Whoever it is they fail to recognize that a very large percentage (if not the overwhelming majority) of tickle fetishists are also into feet. If you have a large population posting content to the forum that like a certain thing then that is the thing you will see the majority of. It's simple math. I'm not saying those who are strictly (or at the very least predominantly) upper body tickle fans don't have a valid complaint. But mathematical facts are just that, mathematical facts. I'm sure in it's near decade of existence, someone most have posted a survey so as to ascertain what the percentages of foot fans are to other parts of the body for tickling. And even so, the results of which would only be representative of the population that took the survey which would realistically be a very small percentage of actual members since a lot of folks lurk. But from my observation I would say that yeah, a very large percentage of TMF'ers are into feet too. Remember... the TMF owners do not provide the content, only a forum for the potential of it's members to share content so you can't blame the site itself if there's not enough of something you like. And it's certainly immature to basically cyber-grafitti the banner.
Anyway that's my 2 cents. Someone felt the need to express their frustration in a counter-productive manner. Whatever. At the end of the day I still have a forum full of ticklish soles to enjoy.