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One Piece: Island Adventure, Part I & II F/M


Registered User
Dec 10, 2003
Hey, it's been awhile. I love the hits my stories have been getting and would like to thank everyone who gave a newcomer like me a chance.

On that note, this is another One Piece, since this seems the most popular of my group stories and people would like to see it continue. This is a continuation of the Enjoyable Punishment and The Contest, but you do not have to read either of those stories to follow what is happening. Also, this story is a lot more story focus than the last two, which is why is will be divided into parts for more easier reading. Also, this story contains spoilers up to 490 in the Manga, but not too many. Hope you enjoy :super_hap.

Part I

It was another relatively peaceful day on the Thousand Sunny. So far, only one Sea-King had attempted to devour the ship. They also had not run into any odd weather since that candy storm.
Luffy smiled happily as he stared at the clear sky. “Ahhhhh, it good to be back on the open seas.”
Usopp smiled in agreement. “Yeah, after that whole experience at Thriller Bark, it good to see the sun at all. We were almost stuck there forever.”
Chopper who was sitting next to the duo. “It did become very scary there for awhile. It’s hard to believe that it has been three days since we left the Florian Triangle.”
Luffy shook his head at his friend. “If I’m going to be King of the Pirates, I can’t be stuck in no stupid fog by some shadow taking weirdo.”
“Yeah.” Both Usopp and Chopper agreed.
It was at this time that Nami stepped out of the women’s quarters. She was staring intensely at both her map and the Log Pose.
“Is there something wrong, Nami?” Usopp asked worriedly.
“No, nothing wrong.” Nami answered calmly. “I just realized that there is an island near here before we reach the Red Line.”
“Another island?” Chopper questioned curiously.
“Yeah, it just a day away from Mermaid Island.” Nami stated. “We should be reaching it in just a couple of hours.”
“Then, we really don’t have to stop there.” Luffy said.
“Yeah, but I think we should.” Nami said. “Afterall, we do not even know how we’re going to even reach Mermaid Island. It is underwater.”
“Nami’s right.” Usopp said. “We could be spending days just looking for the entrance.”
Luffy thought about for a moment. “Okay, I’ve decided. We’re stop at this island before going to Mermaid Island.”
“I go make the preparations.” Nami said as she quickly went to work.

True to Nami’s words, they reached a small island within three hours. It was late afternoon when they finally arrived. It took them a little while to drop the anchor and folded the sails.
“This island is actually bigger than I thought.” Nami noted. “I wonder if it’s inhabit?”
“If it isn’t, we will have to guess when the Log Pose will reset.” Zoro said in a bored tone.
“Who cares.” Luffy said. “As long as we can find meat here what does it matters?”
“IS THAT ALL YOU THINK ABOUT!!?” Both Zoro and Nami yelled.
Sanji calmly lit a cigarette. “We are running low of some supplies, so it is a valid point.”
“Hohohohoho, it has been a long time since I set foot on any island.” Brook said cheerfully. “Big or small, it’s a real treat.”
“Then, lets go on an adventure!” Luffy yelled as he prepared to leave the ship.
“Not so fast, captain.” Nami said as she grabbed Luffy’s cheek, which stretched a good distance. “We have to pair ourselves off to keep from getting lost.”
Sanji snickered. “Yeah, especially for Marimo here.”
Zoro’s face became red when he heard this. “What did you say Dartboard!?”
“Luffy, you, Zoro, and Chopper can go in one group.” Nami spoke up before another fight broke out. “Sanji-kun will come with me.”
Sanji became very happy when he heard this. “It will be my honor, Nami-swan.”
Zoro rolled his eyes. “You are so whip.”
“Then lets go!” Luffy yelled again, attempting to leave the ship.
“If you do not mind, I would like to come with you, Captain-san.” Robin said sweetly as she walked down the stairs. “I would like to see if there are any ruiners on this island.”
Luffy grinned happily. “Of course, there’s always room for more.”
“Then I will go with the lovely young lady.” Brook said. “I shall guard you with my life. Although, I’m already dead, hohohohoho.” He laughed at his own joked.
Nami sweat dropped slightly. “Sure, no problem.”

After a few more minutes, the two groups left the ship. Franky and Usopp were left behind to guard the ship while the others went to explore. Nami wanted to make a map of the island and Luffy and the others went to look for edible food.
“The forest in this area is pretty thick.” Sanji noted. “It’s going to hard to find anything.”
“I just need to set up the perfect spot for my map.” Nami said. “After all, I could be making the only map ever of this particular island.”
Brook looked around the forest like a little kid who was just seeing the world for the first time. “It has been so long since I have seen living trees with the sun. How I missed it over these last years.”
Sanji looked at Brook sympathetically. He could only imagine what it was like to be stuck in that Florian Triangle for five years because some mad man stole his shadow.
“I almost feel like singing in joy.” Brook said as he pulled out his violin.
“A little later, Brook.” Nami warned. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. “Do you hear that?” Both Brook and Sanji stopped to listen.
“I hear nothing, Nami-san.” Sanji stated.
“I’m certain I heard something.” Nami said as she listen even harder.
Brook also looked worry. “She’s right. I can sense something.”
“Maybe this island is inhabit.” Sanji stated. Suddenly, several people wearing strange decorated masks appeared from the trees. They all held long wooden spears and circle around the small group.
“Where did they come from?” Nami asked worriedly.
Sanji turned towards Brook. “Get Nami-san out of here. I’ll cover you.”
Brook looked at him with worry. “Are you sure?”
“Just do it!!” Sanji yelled. Just as he gave that order, one of the inhabitants jumped from his place and attempted to impale Sanji. He effortlessly blocked the thrust and kicked the attacker straight in the gut. The other natives took this as their sign to attack head on.
Brook, following Sanji’s orders, pulled Nami out of the path of fire and fought his way throughout the natives using his cane. Nami also got some hits in with her climate-tract before they finally broke free. They both ran from the scene while Sanji covered them.
“Are you sure we should just leave him behind?” Brook asked worriedly.
“He’ll be just fine.” Nami assured. “It will take more than a couple natives to take Sanji down.
True to her words, Sanji was able to easily block and kick all of the natives away from him.
“It’s best that you give up now before I really hurt you.” Sanji said calmly. Both his hands were in his pockets and still had a lit cigarette. The natives slowly began to back away from him.
“Well, what do you know? They actually listen.” Sanji said neutrally. At that moment, several darts were shot into Sanji’s back causing him to nearly fall over.
“Dammit, I got careless.” Sanji thought as he regained his balance. The other natives attacked again. Sanji was still able to easily evade all the attacks, but he was steadily growing dizzy.
“Those dart must have been poison.” Sanji thought as he blocked several more attacks. “I have to end this fast.” Sanji then did a hand stand did his infamous spin kick on all the natives around him. They were not match of this attack and almost everyone was knocked out.
As Sanji stood back up, several more darts were shot him, this time from the front. Sanji cursed at himself as the world began to quickly fad.
“No good, I have nothing left.” Sanji said as he fall over. He was out before he even reached the ground.

“This island is so cool.” Luffy said happily as he used his rubber powers to swing from tree to tree.
“I bet their are all sorts of medicines that I can make from these trees.” Chopper said as he looked around.
“Odd, there appear to be no ruiners around here.” Robin said as she explored the area. “Perhaps this island is uninhabited.”
“Good if you ask me.” Zoro said. “With our luck, they would be cannibals.”
Luffy was having the time of his life as he looked up above the trees. “Wow, you can see the whole island from here.”
“Luffy get down already.” Zoro scolded. “That witch Nami will have a fit if we don’t bring back some supplies.”
“You don’t have to be so mean, Zoro.” Luffy pouted.
Chopper turned into his reindeer form and sniff the trail. “That’s strange, I can small humans.”
This got Robin’s attention. “Humans, are you sure, Chopper?”
“I’m certain.” Chopper said. “And they have been here recently.
“Looks like this island isn’t as uninhabited as we thought.” Zoro said, He knew their luck couldn’t be that good.
“Hey, I see smoke ahead!” Luffy yelled. “Maybe there’s a village over there!”
Robin put her hand on her chin. “Should we go to the village or avoid it.”
“It’s way too risky to walk into that village.” Zoro said. “We have no idea if the inhabitants are friendly or hostile.”
“True, but this is their island and we don’t know how long we will be here.” Robin said. “It may be safer for us to at least see what they are like.”
“Geez, what do you think, Luffy?” Zoro asked, but got no answer. He turned towards the trees to directly face his captain. “Luffy!” Still no answer.
Robin chuckled lightly. “It would seem that Captain-san decided to go without us.”
“That idiot.” Zoro cursed.
“Don’t worry, I can find him.” Chopper said. “All I have to do is follow the scent.”
Zoro sighed. “Then, we should follow him to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.”

Sanji slowly open his eyes as the last of the dizziness finally left him. He felt weak and was mouth was very dry. He attempted to sit up and stretch his sore muscles, but quickly found to his horror that he was tied down to a wooden table. He couldn’t move at all since both his hand and ankles were tied down to each side of the table.
He attempted to remember what had happen, but he couldn’t seem to clear his head enough to come up with a clear answer. It was several more minutes later before someone entered the tent that Sanji was trapped in.
Sanji quickly set his head up to see who his captures were. “Who are you and why did you bring me here?”
The figure was a medium size man with with several multicolor paint marks all over his face and chest. He wore what looked like a copper crown with one huge feather sticking out of the middle. In one hand was a strange looking stick with a blue jewel on the top of it.
“I said, who are you!?” Sanji demanded again, refusing to show fear.
“You travel with those who posses the Devil Fruit.” The man said instead.
This caught Sanji off-guard. “What are you talking about?”
“My people told me that you traveled with a talking skeleton.” The man said. “Such a thing can only be possible if one possesses one of the legendary Devil Fruits.”
Sanji knew who he was talking about. “That ‘talking skeleton’ is my nakama, Brook.”
The man looked surprise by this. “Nakama, so you’re pirates.”
Sanji’s eye harden. “Yes.”
There was a moment of silence before the man spoke again. “Tell me, are there any other Devil Fruit users among your crew?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Sanji challenged.
“Answer the question.” The man demanded.
“You’ll get nothing from me, Shithead.” Sanji cursed.
The man was silent for a moment. “If you want to do things the hard way, then that’s fine with us.” He turned towards the tent’s entrance and with a snap of his figures, a young lady with long black hair entered the tent. Sanji only got a glance at here before he quickly went into his lovesick mode.
“Mellorine, what a vision of complete perfection.” Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. She fairly tall for a women and had a nice built. She was also well endow, just like his angel, Nami-swan. The lady stared at him with an odd look.
The man turned back towards Sanji. “You will first tell us if there are other Devil Fruit users among your crew. Then, you will tell us where we can find them.”
Sanji immediately snapped out of his lovesick mode. “No, I would never betray my nakama.”
The man snorted. “Even the strongest will can be broken.” He turned towards the young lady. “Nathel here has broken countless men with her touch. You will be no different.”
Sanji blinked when he heard this. A young woman will be torturing him? It was almost like a dream come true.
“Once you tell us everything you know, then we will properly sacrifice you to our god.” The man said as he left. Nathel then slowly walked up to Sanji and pulled a knife from her bra.
Sanji stared fearlessly up to her. “You don’t have to do this.” Nathel said nothing as she proceeded to cut Sanji’s shirt and coat down the middle with her knife. Normally, he would be pissed to have his good clothes ruin, but since it was a woman doing the damage he couldn’t get upset at all.
Once she was finished, she tore the shirt and jacket off and expose his muscular chest.
Nathel then stared coldly down at him. “Talk now or I will make you.”
Sanji gave Nathel a defiant look. Even if she was an woman, he won’t allow her to break him. “No.”
“Fine, then I will show you no mercy.” Nathel said coldly as she reached over and pinched the edge Sanji’s chest with both hands. The contact caused Sanji to grit his teeth. It didn’t hurt really, but tickled more than anything else.
She did it again over a different part of chest, but this time she continued to move across his entire chest area. She pinched the spaces between his ribs and ran her fingers along his stomach.
Through the entire process, Sanji was attempting to keep himself from giggling. He now understood what was happening. Sanji hasn’t been tickled since he left West Blue. As far as he could remember, no one has ever touched him like this. He honestly couldn’t even remember the last time he was tickled.
“I suggest you make this easier on yourself.” Nathel said as she furiously ran her figures all over his upper chest. “Tell me where your other Devil Fruit friends are and this will stop.”
Sanji was breathing deeply as he attempted not to laugh. “Never.” Nathel stopped for a moment before she dug her fingers into his abdomen. This finally broke Sanji and a flow of laughter spilled out of his mouth. He began to shifted around in his bonds as he attempted to escape the torture. Nathel smirked evilly as she dug deeper and deeper into the slightly rough skin.
Sanji’s skin wasn’t nearly as rough as Zoro’s, but it was still tough. The skin was also surprising smooth. It was clear that this man took good care of himself unlike many others that she had tortured. He was also quite sensitive. Even a fairly light touch sent him over the edge.
Sanji was in misery as she was tickled the sensitive area between his chest and abdomen. He had never felt so helpless in his life and he pulled even more desperately on his bonds. No matter what he tried, however, he couldn’t seem to escape.
Sanji’s laughter went up greatly as she began to tickle his upper thigh at the same time she was tickling the muscles that made up his stomach. She quickly learned that the areas were his muscles ridged were his most sensitive area.
“There is nothing you can do to stop this.” Nathel said coldly. “Tell us what we want to know and I will stop.” She began to squeezed his thighs even harder.
“No!!” Sanji screamed through his laughter.
“Then this will never stop.” Nathel said as she tickled his stomach with both her hands again, leaving Sanji squirming like a worm.

The man that met with Sanji inside the tent smiled in satisfaction as he listened to Sanji torturous laughter. It would not be long before he gave the information that they needed.
“Elder!” An another man yelled as he approached the elder.
“What is it?” The elder asked in irritation.
“There is someone approaching the village from the trees.” The man said. “It seemed to be stretching his arms to swings himself.”
This got the elder’s attention. “Is it a Devil Fruit user?”
“We think so.” The man said.
“Then, prepare to capture him.” The elder ordered. “Be sure not to harm him, too badly.”
“Should we tell Nathel about this?” The man asked.
“No, if this turned out not to be a user we will still need him.” The elder said. “Besides, he needs to suffer for his obstinate.”

Sanji was in agony as his waist and thighs were both squeezed by Nathel’s gentle hands. Normally, he would enjoy having a beautiful young woman touching every part of him, but not in this way.
He couldn’t help but to be reminded of the contest that his some of his nakama entered before the incident at Thriller Bark. Zoro was able to take over two-hours of being tickle without begging. He was also torture by four women at once. Even though he lost in the end, he couldn’t help but to respect the man, even through he teased him mercilessly for days. Now, he had a clue to what Zoro had to go through.
“Are you ready to talk yet?” Nathel asked cruelly. Sanji said nothing this time as he was lost in pure sensation. Growing impatient, Nathel dug both her hands hard into his waist, causing Sanji to scream in laughter. She went faster as she dug deeper into his skin.
Sweat was now pouring from Sanji’s body as he tried in desperation to break his bonds. He knew it was useless. There was not enough slack to free his arms or legs. He was trapped and she knew it. Unless he does something soon, he was in real danger of breaking. He had to hang on for his nakama’s sake.
“You can’t last much longer.” Nathel said as she teased his stomach again. She dipped a single finger into his bellybutton causing him to arch slightly off the table. “It is only a matter time before you break and tell me everything.” Sanji closed both his eyes as his laughter grew even louder. The first hint of tears can be seen is his eyes.
Nathel kept her finger in his bellybutton and squeezed both of his thighs with her other hand. She then buried her fingers into his thighs causing him to fall deeper into pure hysteria.
She switched evenly between each thigh before pulling her finger from his bellybutton and using that hand to attacked his ribs again. Since sweat was now covering his chest, it made her finger slide much easier across the smooth skin.
She made sure to torture each of his ribs and the spaces in-between them, all without stopping tickling his thighs.
Even though he was miserable, Sanji’s resolve never waver. He will protect his nakama no matter what.

Luffy dropped down from a tree as he approached the village. From what he could see, there appeared to be no one around. Strange, he could had sworn he heard voices earlier. Not to mention there was a fire still burning in he middle of the village. Where could had everyone gone in such a short time?
“HEY, IS ANYONE HERE!!?” Luffy yelled throughout the village. He listened intensely for any answer, but he heard nothing.
“Man, where is everyone?” Luffy complained as he walked the empty road. He suddenly stopped as he heard something in the distance. It sounded like..........laughter?
Before he could walked towards the sounds, several natives jumped from the roofs of the houses and surrounded the strawhat captain.
Luffy looked around in confusing. “Huh, what’s going on?” The natives then pointed their spears at him.
“Are you one of the pirates?” The elder asked as he approached Luffy from outside the circle.
Luffy turned towards the older man. “Yeah, I’m a pirate.”
“Really, then you won’t mind telling us where the rest of your crew is hiding.” The elder said, with a dark smirk on his face.
Luffy titled his head. “Why should I?”
“Because, if you don’t, then will have choice but to kill that blond headed man that we caught earlier.” The elder said.
This got Luffy’s attention. “Sanji?”
The elder laughed at the question. “So, he is one of your nakama.”
Luffy immediately became angry. “Where is he!?”
“We’ll tell you if you surrender yourself peacefully.” The elder said.
“Like hell!” Luffy yelled.
“Fine, take him!?” The elder ordered. The natives surrounding Luffy attempted to grab him.
Luffy jumped into the air to avoid their attacks. “Like I’ll be capture that easily.” The natives throw their spears at him, which he was able to easily avoid.
“Gum Gum Pistol!!” Luffy yelled as he stretch his arms out and slammed his fist into the ground. This caused a miniature earthquake that knocked everyone over.
“So, he does posses a Devil Fruit.” The elder said in awe. Luffy then landed and took off from the group.
“Get him, don’t let him get away!!” The elder yelled as several villagers chased after him.

Sanji was utterly exhausted as he squirm helplessly against the cruel fingers. His laughter now came out as more as a coughing sound as Nathel ran her finger all over his ribs. One hand was used to pinched each of the ribs while the other one tormented the spaces in-between them.
“You really are stubborn.” Nathel said. “However, it’s all in vain. You cannot escape, you can only lay here and take it. You will break soon.” Sanji only giggled in response.
She then went back to his abdomen and ran her fingers all along it causing him to squirm even harder.
“I won’t......betray.......my nakama.” Sanji said while still laughing. “I’ll die first.”
Nathel smirked as she tickled faster on his stomach. “Then, I’ll make you laugh to death.”
Sanji’s torture was interrupted, however, when Luffy suddenly burst through the tent’s entrance.
Nathel stopped when she saw the intruder. “Who are you?”
Sanji sat up to look at his captain. “Luffy.......about damn time you got here.

Part II

Usopp yawn in boredom as he looked over the railing. It was so quite since the others left. He really didn’t feel up to working on any of his inventions. He almost wish he went with Luffy and the others. Although, the though of exploring some unknown island did creep him.
“Hey bro, why don’t you come and help me some of the maintenance.” Franky said as he began to spin his wrench in one hand.
“Don’t feel up to it, Franky.” Usopp said. He suddenly began to smile. “Hey, what to hear the story on how I save an entire island from destruction when I was just five years old.
Franky chuckled at the statement. “Maybe later, bro. There is some stuff I want to get done on the ship.
Usopp deflated when he heard this. “Oh, no problem.” Before Franky could go below however, he caught sight of something heading out of the forest.
“Huh, what is Sis and that skeleton doing back here so soon?” Franky asked when he saw them.
This got Usopp’s attention. “Yeah, and where’ Sanji?” When the got close enough they could hear Nami yelling.
“We were attack, by some natives!” Nami yelled.
“WHAT!!?” Both Usopp and Franky screamed.
“It’s the truth.” Brooke said. “Scared me out of my skin, if I had any.” He began to laugh at his own bad joke.
Franky chose to ignore the skeleton. “Where is the cook, then?”
Nami lowed her head in worry. “He told us to run and let him hold them up. We thought he would be back by now.”
“Calm down, Longnose.” Franky said with some irritation. “Did these natives appear to be strong?”
“No, we were easily able to pass them.” Nami said. “We thought for sure that Sanji could beat him.”
“Maybe, but the could had done some trick to disable him.” Franky observed.
“I have heard of some tribe that taint their weapons with poison.” Nami said worriedly.
Brooke became very gloom. “So if he was poison, even he will be helpless before those natives. We have to find him.”
“How?” Usopp asked. “Chopper is the only one among us who knows how to track and he is with Luffy and the others.”
“We just have to look for any signs of life.” Nami said with determination. “Like a camp fire or footprints.”
Franky nodded. “That is the only thing we have to go on. It will take too long to find Strawhat”
“Then, lets go look for him.” Brooke said with fire in his empty sockets.
“Wait, if we all leave, we will protect the Thousand Sunny?” Usopp asked. They all looked at each other for a moment.
“I guess I’ll stay behind.” Frank offered. “Besides, no one will be damaging me ship.”
Usopp felt his legs began to shake. “Well, I guess I, the Great Captain Usopp, will come and save the day.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Nami said in a bored tone.
“Then, lets go and rescue our brave comrade.” Brooke said as he lifted up his cane.

Luffy was speechless for a moment when he saw Sanji tired to the table.
“Sanji, what has happen to you?” Luffy sputtered.
“Never mind that, cut me loose!” Sanji demanded as he pulled on his bonds.
Nathel narrowed her eyes at the boy. “Are you this man’s nakama?”
Luffy quickly became serious. “Yes I am and what have you done to Sanji!?”
“Don’t raise your voice to a woman!” Sanji yelled.
Nathel chose to ignored him. “He didn’t want to give the information we wanted, so I was sent to force him to.”
“Well. that stops right now.” Luffy said as he grabbed his arm. “Gum Gum Pistil!” He let the attack fly, but Nathel gracefully dodged it.
“You shithead, how dare you attack a lady!” Sanji yelled.
Nathel stared deadly at Luffy. “So, you’re endow with Devil Fruit powers.”
“That’s right.” Luffy said as he stretched one of his cheeks. “I ate the Gum Gum Fruit and became a rubberman.”
“Rubberman, so you literally became living rubber.” Nathel said in awe. “So, this is the wonders of one who eats the treasure of the sea.”
“So, I think you should let my nakama go now.” Luffy said as he got ready to throw another punch.
Nathel began to laugh viciously. “We don’t need that fool anymore. Since an user is standing right here before me.”
Luffy looked very confuse. “What?”
“Luffy, these people are after people who consume a Devil Fruit!” Sanji warned.
Luffy looked even more confuse as he turned to face Sanji. “Why?”
He barely had time to blink before Nathel’s kick nearly connected with his face. He bend his body in a way that wouldn’t be possible for a normal human to invade the assault. Luffy used his momentum to spring back and came close to head butting Nathel’s in the face.
She throw a punch at the elastic boy, but he easily caught it. Luffy gave her one of his classic goofy smiles.
“Let go” Nathel demanded. She couldn’t seem to break his grip.
“No.” Luffy said as he tighten his hold. “First, untie Sanji.”
“Damn you.” Nathel cursed.
“That is far enough, Devil Fruit user.” A voice said from behind him. The chief was standing at the entrance with several tribe members behind him.
“Lord Oka” Nathel said with a hint of shame.
Oka stared at Nathel at the moment. “I am disappointed in you. I expected better, even if your opponent has the power of a Devil Fruit.”
Nathel lowed her head. “Forgive me, my Lord.”
“Hey, are you the head around here?” Luffy asked casually.
“I am Lord Oka, leader of the Solletico Tribe.” Oka said in his deepest voice. “And you, users of the Devil Fruit, are now our prisoner.”
Luffy smiled. “I think not. And if you get in my way, I will just have to kick your ass.”
“How dare you talk to our lord like that!” One of the villagers yelled.
Oka smirked. “You’ll kick my ass? Do all Devil Fruit users have such audacity?”
Sanji sighed. “No, he is a special case.”
Luffy quickly lost his smile and gave the chief a blank stare. “Release my nakama, now.”
“You’re in no place to make demands, boy.” Oka countered, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Fine, then I’ll send you flying!” Luffy yelled as charged the chief. Several villagers got in his way to block his path. This hardly slowed Luffy down.
“Gum Gum Gatlin Gun!!” Luffy shouted as he arms seemed to have multiply and hit several of the villagers away.
Nathel was left stun when she saw the attack. “Is this the power of one who has the Devil Fruit? I stood not chance against him.” After Luffy disable the first row of villagers he swap his leg against the next group.
“Gum Gum Whip.” Luffy yelled this time as his leg stretched and knocked over another hand full of villagers.
Oka smiled. “Very impressive. You’re much stronger than I thought.”
Nothing stood in the way between Luffy and Oka. “I’m going to kick your ass for what you did to Sanji.”
“Don’t get cocky.” Oka laughed. “Even if you are a Devil Fruit user, you can’t ever beat me.”
Luffy narrowed his eyes. “Well then, Gum Gum.......”
“Water Trap!” Oka yelled as he point his stick at Luffy. The jewel on top of it glowed for a second before a jet of water rushed out of it. Before Luffy could react, he was surrounded by the water. Within seconds, the water had turned into a sphere and Luffy was trapped inside of it.
“What the hell!!” Luffy yelled as he pounded on the prison of water, but he immediately felt weak and collapsed in the sphere.
“You careless fool.” Oka laughed. “You grew too confident in your power. Did you really think that we would have no way to counter your kind?”
“Damn......” Luffy muttered weakly.
Oka chuckled viciously at his prisoner. “At long last, we have a Devil Fruit user who may be strong enough to bring back our god.” The villagers, who were still conscious, cheered.
Sanji could only watch helpless. “Dammit, Luffy. How could you allow yourself to be caught like that.”
“It is time to head to the chamber.” Oka announced.
Nathel slowly walked up to her chief. “What is to be done with the other one?”
Oka shrugged. “I could careless about him. Do what you please with him.”
Nathel gave a evil smile. “As you wish, my Lord.”
“The rest of you will be coming with me for the ceremony.” Oka stated. Another cheer could be heard.

“I can’t believe how fast that idiot move.” Zoro muttered as he followed behind Chopper.
“It does seem that the captain has a good head start on us.” Robin noted.
“I just hope he hasn’t caused any trouble.” Zoro said. “If these villagers are none hostile, it could ruin it for us if he does something crazy.” Chopper suddenly stop.
“What is wrong, Chopper?” Robin asked worriedly.
Chopper sniffed the ground a couple of more times. “I can smell Sanji’s scent here.” There was a long pause among the group.
“Ero Cook, are you sure?” Zoro asked, trying to hide his worry.
“I am positive.” Chopper said. “There is even imprints in the ground that suggests he was dragged.”
“Damn, that shitty cook couldn’t stay out of trouble.” Zoro muttered.
“And Captain-san is heading towards the same village that Sanji was taken to.” Robin stated. “If that is the case, we must hurry.”
“Hai.” Chopper said as they moved even faster through the forest.

It took them only a few minutes to find their way to the village.
“This place seems abandon.” Zoro said as he looked around for any life.
“No, people were here recently.” Chopper said as he sniffer around. “A lot of them in fact.”
“But, why would they be gone now?” Robin asked herself. “Could had gone to use Sanji as a human sacrifice?”
“Sacrifice!!?” Chopper yelled in horror.
Robin nodded. “There are some tribes that rips an intruder apart and feed their remains to some deity they worship. But, if that was so, you should be smelling Cook-san’s blood by now.”
Chopper looked like he was going to faint. “Blo........blood?
“There is signs of fighting here.” Zoro said as he slowly pulled out one of his swords. “And it seemed to all happen over there.” Chopper, Robin, and Zoro made their way to the hut. As they got closer, they could hear voices.
“What are you going to do to him!?” A voice demanded.
“That’s Sanji!” Chopper yelled in excitement.
“Be quite.” Zoro demanded as they snuck closer.
A female’s voice laughed at him. “He is no concern of your now. You should be more worry about yourself, my little toy.”
“I don’t care if you are a lady.” Sanji virtually growled. “If you dare hurt him........”
“And what are you going to do about it.” The female voice mocked. This was more than enough for the others and the quickly ran into the hut.
Nathel was completely surprise to see them. “What.......”
“Sanji, are you alright?” Chopper yelled.
Zoro shook his head and smirk at his rival. “You look pitiful, Love Cook.”
Sanji narrowed his eyes. “Shut up and get me loose! These people have Luffy!”
Zoro immediately stopped smirking. “What?”
Robin turned towards Nathel with a deadly look in her face. “What have you done with him?”
Nathel quickly regain her composer. “Like I’ll tell you.” She charged towards Robin. She was so fast that she appeared to be only a blur.
Robin was not fooled by this as she crossed her arms. “Ocho Fleur.” Out of nowhere, several arms spouted from Nathel’s body and stopped her assault.
“What, another Devil Fruit user!?” Nathel yelled in horror.
Robin’s eyes then snapped open. “Flip.” Nathel was then flip over and she landed ungratefully on her head, knocking her out.
“Nice, Robin.” Chopper praised. Zoro used to this time to finally free Sanji from his bonds.
“Bout time.” Sanji muttered as he rubbed his sore wrist. Nathel’s torture had really taken a toll on him.
“How could allow Luffy to be capture!?” Zoro yelled at the cook.
“If you haven’t noticed, Marimo, I was kind of tied up.” Sanji argued back.
“What was done to you, your chest is all red.” Chopper, changing into his chibi form, went to examine Sanji.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Sanji said quickly. He was too embarrass to tell them he was tickle torture. He would never hear the end of it from the swordman.
“That is no excuse.” Zoro said angrily.
“There is no point in arguing the point now.” Robin said calmly. “What is important is retrieving Captain-san.”
Zoro nodded reluctantly. “Fine, where did they take them Love-Cook?”
Sanji lowed his head in shame. “I don’t know. All I know that they’re taken him somewhere for a ceremony.”
“Ceremony?” Chopper questioned as he continued to examine Sanji.
“Yeah, they said something about him being able to reawaken some god of theirs.” Sanji said.
“This does not sound good.” Robin said, deeply worried.
“That doesn’t tell us where he is!” Zoro said as he slammed his fist into the ground. “We might be too late if we try to search this entire island.”
“True.” Robin then looked down at Nathel. “But, she would know where he is.”
you're gonna make a part 3 rite? i hope you do... oh, and dont get me wrong, guy tickling is ok and stuff for the ladies who read this but maybe robin and nami could get tickled a little bit too? id like thah...
Great job, I was gonna wait till someone else commented before adding my two cents in.
Thank you so much for doing one with Sanji as the victim, it makes me happy to no end ;_; tears of joy.
I love your entire body of work, and can't wait for the next part! Please, keep up the good work.
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