hey guys,
i am sorry i don't have a cool new clip to offer or anything but i have a pretty bad problem and any helpful info would be appreciated. i recently got the realone update for real player and for one reason or another got rid of it and for some reason now my computer will not allow me to reinstall real 8. i can't even reinstall realone (trust me i redownloaded it and tried). i don't know what to do and this really sucks because that makes about half of my downloaded clips totally obsolete 🙁 is there a way to fix it or perhaps make a .ram or .rm file an .mpeg or something playable through windows media??? please help because this really sucks ass and i feel like i am missing out.
i am sorry i don't have a cool new clip to offer or anything but i have a pretty bad problem and any helpful info would be appreciated. i recently got the realone update for real player and for one reason or another got rid of it and for some reason now my computer will not allow me to reinstall real 8. i can't even reinstall realone (trust me i redownloaded it and tried). i don't know what to do and this really sucks because that makes about half of my downloaded clips totally obsolete 🙁 is there a way to fix it or perhaps make a .ram or .rm file an .mpeg or something playable through windows media??? please help because this really sucks ass and i feel like i am missing out.