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New writer with a Gardenia fic! (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)


TMF Poster
Dec 16, 2004
So who was addicted to the fad 10 years ago?

(raises hand)

Who came back to it years later and realized it was way more than met the eye?

(raises hand)

That's why I decided Gardenia (a very attractive Gym Leader from the latest games) would be the target of my first work.

If you're not too keen on your knowledge of the latest Pokemon generation, it's okay, you don't have to know anything about that to enjoy. With that said...um...well...enjoy.

Leaning over the side of the cruise ship and sighing contentendly, Gardenia smiled. She gazed lazily over the vast blue ocean, waves crashing and splashing so playfully below her. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun above her shined a warm air upon the world below. It was, as Gardenia thought to herself as a cool breeze blew past her hair, a perfect day. She turned to lean backward against the railing of the ship and sat on the hardwood floor, pulling the travel brochure of the S.S. Anne out of her pocket and, once again, reading over it.

Travel the world on the ocean! the brochure declared. Admire the beautiful sights of the world of Pokemon as we sail world-wide on our luxurious cruise. In between various testimonials and features of the cruise, bright, vibrant pictures of far-off lands decorated the brochure, over which Gardenia's eyes scanned. Skimming the titles, she placed her finger on one of the pictures.

There it is. Johto. That's where I'm headed, She thought to herself, eyes drawn to the huge forest covering the western penninsula. That has to be the Ilex Forest, the one that Johto trainer that challenged me told me about. Just this picture makes it look so beautiful...I can't wait to get inside and experience it for myself! She happily closed the brochure, the boldfaced slogan "Next stop...THE WORLD!" decorating the back, and placed it in her pocket once more. I'm so excited! She giggled to herself and stood up to make her way to her cabin, but a voice over the intercom interrupted her.

"Will all passengers please take note: We are now arriving at the port town of Olivine City of the Johto region. We will be docking here for a few days, as is our custom on our long trip around the world. Will all passengers please prepare to leave the boat and enjoy the sights of Johto and the hospitality of Olivine City? Thank you again for traveling the S.S. Anne. Next stop...the world!"

"We're here! We're really here!" Gardenia squealed, hopping up and down in girlish excitement, running to her cabin. She quickly grabbed her supplies and found her way to the docking area of the ship, which was just now pulling into Johto's famed port town. She smiled at the happy Olivine townspeople who had come out to greet the famous boat. She happily walked down the bridge to the docks and greeted the town back, waving and smiling. She stood in the middle of the town and breathed in, letting all her excitement flow out so she could be calm. She turned to a brown-haired man in sandals walking beside her and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, sir?" He turned to her, peering through his glasses with a rough beard covering his chin. He wore a simple button-down shirt and khaki pants.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" He smiled warmly at her, adjusting his glasses. Gardenia couldn't help but smile back.

"Can you tell me which way I'd have to go to visit the Ilex Forest?"

"Ilex, you say?" The man rubbed his beard. "You'll have to go an awful long way to get there..."

Gardenia's smile slowly twitched. "L-Long way, you say?"

"Oh yeah, really long way...you'll have to head on north out of here," he said, pointing to the northern exit, "and continue along that route until you get to Ecruteak. You'll have to get from there to Goldenrod City, and the Ilex Forest will be a walk away from there. But tell me, if you wanted to get to the Ilex Forest, why didn't you stop at Saffron City in Kanto? There's a Magnet Train in that city that'll shoot you right to Goldenrod. It'd save you a lot of walking," he asked.

It was now a lot of work for Gardenia to keep her smile. Ugh! I didn't know there was a train in Kanto! Now I'm stuck here and I have to walk all that way! Oh, the things I do to explore new forests... "I...guess I was just so eager to travel on the S.S. Anne..." she said, trailing off. She was trying to think of something else to say to justify it less to him and more to herself, but the man began to laugh and talk once more.

"Well, I suppose you can't be faulted, can you? Beautiful thing, that cruise! Best way to travel in the world! You ask me, I say you had the right idea, ma'am!"

Now she was smiling even wider. "Oh, you think so?"

"Sure do!" He chuckled. "Of course, you still gotta make that walk."


Just walking to Ecruteak took the poor gym leader a whole day. She had to stop and rest for the night at that town before continuing south to Route 36. The walk from there to Goldenrod took another day, but when she finally got to Goldenrod, she was so tired and occupied by the pain in her legs that she stalked, zombie-like, through the entire town. It was only when she noticed the trees getting ever so closer, reaching towards the night sky, did she realize she had finally found Ilex Forest. Ignoring all pain in her legs and body, she began to run as fast as she could, into the forest, cheering and yelling in exuberant joy when she was surrounded by trees and plants, now relieved that her long journey was at an end. The relief lasted only a brief period before her legs began to ache once more in a cruel reminder that yes, they still hurt, and yes, she needed a rest. Gardenia dragged herself forward until she found herself standing in a small glade, which contained a lake in front of what appeared to be a small wood pedestal with carvings taking the forms of foreign letters, all surrounded by the forest. Kneeling to the ground to unlace her boots, she slipped them off of her large, sweating, aching feet, and set them to the side, wiggling her toes in an attempt to return feeling to them. Slowly dipping her toes into the cool lake water, she sighed loudly in relaxation and allowed her legs to submerge. She kicked her feet gently through the still water, and laid down on the forest grass. Her eyes blinked, quickly at first, but slowing down, down, until soon her eyes were closed, and from there, it was only a matter of time before she curled up, taking her feet out of the water, and fell asleep.


Someone's at my shrine! Oh my oh my. I haven't had people here for how long?

Oh, time doesn't matter to me. The important thing is now. And here she is! A visitor!

She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. I'd even call her cute. So cuuute. Aww! What a cute sleeping human girl!

I wonder if she'll play with me.

Vines slowly, silently extended from the trees surrounding Gardenia's sleeping form, and gently wrapped around her ankles and wrists. Gardenia unconciously shifted herself in her sleep to lay on her back at the touch, which allowed the vines to hold her wrists down to the ground, and another one slowly holding her down around her chest.

Gotta make sure she doesn't hurt herself...

When she was properly held down, it was time to wake her up. Two small vines sneaked through the ground up to Gardenia's large, bare feet. Slowly, one began to wiggle its tip over her sole, while the other snaked up her foot to slide in between her toes. The toes of each foot wiggled and Gardenia began to giggle.

"Hehe...cut it out...haha..."

Looks like I'll have to work haaar-derr~~

The vine surrounding her ankles wrapped around a few more times and lifted her feet off the ground so that it, too, could wiggle around and tickle Gardenia's feet, as did the ones around her wrist to poke around her armpits. This ever-so-gentle, yet renewed assault on her body slowly began to wake the girl up.

"Hahaha!! Stop it, stop it, I'm awa--huh?! What the...?!" As she struggled, a voice entered her head, a voice that was beautiful and melodic, like the whisper of spring winds across the trees.

Oh, yay. You're awake! Floating in front of her was a glowing being. It was a very small, light green and white fairy-like creature, with round feet and long arms ending in three-fingered hands. The fairy flew on small, clear wings, and had a round head that came up to a point in the back, with two antennae on the forehead. It smiled at her, staring with large, blue eyes. It didn't move its mouth to speak, it only communicated through Gardenia's mind. Hello, human girl, it said.

"Hunh...I know what you are...you're that Pokemon. The one that travels through time...Celebi!" Smiling and giggling, the creature did a backflip through the air.

Hooray! She knows me! Now will you play with me?

"Play with you...? Like how?"

Hmm...let's see...what shall we play... Celebi put its hand under its chin and mimed sitting on an invisible chair in the air. As it thought and tapped its chin, the vines at Gardenia's feet began to wriggle against her soles, causing her to struggle her feet slightly and chuckle. What's so funny? Celebi said, taking note of Gardenia's light laughter.

"It's...your vines. They tickle."

Seeming to order its thoughts, Celebi clapped its hands and smiled. That sounds fun! Let's do that!

"What, t-tickle? Wait, no, le--hahahaa!!" Gardenia's plea was interrupted as a vine began to snake between her toes again. Gardenia desperately attempted to catch the vine between her toes, but it was too slender and quick, darting around her foot and tickling the base of her toes, all while another vine stroked the sole of her other foot. Struggling and kicking her feet had no effect, and she was forced to suffer the foot tickling. "Hahahahahaa!! Ma-make it stahahap, Celebi! Hahahahaaa!!"

We're having so much fun! I wonder where else you're ticklish? As it spoke, more vines extended to tickle each of her armpits, as well as her exposed belly and sides. The vines touching her sensitive skin were cool and felt almost wet, possibly with morning dew. Their blunt tips wiggled into her body and forced her to laugh louder and harder. Tears were already streaming down Gardenia's cheeks from how hard she scrunched her eyes closed from the laughter. The vines wrapped around her stopped her from moving around any more than struggling weakly as she laughed.

"Celebi, nooo!! Hahahahaaa! Hehehehahaha, st-staaa-hahahahaaahaaa!!" Gardenia couldn't even plead for her to stop anymore. She could do nothing but surrender and fall into the awaiting arms of laughter's madness. She screamed and she cackled and she almost choked on her own breath, but all Celebi could see was her smile.

I see somewhere I haven't gone yet! Celebi's "voice" rang clear over her laughter, and when Gardenia looked up, the last thing she saw before throwing her head back onto the grass in hysterics was a vine slowly exploring the insides of her belly button.

"No! Nonon-HAHAHAAA, NOO, CELEBI, NOT THERE!! HAHAHAHAAA!!" Gardenia bucked and wiggled and screamed at Celebi to stop, and for once, her prayers seemed to be answered.

Oh, okay, if you so insist. The vine in her belly button then withdrew itself, to her relief, until she realized it was now tormenting each of her toes.

"NO, NO, WAIT, NOT THEHEHERE EITH--AHAHAHAAA!" Celebi scowled in mock irritation as Gardenia's toes wiggled against its vines and she continued to beg while still coherent.

Well, it's not fair to add rules to the game after we start! Don't go here, don't go there, how about if I just don't go anywhere!? With that, all of Celebi's vines retracted, and Gardenia was reduced to a sweating, panting ball of giggles on the grass floor in the lonely forest. Celebi was now glaring at Gardenia, which, after a moment, began to make the tickle-victim very uncomfortable.

"C-Celebi...are you okay...?"

No! I'm not okay! Though Celebi's mouth didn't move, its movements certainly radiated anger and just the slightest tone of hurt feelings. All I wanted from the first visitor I've had in I don't know how long was to laugh and play and have fun, and all you do is tell me to stop! You're not fun at all, human girl! With a small "humph" and a crossing of its arms, Celebi turned around and, in a manner very unfitting of a legendary forest spirit that traveled through time to protect others, began to pout. Despite the sheer childishness of Celebi's actions, Gardenia felt cruel all the same. Her mind was abuzz with contradicting thoughts and images, each of which crashed against each other and confused her more. All she knew was she was starting to piss off something that she knew she should not be pissing off, and she had to do something.

"Celebi, I...can I have a minute to explain?"

Celebi didn't budge. Explain what?

"Explain my point of view during our..." She paused, coming up with the right word, "...game." For what seemed like ages but only lasted seconds, Celebi slowly turned around to face Gardenia, less angry and more hurt.

Go ahead.

"Okay, here I go...I know I was laughing and laughing is always a sign of joy and fun. And I know from your point of view, I guess it kind of feels like I was lying to you or...changing the rules, like you said. But the reason I reacted like I did was because you surprised me. You didn't set any rules, Celebi. You appeared, woke me up, and tickled me silly. I'm generally not going to respond positivly to anything like that. Do you understand me so far, Celebi?" During Gardenia's speech, Celebi sat in the air in its thinking pose, listening deeply to what she said. Slowly, in a meek action, Celebi rubbed its arms gently.

...So you weren't actually having fun?

"Well...not...really. No." Celebi made a sighing noise of aggravation and held its arms out to Gardenia.

Why didn't you say anything?

"It wasn't for lack of trying, Celebi..."

Okay then. Now that I know how it really is, I'll ask you this, human girl. Do you still want to play with me?

Gardenia lowered her eyes to her still-bare feet, shuffling on the ground as she thought to herself. "Well...were you having fun tickling me, Celebi?"

Finally, in a very small act that took tons of weight off of Gardenia's heart, Celebi smiled. I have fun listening to you laugh. It was a very effective method to do so.

"Okay then, I'll tell you what. If you promise to stick to my feet...I wouldn't mind you tickling me again," Gardenia said quietly, extending her legs to Celebi. It giggled and clapped at the act.

Hooray! Compromise! Okay, human girl, I won't tickle anything other than your feet here, and I won't go too far this time. I'm going to try something new!

Gardenia froze up slightly. "Something new...?"

Calm down. I need you to relax now. Lay down and close your eyes and breathe. Fear flitted through Gardenia's mind for a second, but she refused to allow herself to back down. I trust Celebi, she thought to herself, over and over as she laid down and closed her eyes, and waited.

At first, she thought her foot had somehow fallen asleep. But wiggling it around let her know she still had feeling in it, but it was racked with the same tingling sensation. Then it happened to the other one, and after that, it began to escalate. It no longer held the prickly sensation, and now instead felt similar to a set of fingers being dug into her soles and scribbled about.

"Ahahaha...what are you dohohoing, Celebi?"

My new technique. You can start opening your eyes now if you'd like.

Gardenia peered over her own body to see Celebi floating just in front of her soles, wiggling the three fingers on each hand independantly, humming quietly to itself. She could tell this was what was causing the tickling sensations on her feet, which now had evolved to feel like countless pointed fingernails skittering all around her soles, which is what opened the floodgates.

"Hehehe..hahahahaaa!! Hahahahaaaa!! It tiihihickles!" Gardenia held her head in her hands and wiggled her torso. Her ankles seemed to be held in Celebi's psychic grip, but the rest of her body was free to move as it could. She tried to sit up and tug at her feet to test the bonds, but she couldn't free her ankles, and Celebi's psychic fingernails caused her to fall on her back again, filling the air with pleased giggles and laughter than the forced, hysteric attacks from before.

I sure do have a lot of room on these soles of yours to tickle, human girl...you have very big feet for a girl, don't you? Now Gardenia started to blush; the tickling was enough, the teasing was going to drive her insane all over again!

"Oh no, come on Celebehehei...that's so mean of you, hahaha..."

Tell me how big they are, human girl! I'm so very curious! Tell me, or shall I resort to a more...drastic method?

Oh no, Gardenia began to think. I should just go ahead and tell her, what's the harm? I can't take another torture from her...but what if this is just another game? If I told her, would that end it right there? Would she be mad at me again...? I guess...I know what I should do. "I'll never tell you, Celebi! I won't tell you a thing!"

Celebi smiled; it was a much smaller smile, this one. It was hard to describe what emotion it was displaying, but it wasn't exactly excitement. Either way, it began to speak again.

Your choice, human girl...now, let's see if I remember how this human technique works...

Human technique? What is...

Ah, that's right. Suddenly, all of Celebi's tickling power was focused on the big toe of Gardenia's left foot, catching her by surprise and elicting a yelp from her. This little piggy went to the market...

Oh no, why wasn't I expecting this? I think I can withstand it for a while, but... "Nahahaha, oh no! Hahahahaaaa!!" Grinning, Celebi began to focus its attack on the next toe in line.

This little piggy stayed home...

"Kyahaha, Celebi, no! I-hahaha-I won't talk! You can't make me!"

Well, this little piggy had roast beef... No matter how much Gardenia's toes curled and wiggled, Celebi's psychic powers continued unabated, making Gardenia feel as though the most evil of fingernails were attacking her sensitive toes.

Oh geez, I don't know if I can hold out for any more! But...I have to make this fun for Celebi...I want her to be happy... She held her hands over her mouth and snickered loudly, as Celebi continued the rhyme eagerly.

And this little piggy here had none...and do you know what the last little piggy did, human girl? Doooo yoooou? Celebi dragged its last taunt out as it played with and tickled Gardenia's last, smallest toe. Digging underneath it and stroking the underside, no sensitive spot went unexplored and gave Gardenia no respite. The poor, wiggling girl panted and breathed between giggles.

I can't take it...I can't...not the last one... "Do your worst, Celebi!"

Celebi smiled even wider and flexed its fingers. Gardenia braced herself.

...wee wee wee wee wee alllll the way hoooome!! The final line rang in Gardenia's head, almost drowning out the hysterical giggles and laughs from Celebi's psychic assault on her soles. The spirit of the forest was pulling out all the stops on Gardenia's poor feet; the girl felt as thought feather and nails and vines and all sorts of other, unnamable psychic objects were tickling and torturing her feet; she wasn't sure but she could have sworn she felt a tongue somewhere in there. It all blended together to let loose Gardenia's final stream of laughter, where she finally allowed herself to break.


It didn't end immediately afterwards. It all kind of subdued itself slowly after she talked. In a way, the decreasing level of tickles was almost relaxing after the insane torture her feet were just put through. And if the decrease in tickles relaxed Gardenia, then there is not a word in the English language for what the next sensation did for her, as after it all ended, Celebi was nice enough to bring Gardenia back down to earth with a psychic foot massage. Now the fingers that had tickled her into submission now brought her back to life, gently rubbing the sides and pushing back the toes to return feeling to them beyond the torture. Gardenia just fell back over and allowed Celebi to do whatever it pleased.

"You win, Celebi...you beat me in our game," Gardenia panted quietly in between breaths. Celebi didn't respond for a moment, but when it did, it confused Gardenia.

That was nice, what you did.


You know I can read your thoughts, right?

Crap, Gardenia said in her mind, I did forget Celebi had that power. Celebi floated itself over to Gardenia’s resting head and patted it softly.

I wouldn’t had minded if you gave in at the start. But you allowed me to keep going because I was having fun. It was a very small thing. But it was a very kind thing.

“Well,” Gardenia said, blushing once more, “you weren’t the only one...”

I teased you because I knew that was all I had to do. I teased you because I figured it would get you in the palm of my hand. But you made me work to win my prize, and I thank you for that, Gardenia.

“You...know my name?”

Always have.

“Then why did you keep calling me ‘human girl’?”

It sounded cool.

“Oh,” she said. Gardenia took her discarded boots in hand and began to slip them on. She was lacing them up when Celebi continued.

I’m also impressed with how long you came just to see this forest...and how you trusted me even though you had every reason not to. It’s not often I see that in today’s humans. That’s why I’m usually busy in time periods where my forests are more appreciated. But it brightens my heart to know that people like you exist. You’re always welcome in any forest of the world, Gardenia, and whenever you allow yourself into the heart of the woods, I’ll be there with you.

Gardenia looked up. “Even if I’m in the Eterna Forest at home?” Celebi chuckled.

Especially if you’re at Eterna Forest. Speaking of which, allow me to take you home. You’ve come a long way, Gardenia, in all of your journies in Johto.

“All of...oh, you’ll take me home? How?”

Just concentrate, and my psychic powers will do the rest.

Sitting on the ground and concentrating, Gardenia closed her eyes and smiled as a warm sensation covered her body. She felt as though she was flying through space in her sitting position, and when it all stopped, she opened her eyes.

And was no longer smiling.

She was in a small room. There was a TV behind her, but it flickered on and off on its own. The floor was dusty and many of the tiles were upended, revealing the ground beneath. There was a trashcan in the corner, and books strewn about the room. A window showed the night sky outside, darkening the dilapidated room even more, and an old picture frame hung beside it, with no picture, only an empty loneliness. Clutching her knees to her chest and trembling, one thought slowly creeped across her mind.

She was deep in the haunted Old Chateau, at night, alone. And she was scared of ghosts.

“C-Ce...Celebi?” She whispered desperately. “Celebi, what did you do?”

Sorry, Celebi’s faint voice responded, with a tinge of regret and sadness, I missed...

“Celebi! Celebi, help!”

But the voice was gone. Celebi could no longer hear or help her.

“Somebody...? Help me!!”

Another voice creeped into her mind. It was not Celebi’s voice. It was strange. It sounded sinister. It sounded eerie. And it sounded like it wasn't a single voice.

There’s nobody here...

I'd be lying if I said I didn't get addicted to the craze ten years ago, and I certainly have played the new games - Gardenia was my favorite Gym Leader of that region, followed up by Candace and Volkner. Your fic was very well written ^_^ I'd love to see more from you, Pokemon or otherwise! Are you planning on continuing this story? You've found a fan in me *Thumbs up*
I'd be lying if I said I didn't get addicted to the craze ten years ago, and I certainly have played the new games - Gardenia was my favorite Gym Leader of that region, followed up by Candace and Volkner. Your fic was very well written ^_^ I'd love to see more from you, Pokemon or otherwise! Are you planning on continuing this story? You've found a fan in me *Thumbs up*

All I'll say is there's nothing I love more than an open-ended ending...

damn good! 10/10

please write more there great!!!

Don't worry, I plan to contribute plenty more once I write them.

Thanks for the comments, all. Keep them coming! ^_^
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