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No Place Like Home

The Jersey Devil

TMF Poster
Nov 23, 2010
((Hola people. My name's Janice and I'm an addict... *Waits for the singularity to greet her with a chorus of 'Hi Janice!' before continuing* Anywho, I'm sudo-new to the forum, but thought I'd make a contribution here. Listed below is one of a few rp sessions I have going on with members from the Tickle Theater here, inspired by-you guessed it-tickling. The dialogue is broken into paragraphed sections, jumping from myself, to the 'man', and then back to myself. If the format get's confusing let me know, I already have to edit the shit outa these things as it is anyways, might as well simplify too with a user's manual and better sentence structure. Being the introduction this is just the build-up to other playful (eventually extending to the more sensual) encounters between Rain, our heroine-Sniffs a line- and Arathus, the funloving merc with a bed to share. Hope you enjoy, but if you don't it doesn't matter either. I love myself too much to be bogged down by criticism... Anywho, ENJOY! *Sparks up a doobie and pops open some Cheeto's*))

A gruff man sat on a stool with the caravan, his eyes furrowed and calm. He was wearing a tunic of dark brown with a vest of a lighter green. His pants were brown, ripped at the end, and he wore classic armored boots. A sword scabbard lay by his side as he stared into the fire. People were moving around him, but he didn't bother helping - just staring into the light.

The camp had been set up for a long winter in the foothills just between the Kingdom of Burgundy and the Holy Roman empire, having travelled from the lands which would later be known as Spain, Rain was about as tired as a pack horse with a full load and then some. The cold didn't so much bother her as did the distance, and even in her fur lined boots-which kept her feet unbelievably warm-her legs still ached from the distance travelled. She heard of the band of mercs when she first came to the Roman Empire, and what a live she would've lived there; either a slave or worse. Dark skin meant she wasn't an equal among them... With enough negotiating among the camp's Lord she actually found a place among the rest of the heathens, carrying only what she needed to survive; the cloths on her back, devised of three tunics-the top layer tattered with age-and a full length fur coat made by her own hands, with the same hide that her boots fared from, and a pair of leather breeches over her trousers to drown out the cold. She was to bunk with one other at the end of camp. With what little money she had though, she first fancied herself a drink as she stepped into the canvas tent that worked as a lousy pub, her pack of gear stowed by the tent flap as she pushed back the hood of her coat, pulling her hair free from the back with a huff.

The man sighed, hearing a sudden call for his help. "Arathus! Get yourself over here!" He sighed, standing up slowly, lumbering to the call. He moved a strand of hair from his face black, mostly from the dirt he couldn't manage to wash out of it. He lifted the sword from the ground, attaching it to his belt calmly. He noticed his tent at the end of camp was open, but gave it no heed. "The wind,” He thought. Slowly, he stepped to the camp's center a bustle of activity. Arathus never did like this amount of action in one place, except when it was needed. This most certainly wasn't. He saw a newcomer, and shrugged. She was attractive, but he had other things to worry about. The man that called him over was holding a large keg of rum under both arms, and motioned to the third. "Aight, understood." He lifted it up, and turned to go to the back where all the alcohol was stored.

Well she had her prize in mind-a bed to sleep in. A few copper coins were set on the wooden counter as she decided not to speak a word, her eyes forward as the barkeep just eyed her to the best of his limited vision through his only good eye, and with a slimy smile he set down a mug and filled it without looking to see which bottle he grabbed. She cleared her throat, and by the first sip she felt just a little better, her voice not as hoarse now. "I'm looking for Arathus' tent." She kept it short and sweet to hide that small hint of an accent trailing behind her tongue. "T'wards the end o'camp, just a stone's throw to the east." He bellowed, and as she left she parted with one more copper coin, taking her mug with her and shouldering her pack as she made for the tent's flap back outside. Have to love the cultural shift in language…

Arathus finished up with the duty in the back of the camp center, wiping sweat from his forehead. "I'm going to go wash, Carter. See you in the morn." He stepped outside, noticing the female again and shrugged. He took a sharp turn left for what was the designated washing area no one washed at this time. He was lucky, and was able to get some solitude. Twenty minutes passed, and he was as clean as he could be, walking with a fresh tunic and dress pants as nice as a mercenary like him could get, and fresh boots. He carried the rest in a roughly made sack, and tossed it outside his tent's opening flap. Arathus stepped inside, his head tilted down to avoid smacking into a beam he set up to keep his tent sturdy. His eyes were fixated on the ground.

Rain had already been unloading her own personal affects in the small corner designated for her, a bed roll already laid out for her with no warm body to claim it but her. So much time spent on her feet she was just happy to finish what was left of her brew-making a face with each sip-and slip out of the layers of cloths covering her. At one point she brought more wood for the fire to the center of the tent, and by the time she was just slipping off her leather breeches, she was joined by another. She felt no shame, only curiosity, pausing long enough to take note of the man from head to toe. "Name is Rain, an' I shall be camping with you for now." Her voice kept low as she finally finished tugging off her breeches and folded them up to lay across her equally folded coat, brandishing steel along her right hip that wasn't of any local craftsman. It was rather plain in design, longer than the typical broadsword, but too short for a two-handed longsword. Her weapon never left her side at first just as she sat down at the foot of her bed, tugging the leather lace of her boots off as she just sat there for the longest time, finishing what was left of her ale.

Arathus looked up after hearing the voice, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Didn't expect you to be here, I heard I was getting a roommate, but didn't expect a girl." He walked in, sitting on his cot. A bit of ale was sitting on a make-shift stand, and he swallowed it down. "Mighty fine blade you got there, where's it from?" Might as well make conversation, otherwise this would be a very odd night.

She was still weary after her travels, or perhaps it was just the lack of friendliness she encountered along her way, so she hesitated for just a second. It was the fatigue that brought her guard down though. "The blade is from my home land of Spain, where I ventured from." She answered finally. Speak but a few words and one wouldn't notice, but any sign of an accent sometimes led to trouble which was why she chose a rogue camp to begin with, even then still reluctant to utter more than a few words. "I left but a few years ago to find my own fate, and apparently it has led me here."

He studied her for a moment - taking in her well toned shape. She was a fighter, obviously. He chuckled, impressed and considering himself lucky to have been given such a lovely companion. "Well, Spain. Not a bad place, I've been there a few times as I traveled before I joined that camp, you know the fun stuff." Arathus chuckled, standing up and stretching a bit. He was tired himself, but knew better than to let it show to people. Especially those he'd be sleeping near. If they didn't like him, they could slit his throat.

She actually gave a bit of a smile as she nodded. What was left of her home lands were rather beautiful, having been ravaged by the Norwegian crusade, which was why she originally left. "Well I hadn't stuck around long enough for the fun to start myself." Well toned was only the half of it. Spanish women were known for their beauty, which was what made it such a threat for the people to stay on their land, and despite her own extensive training she hardly suffered the ravages of war on a physical basis; not even a callous on her hand. The outside she looked like a slender thing, with just enough weight to keep her healthy as an ox, but beneath the skin lay the real muscle, right down to the four pack abs along her stomach. "Glad you don't mind the company, I was hoping to avoid conflict long enough to get my first decent night of sleep." Finally tugging her boots free as they were set along-side her gear, leaving her feet bare to warm by the fire.

"Well, that may have been a good thing for you." He walked over towards where she sat, sitting down beside her casually. "And you can consider yourself lucky - I'm one of the more accepting' people 'round this camp. I love a good bit o' company. Saddening' that the other mercs... don't count, y'know?" He calmly sat forward, his rather slender built frame easily visible in the light of the fire. He was muscular with just enough body fat to show strength behind those toned features, but had a soft look in his eyes. He admired the woman's entire body - impressed with it, and actually very attracted now that he saw her feet. A strange man, he was.

Considering she just travelled through Rome that was the least strange on her scale after the things she saw people were capable of, even those not even involved in the ravages of war. The world was changing, and had such become a sadder place in her three years on the road. She admired the man in his show of strength as she studied him for the second time, chocolate hue's taking in his kind eyes as she scooted over just enough to make room for him. "Yes well, not everyone is as educated. I was taught by the Catholic missionary that travelled to our land, teaching us English and many other practices." She hadn't noticed his gaze just yet as her eye's were back on the fire, her hands rubbing against the stiff muscles of her legs as they grew warm by the fire. Her feet were planted on the soft fur below her bed, the tips of her toes flexing up and back so that the bottom of her sole's could feel the same lick of warmth. They were narrow in width, the arch rising high with medium length toes that were just as slender as the rest of her physique, that part of her body having grown soft with the well made boots.

He smiled a bit, admiring the shape of her feet, her legs, her entire body, everything about her shouted beauty and passion. "You seem tired, miss Rain. Perhaps I can help work out some of those aches in your muscles?" He offered kindly, motioning with his hands - large and muscular, but as a swordsman, obviously nimble and skilled. He ran one hand down his chin, grooming the small beard that was forming. Arathus felt the warmth of the fire and the woman, enjoying the woman's warmth far more but it was unprofessional and dangerous to let that truly show. He sighed to himself, and relaxed, leaning back.

One thing she found most amusing was the etiquette of men in the civilized world these days. Perhaps it was just the customs that were different, as the men in Spain were more outward with their own feelings and forms of expression, which was why Rain ultimately lacked the modesty boasted in most women of the modern settlements. "I'm not sure of what to do with such kindness. The most warming welcome I've received thus far was the threat of imprisonment was I not to leave most of the roman cities with haste." Giving one last rub of her legs as she reached for her belt, finally removing her sword as it was laid on the bed beside her, "I think I just might take you up on that generous offer, but I must ask if there's a catch." She raised a slender brow in question.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no catch. If you're staying with me, I might as well help you get settled, and get along with you. You also have that look about you that says you need someone around you right now." He smiled gently; the soft blue eyes sparkled behind a few strands of messy, unkempt hair.

"Well I can't lie that company would be nice." Reaching a hand out as she went about fixing his messy hair. "Perhaps this place needs more of a woman's touch, seeing as you men have the tendency to be quite the slobs. I swear, sometimes I wonder what you would do were there no women left in the world." She quipped with a quiet laugh, able to get out some of her anxieties and angers in a comical fashion. Her own hair was let out from its ponytail with a small tug of the rawhide cord she had wrapped around it, flowing openly with but a small curl to it just at the tips, reaching as far down as the center of her back. With that, she laid back on the soft fur with such a sigh of gratification as legs extended out, her toes nudging against his thigh in their quest to extend out fully.

He chuckled again, nodding in gratitude for her tending ot his messy hair. "If y'all weren't around anymore, I daresay we wouldn't be either. I for one am thankful to have a woman around here." He reached down, calmly patting her soft foot as it nudged against his thigh, his hand easily able to wrap around the foot with his fingers. He admired her body, realizing just how beautiful she was when she was laying out like that. "Well, Miss Rain, shall I tend to you?"

"Don't let me stop you kind sir. Not often a woman can get such treatment in a camp full of men." She commented jokingly. Perhaps it had been so long since she was without the company of a man that she found herself more receptive to his kindness, enjoying the feel of his strong hand as he gave her a soft pat of the top of her foot. "Perhaps my good deeds are finally coming back to me with this, praise be the Lord." Making a sign of the cross along her chest.

He followed suit, and began to apply his hands to her leg nearest him. He had a delicate touch for such strength, and kneaded the soft muscles in her wonderful body with expert skill. "A body is not so much different to work over than a piece of metal, a sword, or anything as a mercenary, just got to know how to use your hands." He chuckled, giving a little squeeze at her knee to demonstrate.

She listened, but without the use of sight as she allowed her eyes to drift shut. Instinctively she had a dagger sorted just under the covers well within her reach, fingers brushing along it's hilt now and again just to serve as a reminder. He squeezed her knee, sending a tiny sensation up her leg that reminded her of something, but hadn't felt in a long time. Unwillingly her leg gave a soft, barely noticeable twitch, the same twitch following with the corner of her soft lips on the left side in a partial smile that came and went like the wind.

He smiled, continuing to massage that leg firmly, his hands gliding up and down the appendage with grace. He found a knot on her upper thigh, working it out with careful touches - knowing that he could hit a nerve that could prove troublesome if she was temperamental. "See what I mean, Rain? It's all an art, when you think about it, all closely interrelated." He chuckled, admiring her now that she couldn't tell he was openly astonished by her beauty.

Well she had her eyeful which was flashing back in her memory, but his touch was exquisite enough to elicit pleasant little noises from her lips that were absolutely delicious to one's ear, ignoring those little twinges along her leg elicited by his touch. Call her out of circulation but it was absolute heaven to have those strong hands caressing her legs, causing her to fall into such a state of relaxation that she only muttered a simple 'mmhmm' in reply to his question, raising her feet so that her legs could fully extend across his lap, her legs dangling by the ankles off the other end.-

He looked over, seeing both her feet in the open, and stopped for a split second. He returned to work, focusing on the other leg now - lifting it up to get the underside. He was enthralled by the noises this woman made, her beauty unrivaled by what he saw so far. The firelight only made her prettier. "I was nervous at first, when I saw I wasn't going to be alone anymore. I'm pleasantly surprised," he said. "Aren't you, Rain?" He chuckled again, letting his hands drift around her legs skillfully, teasingly even.

"It put me at ease just to learn that I would not be bedding down with Lord Grackus the first night... the qualm of being an outsider from a strange land." She commented, involuntarily shuddering at the memory of the Lord licking his pudgy lips as he eyed her figure, "even equally so pleasing that you are equally skilled with your hands." Just imagine what he could do with a sword... She was allowed her naughty little thought as it brought a smirk to her lips, letting out a quiet coo as he started on her left leg this time, meriting him no act of protest for any of his actions.

He smiled, running his hand along the top of her left leg, across her leg foot, then back to her thigh, working the skin slowly with every motion. She was truly something different. The noises she made were magical, encouraging him only more to make this woman happy. "I can understand that, truly. I thank you as well, for the compliment. You're very receptive, miss Rain." He chuckled; completely astonished by the way she acted. She really did need some comfort it seemed.

As he reached her thigh, her gaze raised up just to catch sight of him. Exquisite as his touch was she still had her own wary moments now and again, though as he could see she was hardly the bashful type to accept such tenderness either, just how the women from Spain really were. He could think himself the lucky one all he wanted for landing an exotic, he wasn't the one getting the massage right now. His fingertips trailed along the top of her left foot as it extended outward, creating almost a flat surface for his hand to glide across with a small twitch of her toes waiting at the very end, the same smile threatening to return to her lips just as she relaxed once more... It was inevitable though, her first run-in with camp she was almost tempted to wait until nightfall to approach and ask for shelter, and even now, with as tired as she was, she had planned to spend the night with one eye open. Now, she couldn't even keep both open, though her fatigue hardly got the best of her as her arms folded neatly under the back of her head, and soon she was quietly napping, her pleasant little cooing now and again the only sounds she made.

He smiled, admiring her gentle body, her sleeping posture. He ran his hands along the soles of her feet; rubbing firmly to ensure she was asleep he had no spirit to wake her, especially with how beautiful she was. He calmly grabbed a blanket nearby, and draped it over her to help her stay warm. "Sleep well, Miss Rain?" He watched her calmly, leaning back against one of his many stools.

She wasn't as sound asleep as she would like to be, just in the throes of what she would consider a nap as her body was still receptive enough to feel something grazing softly along her feet, sending the same signal straight up her legs as she let out a quiet huff of breath in the form of a silent laugh, her feet flexing up once again as toes only slightly wiggled in response to his rub, causing her upper body to fidget just slightly, and as the covers were drawn over her, she enveloped herself in them with one arm gripping them up to her chin, slowly turning onto her left side, body now facing the fire. Her right leg slowly curled inward along her body, bent so that her right ankle was resting across her left knee, exposing both feet and most of her leg in the process.

He smiled, admiring her beauty - and was intrigued. She reacted adorably when he touched the soles of her feet... perhaps? Maybe. He reached over, calmly grazing her feet a few more times, softly, to see what would happen. No, he wasn't trying to be mean, but he did want to see if it caused her to relax more - she needed it, from what he could see. Poor girl, she was tired.

Her right foot managed to hide itself under the covers when it retracted from his touch, but her left was still exposed and stretched out, reacting at first with only a twitch just under the skin, but as he continued-especially around her arch-her toes gave the occasional wiggle, the noise coming from her lips were soft, but matched the small smile starting to form across them as she finally let out a quick whimper laced with an equally quick giggle? No way to say for certain, as it was over as quick as it started.

He was interested, but didn't want to wake her she was too sweet, too nice to bother. He sat up, after positioning everything so she was warm and accidentally brushing his hand along both her soles again and walked towards his bed to get ready for the night. Arathus pondered Rain's situation, but found her all the more attractive due to the cuteness she gave out. He didn't want to let her go and luckily, tomorrow was his day off. Perhaps it was hers, as well?

She was just conscious enough to feel the second brush against her foot as her involuntary response was to bite her lip. It was the third time she felt that which left her to wonder as a single eye cracked open, peeking through the thick mane of hair covering her face right back at him, and just in time to see as he looked her over again, stopping just at her foot poking out from the covers. Being a light sleeper had its advantages in the means of safety, but this was just as priceless to watch as she pulled the covers up higher just to hide the fact that she was smiling. Perhaps just imagining? Her foot rotated along her ankle slowly in the form of a stretch as toes splayed out, and like a game of cat and mouse she watched him as he watched her.

He saw her move, a smile on his lips. He admired her body fully, believing her to be asleep and her visible toes only heightened her adorable status for now. He sat on his bunk, shaking his head at the fact she probably wouldn't be friendly in the morning, but took the time to study her. Soft skin, beautiful build, delicate feet, She was perfect for him. He lay down, watching all the while. He would stay for a while, making sure she was comfortable in the new environment before he fell asleep himself, if he even decided to sleep tonight. It was interesting, having a woman of her wonder in his tent.

And that was the game played for a good portion of the night as she drifted in and out of sleep herself, giving a small little display now and again as her toes wiggled, or the way she flexed her foot forward, and then back again making the skin grow taut. No, it wasn't her imagination, and she found just watching him in turn was absolutely delicious. When she did finally turn in for the night, she turned onto her back with the fur covering just from her waist below, having abandoned her tunic as she now wore just a white wrap around her chest to cover the little modesty she had, exposed now to the lick of the heat from the fire as one arm hung loosely over her stomach, the other resting just above her head with her face turned to the opposite wall. Then she finally fell asleep.

He admired her as she rolled over, smiling. He was amused; astonished by her beauty and form, and the way she handled herself. He slowly followed her into the realm of sleep, daylight on a few hours away. He'd spend the next few hours dreaming of her, an odd thing he rarely experienced and hoping she would spend the day with him. He had nothing to do, after all.

*Fade to black... Aaaand END scene...*
((Fin... For one day anyways, we need sleep too.))
Nicely descriptive prose you have here, which works very well in setting a tone and showing us reasons to get into the characters and the story you're presenting. Also enjoy the narrative asides; it breaks up some rather dense introspection and shoots some personality in when it needs it. Very nicely written here, and as far as the interplay between Rain and Arathus, it's enjoyable to see their personalities transition from timid/defensive to very relaxed and playful by the end.

Not a lot of actual tickling action, though you preface that early on, but from the care put into the massage and the mutual staring before they both drift off to sleep, I find myself very intrigued by what you've presented and hope you continue to post, as this is a very nice start.

Thanks for posting here; it's always exciting to see fresh talent. 🙂
Definitely well written. Lots of good detail, and I like the inner monologue subtly guiding further action. A slow and flirtatious tone to be sure, but a nice set up of things to come. The medieval setting is nice. I'd say exotic scenes are best when they pull us out of our element. Makes me contemplate difficult arrangements: what if they don't speak the same language? Strange clothing and customs? An so on.

The back and forth suggests sort of a pen pal set up, building a tickle scene one careful brick at a time. An intriguing concept. Looks like you're having enough fun with it, so you don't need my praise. But all the same, good stuff & well done.
I'd have to honestly say...

...this might be the best story I've ever read on this forum, which obviously would include the one I wrote myself. I haven't the words at my immediate disposal to describe your work, so I'll simply say "Incredibly well done indeed."
I liked it! Well written and a late welcome to TT. 🙂
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