I remember getting the original Metroid for the old school NES way back when. Since my brother and I fell in love with the genre. He can actually beat super metroid in 90 minutes he's played it so much (avid gamers know if you beat super metroid in under 3 hrs you get a special ending with Samus in her 16-bit bikini)
Metroid Prime is a great First Person Shooter...
but, its a First Person Shooter...
I really wanted to fall in love with this game, but it's just not happening. The graphics are awesome. The controls are smooth and natural. The music and atmosphere fits. All the elements from older versions are there: weapons, powersuits, Chozo history, enemies, etc.
But its a First Person Shooter...
No matter how much I marvel at how well they made the game, I wonder why it was so hard to make it the adventure platform games all the other ones were? Honestly, the visuals on Samus are crazy, but FPS like this just lose something for me, so how could it have been so hard to go all the way? Another thing is Mother Brain isn't in the game at all, so if you think you're going to see her, prepare to be very disappointed when the credits start rolling after you defeat Metroid Prime.
Still working on 100%. If you beat up to 75% you get to see Samus with the helmet off.