A man dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter looks up and says, "Sorry man, just closed the gates." Although this guy's a little confused the gates close, he pleads with Peter, "Ah, man, after a day like today, you've just got to let me in." Well, St. Peter's one dude who's heard plenty of stories, so he leans back and lets the man talk. "Alright, so, I work hard all day long, get home, and my wife smells of someone else! Well, I curse up a storm, and end up going berserk, grabbing our refrigerator and toss it out of our apartment. Well, wouldn't you know it? The cord wraps around my ankle and I go tumbling with this thing six stories down, splat on my head." Peter winces and waves him through.
About a minute later, another man shows up at the gates. St. Peter puts up his hand and says, "We're closed, but tell me your story, just might make an exception." So this guy, obviously distraught, starts with his story, "I just don't get it! Of all the luck! I was walking down the street, minding my own business, I hear this guy yelling and screaming, look up, and pow, a refrigerator smacks me right in the noggin." Peter chuckles for a bit and waves him through.
Right after the second man enters the gates, another man is walks up. Peter looks up and asks what happened to this guy. The man looks a bit confused, but tries his best to explain, "You know, I'm not really sure, I was hiding in a refrigerator.."