This is interesting to me. Why, you say? Well, when I was as young as ~4, I tickled. I can vaugely remember recieving brief tickles, and I was definitly ticklish. I can remember never wanting to be barefoot, too. Maybe, because I had been tickled on my feet. I don't remember. I just know this. I was ticklish, and I avoided getting tickled quite sucessfully. I also loved to tickle others. I remember tying up childhood friends and tickling them silly. Why they never got me back is beyond me. As I grew up, my victims were just females, and as I reached puberty, I discovered that there was more to tickling than I realized before. Still, I avoided being the victim myself. Now, as an adult, and understanding this fetish more, I regret never being tied and throughly tickled by someone else. I've tried it in the last 10 years or so, but I must have convinced my subconcious that I'm not ticklish because, well, I'm not, really. I still wish I could be the victim of 4 or 5 expert female ticklers. I wonder if my ticklishness I had when I was a kid would come back???????