ipptkl40 TMF Master Joined Jan 2, 2003 Messages 891 Points 0 May 4, 2006 #1 yessss, they 're tickling! Attachments 8694339_l.jpg 41.8 KB · Views: 1,318
Journia 3rd Level Blue Feather Joined Feb 15, 2006 Messages 5,627 Points 0 May 4, 2006 #2 I like sock tickling, but I never liked sapphic erotica. too close to pornography to me.
tickledgirl1 TMF Regular Joined Oct 15, 2004 Messages 267 Points 0 May 4, 2006 #3 Can you explain the difference (as you see it) between pornography and erotica? How does the lack of penises (penii? 🙂 ) move one way or the other? Sorry if that sounds nasty or challenging. I don't mean it to. I'm seriously wondering.
Can you explain the difference (as you see it) between pornography and erotica? How does the lack of penises (penii? 🙂 ) move one way or the other? Sorry if that sounds nasty or challenging. I don't mean it to. I'm seriously wondering.
Sockstickler 1st Level Black Feather Joined Nov 28, 2005 Messages 8,094 Points 0 May 4, 2006 #4 There's also a video clip to this over here. http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=18701&highlight=socks
There's also a video clip to this over here. http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=18701&highlight=socks