To machine, or not to machine
Guys! Guys! Hate to burst your bubble, but it's already been done to great success. Save your money and do your history research. Kujman (oooo, yes, I know mentioning him starts wars but too bad) has a slew of them he's made. All types and models and things they do. He's shown them off in s/m clubs in NYC and CA. Some are simple hand held things that slowly whir a stiff feather. Others are large in size with personalities even talking to you and tantilizing you.
Before you pass this off, let me tell you that I've seen them and experienced them just this Summer. The phrase 'Holy Crap' comes to my mind over and over.
Some react to movement and sound and then zero in on your spots. Some are original scratch built, some more mechanical, some whimsical, some scavenged from other household machines. Some are for feet and some for armpits and breasts. Some for more private areas. The people in his group have related many stories about them and posted photos. My favorite story told to me directly by Cindy and Tracy at a party was when they would mummify one of them to a plank, put the machine on their feet, and leave for pizza! The machine had it's own electronic brain or whatever you call it and would start and go as it wished. It reacted to movement and sound too. They were left to the mercy of that machine and in addition it controlled a vibrator- you can fill in the rest there. What I loved about that even more was that they would go down the street to a pizza place and call on the phone to the victim so they'd know they were too far away to rescue them in a timely manner should their tickling be unbearable, which it was and still is when they do this. They'd teasingly taunt them over the answering machine, which of course sets off the machine more. The victim could only hear them on the answering machine and couldn't talk back. What a great world of headspace they make. Absolutely wonderfully devious and erotic. A cold hearted machine on your feet and being taunted at the same time. I got a chance to experience it and hopefully will re-enact that same story in Novemeber at the next private one.
My favoritie quote from their adventure was "And you can scream any god damned thing you want at that tin monster, but it doesn't care! It just keeps going at you! You can't sue it or even hurt it. So what does it care if you lose your mind! It's just doing it's job"