Yeah, it was fake.....real glass would have either just cracked or held her weight (she didn't hit it that hard) or if she did, would have broken into hard, sharp pieces that would have serioulsy sliced her up. (Even glass designed to break into smaller pieces wouldn't have broken like that - that was probably sugar glass.)
Whew! Now she can still go home and get tickled!
One time at my old job, a buser was coming around the corner too quick with a bus cart, and two loads of dishes fell and broke all over the floor. In my area, of course!
That girl didn't have that bad of a day, because she really didn't care, and I ended up helping her...which ended up being me doing most of the work.
Go find the pictures of the expensive sports cars that all fell off the truck, I believe, costing over a million dollars worth of damage ...THAT truck driver probably had a shitty day after he had to call that in!