Well time is not a static, and is only a means of measuring events because in the universe that we can see, things change. Things are born or created, things exist, things die or are destroyed on a constant basis. Why. Because this dimension we live in needs this change, and because of the old axiom about this universe: For something in this universe to live, something else must die. So we, being the nature of humans, needed a way to measure the distance in between those events that are occurring all around us. Time is faster on the moon than it is on Earth by a few hundreds of seconds I believe. And time is expanded in the universe longer than it is on earth. Hence, if we where able to do space exploration and send a ship out, every year that the crew got old, we on earth would get ten years older. They are postulating that it has something to do with the distance of rotation that you are in (earth rotation, the universes rotation) as everything rotates. So the theory goes, the bigger the rotation is, the longer time is expanded for you.
I also listened to a scientist who works for the government on time travel at the government labs on the upper east coast. He is saying that they are able to do it now. The government stumbled on to it with the Philadelphia experiment (yeah there was a movie about it, but they changed alot of stuff) the government had been trying to create a cloaking shield for their battle cruisers using a super field of energy and magnetism. They equipped a cruiser with a device and turned it on. The ship disappeared. When it reappeared and they went on the ship to examine it, they found the crew that had been on the ship had merged into the hull of the ship. A man fused into a wall, arms sticking out of other walls, etc. (just like you saw in the movie). Now apparently, that ship appeared for a few seconds’ years later in that spot, and then disappeared. They stumbled on time travel by accident. What had happened was that the field they created was unstable. Now they are using a similar technique, but also using lasers to contain the electro-magnetic field and the subjects that they are moving about through space are fine. They have tested it with clocks (digital, wind up, and clocks that use a ball bearing system) as well as plants and have been successful. They can go forward in time 300 percent, but backwards I believe only 1/10th real time. The thing that the scientist don’t find funny, but they said is the biggest thing in terms of getting more investments (this research is being funded with corporate funding as well as government funding) is that, in the case with the ball bearing clock (where ball bearings drop off a platform in sequential time) is that as the ball bearings fall, they disappear for a few seconds, then reappear in space exactly in the same spot. We are years away from being able to have any practical application for it.
And regarding dimensions, I remember listening to Dr. Okaku, whose findings on this mater where reported in the NY Times, that other dimensions do exist and may be only a inch or two apart from each other in theory. They discovered this as one of our satellites that we launched went beyond our universe and any planets and should have been fee floating in the direction it was going. However, it began being pushed by an unseen, undetectable force the opposite way. The theory (after much conjecture amongst the physics community) is that this satellite is being pushed by the gravity field of a planet in that exists in another dimension, but one that does not exist in our universe.