Leave him the fuck alone. He's twenty fucking six. When Mike starts butting into
your life and trying to change you, then come back and ask this question. Wow.
In our country, morbidly obese is like, 400+ pounds.
And honestly, unless he wants to lose weight, and specifically comes to you for help, I wouldn't press him on it. It's not like he doesn't realize that he's bigger than other people, but he probably just doesn't care. Taking care of yourself is something you have to do for yourself. It won't stick unless you WANT to do it.
Thanks, Bothersome. I appreciate that you kept your reply civil. I deleted the post, and would delete the topic, but unfortunately this forum doesnt have that option.
Because my God, what business is it of yours? And 275lbs is morbidly obese? Really?
Believe me, "Leave him the fuck alone" is civil compared to what I would like to say.