You need to reformulate how you're presenting this if you want anyone to take it seriously. There are points where you're contradicing yourself. Like, for example, you're saying the person who draws it gets 50 dollars, but that there are artists you don't like. Suppose one of those artists draws it, wants their payment, and you decide you don't like their art even if their's is the best but you decide its not.
Thats a loophole you need to clarify and fix.
Also, you're throwing out options like you don't know what you want. Its up to you to make this noteworthy, not us.
Theres no picture either. Just an e-mail address.
So yeah, you need to rethink how you've approached this. First you have an offer for anyone, then you make it seem like its just for the artists you like (of which we cannot assume who they are or that they would be interested), then you say its about who can get it the best, and then, finally, you get desperate and make it first come first serve or a contest.
Make up your mind, dude. LOL