A Formerly Ticklish Tickler's Thoughts...
I used to be very ticklish until I was tickled to the point I had to turn it off or asphyxiate at about the tender age of 10 years old. Since that day of traumatic torture, I have not been responsive to tickling, I guess I simply instinctively turn it off now. njjen said she tickled my sole in my sleep once recently (her .5% ler came out to visit, LOL!!!) and I started awake and said, "that wasn't supposed to happen," then went back to sleep.
Getting to the question at hand? Well, I think that the biggest benefit my former ticklish status gave me is that it made me a more respectful and responsible tickler today. There was little that I could take from my torture experience I would want to apply to an actual tickle situation because I don't believe people should typically be tickled until asphyxiated. Even if a person says they prefer that intensity of tickle play, it is unsafe to go to that level without some sort of safeword or safety system in mind to prevent going unconscious, in my opinion. njjen and many others females I have had the honor of tickling enjoy a very ruthless brand of tickling, to be sure, but they don't advocate asphyxiation either. I would likely not be granted the priveledge of tickling them again, were I to be so insensitive to their personal safety as to take it to the point of unconsciousness. That's one of the many reasons I advocate using a safeword, especially if you have never played with a person before.
Just my $.02, as dvnc would say😀