I'm old enough to remember that sad day in our history. I'll never forget the image of little John Jr. saluting as the caisson bearing his fathers body passed by on the way to Arlington.
I was in junior high school that day. The Public Address system suddenly came on in our classroom, without explanation, tuned to a radio station. It soon became obvious what they were talking about. 🙁🙁
The disturbing element of all this is that this case has NEVER been solved. I have no doubt it was a conspiracy (Jack Ruby's killing of Oswald was part of the scheme.) I believe LBJ had a hand in it. There was too much of a crop of Opium to give up in Vietnam (which has been destroying all opium poppy crops since), and JFK was going to screw that up.
My own feeling about this sad event is that once again we are unable to accept the death of a famous person without indulging in a load of conspiracy theory nonsense . The case against Oswald stacks up way too high to be dismissed with " He was set up" .. " We'll never know the truth " .."They covered it up " etc etc . For a while I believed that their was a conspiracy .mostly based on watching Oliver Stones film JFK untill I saw Mr Stone himself say in an interview that his own film was an " Interpretation of a ' possible ' set of events " or in other words a crock of shit .