Ah yes! Remember it well...And I hasten to add one of the great cock up's of the British film industry..I remember watching it in a lazy way one afternoon when they had the female crook captured and one of the kids says"Lets tickle her feet like in......"(can't remember the exact line and that has bugged me to this day I think it was reference to a movie.At that point I sat bolt upright!..Then she's not ticklish..AAARRRGH! How stupid could they get..She only talked when a mouse was put on her foot....Tragic.
The only bigger crime of cock up than that was the now infamous Avengers "Legacy of Death" and the non exsistant Tara Tickle Torture scene..Only last week I saw a DVD Avengers box set including "Legacy of Death" with the teaser on the box that says"Tara undergoes a tickle torture"..It's heartbreaking!