Two women I work with (Beth and Angela) were chatting and they called me over to ask a question. After business was discussed they started chatting about stuff and eventually Beth made some comment that she looked bad today. Now, understand... this woman is always perfect. Perfect manicure, pedicure, hair, clothes, shoes... always. I made a comment to that effect and commented that even on a rainy day like today she had worn nice shoes. (she must have 300 pairs of shoes... I swear) She said "How else am I going to show off my pedicure that I suffer through?" (while holding out her perfect feet) This lead down a path (without me saying anything) of the two of them discussing how ticklish they were and how getting a pedicure was so hard for them.
They discussed, in detail, how the pumice stone, brushes and other tools tickled them like crazy and how unbearable it was. I just stood there listening to these two go on... wow. Angela said the only way she can stand to the them is to drink two glasses of wine while her manicure is being done to melow her out or she simply cannot stand to have her feet worked on.
What a good day. 🙂
They discussed, in detail, how the pumice stone, brushes and other tools tickled them like crazy and how unbearable it was. I just stood there listening to these two go on... wow. Angela said the only way she can stand to the them is to drink two glasses of wine while her manicure is being done to melow her out or she simply cannot stand to have her feet worked on.
What a good day. 🙂