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Not cool, wife! (F/M)

*happy sigh* It's always nice to see people 'entertained' while I've been away.
Hey Wade! Why don't you contact... Sara, was it? and get her and your wife irked over something inconsequential again, for us all to delight in reading your ignominious failure once more! You know you really love it...! :D

omg, Sarah is still very very much in the picture; if anything, she's stepped up her war against my sanity a bit. I just haven't gotten the chance to write any of those experiences down, yet.

But so kind of you to be concerned for my happiness, old pal...
I'm sure it's not just me. I'm speaking on behalf of really ALL people that read your 'feats of (horribly failed) heroism!'. And why would we want you sad? - Never! Your stories let us know how happy you really are (or at least appear to be, of volition or not XD ). Your tales either let us reenact turning you into mush ourselves, or for those more "sensitive", they can live vicariously through you in your stories, without the real, physical contact of finger, or the like.

Now... Chop, chop! More stories to read, mister! Particularly a foot-focussed one, from your clamouring audience's desires, it seems! :p
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Thanks for saying such nice things, y'all.
Another impending holiday means more family gatherings. Here's hoping my wife and her sister don't decide to launch another random coordinated attack on me...
Another impending holiday means more family gatherings. Here's hoping my wife and her sister don't decide to launch another random coordinated attack on me...

Why not? Seems to me that you love these "attacks"
As it happens, my wife and her sister inflicted no tickling on me during this latest holiday visit. Sorry to disappoint. Only thing that happened was that, as we were staying at my in-laws' house, in the wee hours of the morning one night, I was having a dream that two women at my workplace were tickling me and my wife nudged me and woke me up. "What's so funny?" she asked.


"You were laughing in your sleep."

"Oh. Oh. I was dreaming, someone was tickling me."

"They were?"


Her fingertips fluttered against my side; I jerked involuntarily. "They were tickling you, huh?"


Fingers dancing across my convulsing stomach. "Well no wonder you were laughing."


Fingers on my stomach, on my sides, on my stomach, on my sides, me writhing in the creaking bed, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Amanda, stop, you'll wake them up...!"

Fingers on my ribs, tickling tickling tickling at my ribs, my back arching sharply--

"I think YOU'LL wake them up," she said, a smile in her voice.


"I think your dream's coming true, Wade," she said, sitting up in the bed, looming over me, relishing the easy access to my twitchy tickle spots, her hands darting merrily here and there. "I think you can see the future in your dreams."

And despite my efforts to muffle them, a stream of fervent high-pitched giggles started to escape, desperate and helpless, from my lips...
Cool stories! Thanks for sharing! I hope your wife and her sister tickle you next time together again! :D
Aww! Well, me thinks Amanda is a dream walker or something, she seems to know just what happened in your dream, and how best to make it true in real-life! :lol
Hope you didn't wake anyone else up - immediately. XD If your wife wasn't able to make you rise the whole street, it seems she cares too much about your sanity.
Now, not sure Sarah (or someone else with the same name ;)) would be so merciful... but here's hoping they won't be! :super_hap
If your wife wasn't able to make you rise the whole street, it seems she cares too much about your sanity.
Now, not sure Sarah (or someone else with the same name ;)) would be so merciful... but here's hoping they won't be! :super_hap

My wife is a kind and compassionate person, and she does indeed care about my sanity, and thank the stars for that; more than once she's intervened on my behalf when a certain Sarah seemed determined to push me around the bend. My wife has a playful sense of humor and she likes to torment me, and to see me tormented, but she doesn't want me to suffer too much, unlike, shall we say, some people.

Problems arise when someone like Sarah decides to turn on me and Amanda isn't around to come to my defense...
My wife is a kind and compassionate person, and she does indeed care about my sanity, and thank the stars for that; more than once she's intervened on my behalf when a certain Sarah seemed determined to push me around the bend. My wife has a playful sense of humor and she likes to torment me, and to see me tormented, but she doesn't want me to suffer too much, unlike, shall we say, some people.

Problems arise when someone like Sarah decides to turn on me and Amanda isn't around to come to my defense...

She's not a very good wife if she cares about your sanity
I see it's been a couple of months since my wife last decided to tickle me, but I guess yesterday she decided that was quite long enough.

I was pretty beat after a long day at work; I'd come home and sprawled lying on my stomach on the sofa, using the remote to churn idly through TV channels. My wife got home from her job shortly thereafter and made a cheerful joke about my laziness as she passed briskly through the room and went to get changed.

When she returned, having changed into soft sweatpants and a comfy, shapeless shirt, she grinned to see that I hadn't moved.

"Whatcha doin', hon?" she said.


"Whatcha watching?"


She smiled and shoved her baggy sleeves up on her forearms. She came over to the couch and proceeded to lie down on top of me. So now we were both lying on our stomachs -- she with her front pressed against my back, me sandwiched between her and the sofa cushions. She smooched me on the back of my head. Her weight pressing down on me was sort of burdensome, but also sort of soothing. Immobilized beneath her, with the full weight of her whole body against mine, I certainly wasn't going anywhere. Which may be what gave her the idea to do the following:

She moved both her hands down from where they'd been resting, high up on my back near her face, so that they were down near my waist, hovering on either side of me. And -- no surprise here, I'm sure -- she started tickling. The fingers of each hand started cycling playfully against my sides, through my shirt. She knows full well this is a particularly weak spot of mine, my sides just above my waist, and the effects were instantaneous: throaty, helpless giggles started burbling forth from my mouth immediately. No warm-up, just sudden and completely immersive laughter, like she'd thrown the "Laughter" switch and the stuff just came pouring forth.

Ever notice how the way the arms bend makes it nearly impossible to defend against this kind of tickle attack from behind?

I wriggled -- barely -- beneath her weight, rocking pointlessly back and forth, but to no avail -- her fingertips kept scampering merrily, mercilessly against my twitching sides. My abdominal area was seized with a desperate need to get away from the maddening, all-encompassing sensations, but there was nowhere to go -- my sides presented two helpless, defenseless targets, and tickling them was just the easiest thing in the world for her to do at that moment. So she did it. And did it, and did it.

I just laughed and laughed -- I couldn't even beg or bargain; the laughter filled my mouth and there was no room for words. I tried to say something -- "Nah -- nah " -- probably the beginning of "No, don't," but it was futile -- giggling was all I was good for at that moment.

My wife is a sweet and tenderhearted person but the spectacle of me in the implacable grip of ticklish paroxysms is hard for her to resist, and despite my attempts to signal my desperation she didn't stop -- those maddening fingertips just never stopped moving, fluttering against my sensitive sides with merciless constancy, sending intolerably giddy sensations surging through my body. One could almost describe the constant, rhythmic motions of her fingers as mechanical, except that of course they were far too human to be mechanical. Too warm, too intimate, too playful, too incapacitating.

The cyclical motion of her fingers dancing away so lightly, so disarmingly, did have one other effect -- the constant motions created an upward pressure on my shirt, which started riding inexorably up on my sides, ultimately exposing the bare flesh of my sides, and that sudden shift in intensity, as her fingers went from playing against my shirt to flickering excruciatingly against my bare skin, was immediate and exponential -- my constant, frantic laughter was goosed into a higher and more frenzied register. I don't think she changed anything about what she was doing with her fingers -- the pressure, the speed, the pattern, everything remained the same, but inflicted on my tender twitching bare skin it took on a feeling of relentlessness, of wickedness, of just a hint of playful sadism. My wife knows me too well not to know what it was doing to me, feeling those scuttling fingers playing unflinchingly against two of my most vulnerable spots, and she clearly enjoyed seeing the hysterical effects it was having on me -- I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and squirmed and thrashed and laughed and her fingers just. Would. Not. Stop.

It wasn't until my laughter began to take on a gibbering edge, to sound like a nonsense language from another planet -- "Guhuhuhuhuhuh" -- that she finally relented, removing her dreaded fingertips from my sides and replaced them up on my upper back.

She sighed, a sigh of pleased satisfaction.

"I assume you're making dinner tonight," she said.

I didn't say anything.

I felt her lift her hands from my back again, and panic jolted through me. I convulsed involuntarily and said "Yes yes yes I'm making dinner!!"

And of course I did.
Your wife's too discerning a woman, it seems. I mean, the only way to really know one's had too much is if they can't even breathe. Gibbering just means you can still breathe - and so, are still fine (in my books, anyway).

Here's hoping your wife gets itchy fingers again! I always adore reading your tales of ticklish woe, as I'm sure nearly every other person enjoys as well. ;)

Keep up your smartalec-y mouth, to continue the tickles! :D
Keep up your smartalec-y mouth, to continue the tickles! :D

Sadly, self-preservation dictates that I should do exactly the opposite of that... and yet so often I just can't help myself...
I can't believe nine months elapsed since the last time my wife tickled me in any kind of a prolonged fashion. If you'd asked me to estimate I would've guessed it was a much briefer interval than that, but the thread doesn't lie.

So family was gathered for the holidays -- this was about a week ago or so -- and my wife, her sister and I were lazing around the living room. I don't remember what preceded it, or whether I incited this in some fashion, but the first thing I remember, seemingly apropos of nothing, is my sister-in-law saying "Let's tickle him."

Instantly I sprang to my feet, on high alert, eyeing the exits. But suddenly my wife and her sister were on their feet as well, flanking me, their hands at the ready.

"No," I said. "No. Why? No. Why?"

There were no explanations forthcoming. I feinted in one direction and darted in another, heading for the door to the kitchen. My advancing sister-in-law forced me to modify my trajectory, trying to avoid being intercepted by her, until I was grazing the wall. She was almost upon me and I wasn't gonna make it to the door and the nerve endings in my sides were already jumping with apprehensive anticipation, so I couldn't help it; I whirled to try and fend her off -- my hands in front of me, darting this way and that, trying to anticipate and deflect her expected attack even as I kept sidling toward the kitchen door. But suddenly I found myself twitching violently, my torso jerking wildly to the left -- my wife had come up to my side and her fingertips were dancing up my side and my ribs. Already primed for hysteria I overreacted to this initial assault -- the involuntary laughter that leapt from my throat was loud and desperate and just high-pitched enough to be hilarious to my tormentors.

Acting solely on instinct now I shifted my attention to my wife, grabbing and swatting at her arms and wrists as my abdomen twisted out of her reach, but of course by then her sister had reached me and her fingers were darting at my stomach and scribbling at my side. Another throaty, giddy giggle escaped from my lips as I started turning pointlessly from side to side, my elbows planted at my sides, my T-rex arms flailing ineffectually at the twenty fingers fluttering and skittering at my writhing trunk. My pleas began to get swallowed up by the building cascades of giggles: "No c''mon, guys why, why are you, c'mon NO," and the two of them grinning and laughing agreeably as they went about the amusing work of darting their hands from one twitchy ticklish spot to another and back again.

Inevitably, as always, I sank to the floor, squirming and thrashing, my protests now dissolved in a constant stream of helpless giggles, my arms and hands in constant motion, reflexively trying to defend my sensitive spots but hopelessly outnumbered and put at a distinct disadvantage by the fog of hysteria consuming me. This was my inescapable fate from the moment my sister-in-law suggested tickling me: wriggling helplessly on the floor as the two of them scrabbled their crazy-making fingers on one ticklish spot after another, laughing delightedly at my entertaining predicament.

My wife attacked my stomach, kicking my laughter into a higher register, and suddenly I felt her sister's strong hands mischievously gripping the tops of my knees. I emitted a wordless hiccuping howl, thrashing anew as I tried in vain to dislodge her maddening grasp. Finally I found myself rolling over onto my stomach, trying to defend my stomach and knees, but of course the tactic was of limited value -- my wife's fingers started scampering insistently against my sides just above my waist, driving me to new heights of wild cackling, and then I felt my ankle in the firm grip of her sister's elbow -- no no NO NO NO -- and the fingers of my sister-in-law's other hand started dancing mercilessly up and down the sole of my immobilized and socked foot.

I was hysterical. "WHY ARE YOU," I yelped through the mindless laughter. "WHY ARE YOU, WHY ARE YOU," and then it was just all laughter; I had no control over my body anymore; it was all just the involuntary responses to their merry stimuli.

And then they stopped. Simultaneously they each let out a satisfied sigh. "That was fun," my sister-in-law said, as they both got up and headed for the kitchen, leaving me panting and blushing on the floor.

"What's going on in there?" I heard my mother-in-law ask. In response her daughters just burst into delighted giggles.
This was about two weeks ago:

My wife was complaining about how cold it was, and she slipped her cold hands up inside my shirt to warm them against my abdomen. The shock of her cold palms against my bare skin, of course, made me flinch, but after a moment it became bearable and I let her keep her hands up in there.

Then she moved to turn her hands around -- to warm the backs of her hands against me as she'd been doing the palms. The movement of her hands and fingers against my skin, the grazing of the smooth ridges of her knuckles along my stomach, sent fluttering sensations oscillating through my system; my abdominal muscles contracted involuntarily, my trunk twisted ever so slightly, my hands startled toward my middle, and a high-pitched chuckling noise erupted unbidden from my lips. The most detached observer would have been able to tell: my ticklish reflexes had been activated.

"You are so ticklish," my wife said, matter-of-factly, as casually and unremarkably as if she'd been saying "Those clouds are pretty."

Then she went to flip her hands around again, palms against my stomach, and her hands skimming across my skin under my clothing was just more than I could take -- I flinched again and grabbed at her wrists through the fabric of my shirt and another embarrassing sound slipped out of me, this one a sort of giddy, multisyllabic groan.

She smiled broadly and widened her eyes at me theatrically as if to say "You're too much," and then she succumbed to temptation: her fingertips started rippling purposefully against my sensitive stomach. I doubled over, still gripping ineffectually at her hands through my shirt, stumbling backwards and collapsing back on the carpeted stairs that lead up to our second floor. My treble-heavy giggles were pouring forth unimpeded now as I twisted one way and another on the stairs, Amanda looming serenely over me, her hands having penetrated the insufficient defenses of my shirt and blithely wreaking havoc on my ticklish inner sanctum, her fingers waltzing lightly and expertly and relentlessly against the spots she knew full well would totally incapacitate me.

My laughter was full-throated and frantic before she stopped -- a full-on AH HA HA AH HA HA AH HA HA, a new peal issuing forth with every breath. Then, finally, she stopped, calmly withdrew her hands from under my shirt, crossed her arms nonchalantly on her propped-up knee, and said "My hands are warmer now."
This was about two weeks ago:

My wife was complaining about how cold it was, and she slipped her cold hands up inside my shirt to warm them against my abdomen. The shock of her cold palms against my bare skin, of course, made me flinch, but after a moment it became bearable and I let her keep her hands up in there.

Then she moved to turn her hands around -- to warm the backs of her hands against me as she'd been doing the palms. The movement of her hands and fingers against my skin, the grazing of the smooth ridges of her knuckles along my stomach, sent fluttering sensations oscillating through my system; my abdominal muscles contracted involuntarily, my trunk twisted ever so slightly, my hands startled toward my middle, and a high-pitched chuckling noise erupted unbidden from my lips. The most detached observer would have been able to tell: my ticklish reflexes had been activated.

"You are so ticklish," my wife said, matter-of-factly, as casually and unremarkably as if she'd been saying "Those clouds are pretty."

Then she went to flip her hands around again, palms against my stomach, and her hands skimming across my skin under my clothing was just more than I could take -- I flinched again and grabbed at her wrists through the fabric of my shirt and another embarrassing sound slipped out of me, this one a sort of giddy, multisyllabic groan.

She smiled broadly and widened her eyes at me theatrically as if to say "You're too much," and then she succumbed to temptation: her fingertips started rippling purposefully against my sensitive stomach. I doubled over, still gripping ineffectually at her hands through my shirt, stumbling backwards and collapsing back on the carpeted stairs that lead up to our second floor. My treble-heavy giggles were pouring forth unimpeded now as I twisted one way and another on the stairs, Amanda looming serenely over me, her hands having penetrated the insufficient defenses of my shirt and blithely wreaking havoc on my ticklish inner sanctum, her fingers waltzing lightly and expertly and relentlessly against the spots she knew full well would totally incapacitate me.

My laughter was full-throated and frantic before she stopped -- a full-on AH HA HA AH HA HA AH HA HA, a new peal issuing forth with every breath. Then, finally, she stopped, calmly withdrew her hands from under my shirt, crossed her arms nonchalantly on her propped-up knee, and said "My hands are warmer now."

Thanks for the post!
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