ZenTickling 1st Level Green Feather Joined Feb 1, 2008 Messages 4,050 Points 38 Oct 8, 2012 #1 Just ran across this and thought it was pretty amazing.. http://youtu.be/ sAzzbrFgcUw
B BrightEyes1082 1st Level Blue Feather Joined Sep 18, 2001 Messages 5,102 Points 0 Oct 8, 2012 #2 Wow. That was the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen. I wish my high school band director had been that creative. 🙂 Amazing! Thanks for sharing! :3
Wow. That was the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen. I wish my high school band director had been that creative. 🙂 Amazing! Thanks for sharing! :3
D demure TMF Novice Joined Aug 30, 2012 Messages 71 Points 0 Oct 8, 2012 #3 Being in marching band, I find this absolutely incredible. The sets were amazingly clean and the band had a great sound. Man, I wish my band director was that cool.
Being in marching band, I find this absolutely incredible. The sets were amazingly clean and the band had a great sound. Man, I wish my band director was that cool.
E EternalOptimist Registered User Joined Oct 14, 2012 Messages 6 Points 0 Oct 14, 2012 #4 I believe I was in a marching band for the amazingly long extent of 3 weeks before I ran screaming for the hills. Even so, that was pretty cool.
I believe I was in a marching band for the amazingly long extent of 3 weeks before I ran screaming for the hills. Even so, that was pretty cool.
N nylontickler(m) TMF Master Joined Oct 20, 2002 Messages 844 Points 0 Oct 15, 2012 #5 As an Ohio State grad, I approve this message.