F/M tickling
I agree with Alphafoot and DeNiro, F/M tickling is what is lacking
in the tickling community. Oh, I know all you's are saying, F/F or
M/F only, but hey,like it was mentioned before, to each his own and as long as we have a say in this matter, I say, F/M tickling is what should be on you new site. That Tiscalsa guy is a pain in my rump with his promises, I remember him from 2 years ago, promising this and that. The only reason I can see him active again is because clicking on those ads are generating revenue for him, he don't care about us looking for these tickling F/M material. He thinks we are chumps. Tiscalsa is like Pete Rose, only see him when there's a buck to be made, otherwise the hell with you's! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Take her easy, if you don't take her easy, take her twice!