and Nikki go together like mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmm..
They have such awesome chemistry, we just HAD to pair them together. Hope you all enjoy this special erotic event! 🙂*
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Bye for now! Have a great day!
Addie Juniper