What I have thought about doing for some time is developing a site where people could record just links to what files they had stored on which Yahoo groups (or any other file sharing site, but not P2P). A searching user could then request a file by "well known" name, or any thing else I guess (type, origin, etc.), and it would present them with a list of links to Yahoo Groups with that file. Kind of a poor mans hardware/software mirroring.
My fear is that links to copyrighted material would be entered, and since the link is recorded on a site for which I am responsible, I would be thrown in the clink.
Great idea, though. It would avoid the rush in the first four to seven days a Yahoo group link is posted. I have gone back to groups of which I am a member and found files a year or two later that I had never downloaded for whatever reason. Since there was no "rush", I had all the bandwidth I wanted.