For the life of me...I cannot figure out why the hell there isn't more f/m tickling available online.
Silvercherry USED to produce quality f/m even they churn out tedious f/f and m/f clips, and no more videos PERIOD from them!?!?!
I cant take m/f anymore. I'd rather watch paint dry! And F/f is so played out already...give us something new for f*#k's sake!!!
Every single comment in the discussion and personals sections of this board is like "Male wanted to be tickled by female tickler here, willing to pay $300/hour." we sit, trying to whack our cranks to more of the same boring-ass f/f or m/f tickle clips!
Maybe metroguy and I will start our own company...and hire ONLY female ticklers and laugh all the way to the bank while the rest of these "companies" struggle to pay their rent.
where do we get the girls to sign up?