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Passionate About Her Subject (FF/m)


Registered User
Sep 25, 2008
The following work of fiction contains some sexually explicit content. All depicted characters are 18 or older.

SYNOPSIS: Scott wakes up in the captivity of an attractive sex researcher, but he's confident that he can keep his foot and tickling fetishes secret.


"Passionate About Her Subject"

The important thing at the moment, is...

Scott's mind felt unbalanced as he tried to rationalize the panic away, but instead of being away, it seemed to slosh around inside his head, and obscure his ability to construct the sentence.

The important thing at the moment, is... to...

He pulled a bit, with his right arm. Perhaps, he thought, it will move this time. He was able to tug on the muscle, but the arm was strapped firmly down. The other arm mirrored it. Lying down as he was, he imagined he must look like one of those people who would cheer at the game, with his arms thrust straight above his head and frozen that way.

... don't worry about anything.

He felt extremely bare in this position. What was he even doing in this room? He found the panic was settling, and the words in his mind settled with it.

The important thing at the moment is not to worry.

This was the first time Scott had woken up in a room without remembering how he'd arrived there. Why wasn't he wearing his pyjamas? Where were his pyjamas?

This is very weird.

Surely, this would all be explained in time. He reminded himself that patience was all he needed, and set his mind to work on determining his location. The room was white. He couldn't see the floor, restrained as he was. His ankles and toes felt trapped. He gave his spread legs a tug, and the straps pulled back even harder. It was the same feeling of inarguable entrapment he had experienced when he was younger, and his babysitter sat with her full weight on his legs.

Before he could make any more progress, his attention was refocused in alarm. He tilted his neck and looked at the closed door. There were footsteps in the hall. They were coming closer.

Scott felt himself sweat. Who was coming? Surely they would be able to explain. Or, perhaps they would walk right by. Yes, that would be it. The probability that anybody walking down a hall would enter any single room was low. He relaxed, and waited for the sound of the footsteps to pass by the door and begin to fade away again.

But the sound stopped. And then Scott heard the door click.

His words had not discriminated by gender, but he was shocked out of his stream of consciousness when he saw that the face of the entrant was a female one. Not just female-- as his sensory data had told him-- but disarmingly female.

She would think he had done this on purpose; locked himself, naked, in a public building. She would think he was a perverted individual. He scrambled to think of a dignified explanation for his presence, but there was no time to think. There was no escape. She had entered the room, and she appeared to be examining him with her eyes. She began walking toward him.

He had expected a man. An office worker. A guard. In light of the surprise, his mental resources were strangely divided between his awkward situation and the rim of her glasses.

And the column of light blue buttons on her collared shirt. And her ponytail. And the edges of her lips.

"Good morning," she offered calmly. At this, Scott felt slightly more comfortable and then felt his internal defenses relax.

But before he could think of what to say, the woman placed her hands in the hollows of his over-exposed underarms, and her fingernails traced quick designs within them.

In the first tenth of a second afterward, Scott's mind began to formulate the thought:


And in the second tenth of a second-- though he didn't know why-- he realized what she was trying to do.

She's trying to tickle you. Just pretend you don't understand, and you won't have to show how ticklish you are.

Unfortunately, while the timescale of tenths of a second were sufficient for his thoughts to construct themselves, it would not outlast the woman's fingernails. His pretending bought him another six tenths of a second, and the smile tugging at his lips worked against him from the very beginning of that interval.

Since he was thirteen, Scott had spent nights fantasizing about his body in total helplessness. Whichever demure bookworm he admired at the time would begin poised above him, smiling with piercing confidence, dancing her fingers under his arms or around his stomach. Eventually, she would remove his socks and shoes-- a circumstance he had associated with an acute emotional vulnerability-- and exploit the soles of his feet with complacent eye contact.

Now he was 19, but all this had remained private. He had never even considered the possibility of telling another human. When his fantasies were through, they would drift back into his mind and stay there. He would never quit Firefox without clearing his browsing history. Even to Kristen, the deeply warm girl with whom he had developed a relationship, he had given no hint. He would never dare to impose such thoughts on her. Perhaps after several years, he would consider admitting that the sight of her bare feet on the concrete school steps was a factor in attracting him to her... but perhaps not.

It was easy not to. For he had learned this rule about the world: what people were not allowed to know, they would never think of. His sexual desire would be easy to keep secret, so long as he took meticulous care to volunteer no evidence of it. So, he felt safe in the knowledge that to his family, his classmates, or his girlfriend, he would appear to be just a normal person.

He had the same advantage over this strange, pretty woman. She had exposed his body, binding his wrists and ankles in the most compromising position he could imagine. Even his penis and testicles were in plain view. In spite of all of this-- no matter why she had done it-- she had no power over him. She could produce no restraints that would expose his thoughts.

So, his mind passed him the confident message that he did not need to accept this abusive treatment from her. And he threw his body mightily to one side, with the full intention of tipping the table onto the floor.

Nothing happened. He had tested his bonds before, but-- to be honest with himself-- he had not exerted a full effort at the time. Instead, he was again reminded of the feeling of his babysitter sitting on him. Only this was much firmer. It felt like there was a babysitter on each leg, and another on each arm.

He laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

The woman stopped, and he was left in a helpless heap of gasping giggles. He could hardly think, but he was determined to prepare an authoritative response.

Where am I? Who is responsible for keeping me here? ... he rehearsed.

"My name is Jessica," she said in a professionally charming manner. "It's a pleasure to work with you, Scott." When she finished speaking, she kept her eyes directly focused on his.

He suddenly felt nervous. Why had she said it in that way? Why wasn't she looking away? Then he remembered he had been working on sounding authoritative, and tried to speak what he had practised.

"H-hi," came out of his mouth.

"Uhm... can you--" he added, and immediately found himself tightening his body as Jessica's fingers were placed on his ribs. The pull of his muscles accomplished very little, except to produce the opposite force from the straps on his arms. The sense of defenselessness overtook him.

Tenths of a second played no role in Scott's reaction this time. It was immediate, and the laughter flowed like a healthy waterfall. He tested his ability to speak, but his mouth had decided on the shape of a wide-open smile.

"It's going to be important that you mind your manners, Scott. If you don't listen to the instructions, then we'll have to start all over. If you begin a sentence in words, you'll end it in laughter. Very much like this laughter which you are so kindly demonstrating now."

She lightly kneaded his skin for a little while, allowing him the opportunity to fathom his kind demonstration. After about twenty very aerobic seconds, she relented and stood over him with acute eyes.

"Any questions?" she asked airily as he gasped and panted beneath her.

He was caught in her strange eye contact. He couldn't tell whether she was daring him to speak, or genuinely offering him the chance to learn about his situation. What did she mean by that subtle hint of a smirk? Was it triumph at her position of power, or could it be... a sign of caring?

He decided that it was a sign of caring.

"Um, look," he said. "I really--"

The female hands were deftly reapplied to his body, and once again, he was in the same predicament as before. He laughed as though he was passionate about laughing. But, even though she made him writhe and work, he could still hear the voice of his own mind reassure him.

She is so presumptuous. She thinks she can trick me, it said. Fine; I'll play her game. I won't talk. But she will never know I think about tickling, and she'll never even know that she doesn't know.

It was almost a full minute before Jessica decided that she would relinquish control of Scott's body back to him, and for the third time he was smiling through soft hiccoughs. But this time, he smiled in irony, in the knowledge that she would never gain any ground.

Suppose she was a kidnapper, preying on random samples of the population, placing them in compromising situations in order to expose their secret desire to be tickled helplessly. He had read about such people, albeit in fiction. Now that he'd had time to think about it, it seemed impossible that that was not her goal. It was too unlikely that she would orchestrate such a situation for any other purpose. Exactly why, he would wait to learn.

And even then, it wouldn't matter. As long as it was him and his mind together, he would never need to reveal a thing. The effect of the tickling had died away, and now his smile was completely voluntary. All he had to do was wait until Jessica got tired of this, and set him free.

Jessica was still looking right at him. Her own smile seemed to be a mocking mirror of his.

"I trust we can continue properly," she told him, holding up what looked like an over-thick rubber band, attached to a cord.

A ring, his mind commented. A ring on a string.

He snickered inside, equating his ability to be mentally whimsical with control of his own will. Jessica actually seemed to think that she was intimidating him.

"This is a penile strain gauge," she told him, threading her index finger and thumb through the ring. She began to slowly pull them apart. "Any stretching or relaxation of the ring can be measured precisely." Her eyebrows raised slightly, and her smirk perked up a little. It got to Scott, the way she combined the persona of the fascinated intellectual with the interrogator.

Then, she made physical contact with his penis by lifting it from his body. She passed it lightly from one hand to the other as she placed the ring over it. The ring was passed down her fingers and rested at the base of the shaft.

Scott had not paid any attention to the equipment which sat on the cart to his right. The plainly visible LCD display showed a golden dot travelling calmly from left to right on the screen, and then repeating itself.

"I hope you can tell I'm serious," said Jessica. "And I see you understand that you shouldn't be speaking right now. I also know that if you dared to say anything else, you would begin by asking who I am, and why I have you strapped down like this."

His mind silently confirmed that she was right; he had already thought those words the first time she had tickled him.

"I am a private researcher. My clients hire me to investigate a target, and my task is to discover their sexually deviant traits."

He was proud to learn that he was close in his guess, but now that she had really said it, the sound of her voice made Scott feel chilly inside. But she won't get anywhere, his mind repeated once again. She'll just have to let me go when she realizes I'm just a normal person.

"I want you to think of me as your friend, Scott," Jessica said. "And as your friend, I know you have feelings. There are things that intrigue you."

Jessica adjusted her glasses on her nose. It was a cute nose, and it gave Scott's mind one more thing to do: try to ignore its shape as she came closer to him.

"People reveal their feelings to their friends, like you're about to do."

The words soaked into Scott's brain like a warm hug. He wasn't sure what she was going to do... he just needed to make sure he was ready to dig in his heels when she did it. He had read plenty of stories in the privacy of his room, in which a fictional victim was forced to reveal his turn-ons to a captor by their own display of sexual arousal. But Scott knew that fiction differed from reality. For example, had already endured three intense tickling sessions, and his body had shown no sexual response. If any stimulus would have made it do so, he thought it would probably be the continued visibility of Jessica's face as she talked to him.

But that was only a thought. This was a serious, real situation, and whatever Jessica was, she was not a mind-reader.

"I'm going to ask you a question," she said. "You can answer it out loud, and I won't tickle you."

She was going to the equipment, so he looked at the screen and heard her type.

The image was replaced with a picture that he had seen before, but it was so surreal to see it here that he almost wondered whether he was dreaming. It was a young woman, situated outdoors in a flowy dress, with her bare feet protruding from stocks and her arms over her head. A feather was in mid-stroke up one of the feet, and the eyes were closed. The mouth was open, its shape the sweet result of the combined forces of a powerful ticklish reflex and erotic embarrassment.

"Have you ever seen this picture, Scott?"

Scott felt the most piercing jolt of shame and panic he had ever experienced. The way she said it sounded so practised. He knew from her tone, that she knew he was familiar with it. His prowess for the mental fencing match drained rapidly from his body through the floor. It would be very tricky to say "no" convincingly.

"I downloaded this by connecting to your wireless network and accessing your 'Records' folder in your 'My Documents' folder. WEP encryption is okay for everyday purposes, but you should know better if you're trying to keep yourself safe from curious friends interested in learning your sexual fetishes, don't you think?"

Scott had read the word "humiliation" before. He had even used it in writing. Now, finally, he understood it. The reality of his situation suddenly hit him.

Naked. Exposed. Beautiful, intelligent girl. Playing with him. Humiliating him.

"I told you could answer that question and I wouldn't tickle you, Scott. What's the matter?"

There was no answer. All that was left was to focus on a spot on the wall, but he predicted that this would be equally transparent.

"No answer? Well, how about this one?" said Jessica lightly, and advanced the image, and he looked reflexively. This one included a gleeful-looking girl trying to jolt sideways out of her restraints as another woman's nails chased her underarm.

"It looks like you've got some secrets, Scott. Why do you try so hard to hide them?"

The next image was particularly erotic to him; it was a college-aged girl on her back, legs bent to right angles and restrained, and another girl tickling the feet. The feet were frozen in a splay that had fascinated him the first time he saw it, and it seemed to match the joyful expression in which her face was frozen.

Jessica knelt by his ear, and spoke softly.

"I think, Scott, that you don't want to hide them. Deep down, you want people to know. Shall we test this? It's one of my favourite tests. And if you really want to keep hiding it, it will be no problem for you."

Scott looked away from the picture and focused on the ceiling.

"Listen carefully to my instructions," she recited clinically. "Think about tickling."

He tried to block her out with his mind, but-- for the first time-- he couldn't find his mind. There was only him.

"Tickling. Ticklish underarms. Ticklish feet."

His attention deferred to the words like iron filings to magnets.

"Now, try not to get an erection. Don't get an erection. Try not to get an erection."

Scott hadn't even been thinking about that, but the moment Jessica had said "erection," he realized that energy was rushing to his penis. He willed it immediately to stop, but it was not a case of willing it. It was a case of watching it happen.

He felt it quickly rest in its new position, pointing at the ceiling as if truly proud to put its owner's arousal on display.

Scott blushed fiercely.

Jessica smirked with a little snicker. "I knew you'd like that test," she commented. Then she made her way back to the equipment cart, and switched the display to show a close shot of the underside of an erect penis with a thin ring at the base, testicles hanging underneath. It took Scott a moment to understand that it was his own. There must have been a camera located on the apparatus separating his ankles.

"I see you're examining the results for yourself," she said. "The video recording is pretty conclusive, but in case we want details, the movements of your penis were measured precisely. You achieved a full erection in less than four seconds, Scott. You must really want to tell me that you're intrigued by the concept of tickling."

"Isn't it interesting, how you can't put it away?" she continued, letting him feel her eyes on his red face. "This must be so embarrassing for you."

Scott almost moaned.

Jessica stood up again.

"I'm going to tickle your feet now, Scott."

Scott made eye contact with her for a moment, and then regretted it, looking away. Her face was so cute, and it was so frustrating that that even mattered.

"Well, I'll do it in a minute. I just wanted the machine to record your reaction when you heard me say that. When you're especially turned on by a stimulus, your body tries to continue expanding your penis, and it appears as a slight spike on the readout. Thanks for doing that for me just now."

Scott didn't move. He just blushed.

"For letting me see what happens when I say... I'm going to tickle your feet now, Scott."

And the image on the LCD changed again, so that he could see his own bare feet for the first time, soles facing the camera at a slight angle. He finally understood the constricted feeling around his ankles. They were held firmly all around by the padded holes from which they protruded, and some kind of material was threaded around each toe.

"Oh, and guess what, Scott?" she said, walking around and kneeling by his ear again. Reaching under the head of the table, she adjusted something with her hand. Scott felt a new tension below his ankles, and was forced to look at the on-screen image. A bar was pressing against the tops of his feet, forcing them to point slightly, and the looped material was slowly tightening, pulling his toes back. The shot created the appearance that he was presenting the balls of his feet.

Her mouth by his ear, Jessica whispered sensually this time.

"I'm going to tickle... your helpless... bare... feet."

The room was so silent that the involuntary twitch of the prominently-displayed penis seemed loud by comparison.

Scott cringed inside, knowing that the twitch was probably recorded precisely in the way that Jessica had described. He stayed silent in the hope that it would at least pass unnoticed by the female by his ear, but he already knew it was only wishful thinking. She had turned her head slightly at the end of her phrase. She had intended to produce the reaction, and she was purposely observing it.

"Cute," she giggled. "Let's run with that."

She reached with her right hand, pressed the tip of her index finger downward at the base of his penis, and held it firmly.

"Feet," she whispered, sounding purposely naughtier.

"Feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet. Tickling your feet."

Scott was all but cursing himself as he felt his pelvic muscles flex wildly and involuntarily under the pressure of her fingertip, as the lurid word exploded from her lips into his mental imagery.

"Tickling your naked, helpless, bare... feet."

Scott felt two more fingers and a thumb add their pressure to the base of the penis, pushing down. His organ responded automatically, pushing back with equal straightness and hardness.

"Scott's helpless, bare feet will now be tickled by a girl who has full control over him, and Scott won't be able to do anything about it. He will laugh and laugh helplessly, as she tickles and tickles... the soles... of... his... feet."

Scott was breathing harder. There was a drum roll in his head now. And--

-- then... it stopped. She let go, and only the echo remained.

Scott's heavy panting was the only sound. He was breathing heavily, and it was obvious. And it couldn't really be helped. Jessica stood up, and looked down at him.

"You like me."

She smiled.

There was a silent moment in which they looked at each other.

"We should start, Scott," she said through her smile, and sauntered to his feet, taking her place on what must have been a stool. He had to tilt his neck up to follow her around to it. Once she sat and had indulged in giving him another ritualistically smug grin, she lifted her hands. He could see them wiggling mischievously in the LCD monitor, inches from his unfairly exploitable feet. He watched the feet remain perfectly poised, presented to the wiggling fingers as he tried to twist and jerk at his ankles. It was sublime to him, how the effort resulted in literally no detectable change in the position of his feet or toes on the monitor.

Scott had never felt so defenseless, and his mentality began to cave in on itself. His erection was as prominent as ever, and his bare feet were just as prominent and equally vulnerable. This could be a time, he thought, that would change his life. It was about to happen.

And then, the door clicked. Scott jumped.

Surely it would be a man this time. He would put an end to this. It might all be over. And so, he waited for it to be.

The first thing he noticed was curls of hair behind the door. That wasn't right. But there was more to discover as the figure emerged.

It wasn't a man.

Oh, my god, said his mind, coming back to life for a moment. It was...

"K-kristen...!" he said, his voice cracking. His erection softened immediately. This was overwhelmingly improbable. His girlfriend could not see him like this. Their relationship would be over.

As quickly as a mousetrap, he felt Jessica's fingernails jump to work on his feet, and realized that he had spoken without her prompt. It began to zap at his brain.

That was it. Jessica could rob him of his clothing and his dignity. Anyone could do that. But no one would rob him of his relationship with Kristen. He would break his restraints, or overturn the table trying.

With all his might, he thrashed left, and then right. All his strength was focused in his arms and solar plexus. He visualized his strength as a golden glow in those areas, and as he thrashed, he glanced over at the LCD monitor, where Jessica's fingernails teased the helpless feet.

He felt her fingers inside of him. They passed through his body like ghost hands, and teased the golden glow away like a loosening shoelace. He could almost hear her voice in his head.

"Let's put that strength to better use, shall we?" it seemed to say.

He felt the glow drain from his arms and torso, and tug at the corners of his mouth, and then his whole face.

"Big smile!" the voice said. "Time to laugh!"

The rest of his strength shot down to his feet, where it was wasted on the frantic and fruitless movements of his ankles and toes. The image on the LCD screen-- the live image of the female hand tickling the uselessly struggling feet-- was a visual testament to his utter helplessness. However, it was not the screen that Kristen was watching. She was now looking, with an expression of calm focus, on the real thing.

The laughter was beyond unstoppable. In that moment, Scott understood what it was like to be a television trying not to be controlled by the remote. He understood what it was like to be a set of piano strings trying not to make sounds for its pianist. He felt like he was part of Jessica, merely carrying out her impulses, and it was psychologically devastating to be doing it in front of Kristen.

"Have you made any progress so far?" he heard Kristen ask. It was difficult to hear over his own laughter.

"Well, he's definitely enjoying himself," Jessica responded as she continued to play up and down Scott's soles.

"You were absolutely right about his shyness," Jessica continued. "I began by tickling him outright, and his first reaction was to ignore that anything had even happened."

"... Just like you predicted," Kristen commented.

"Well, it's very typical of men who repress their sexuality. He continued to deny it even when I showed him pictures from his own downloads folder."

Kristen smiled, almost laughing. She still hadn't made eye contact with Scott.

"But," Jessica continued, "the recorded data from his penile responses confirmed his interest in tickling conclusively. You can watch the video later. It's good for this kind of man, how little control he has over his sexual response cycle."

Jessica intentionally increased the intensity of her stimulation of Scott's feet, and his laughter automatically increased and punctuated her sentence.

"Oh..." Jessica interrupted herself. "This is the first time you've seen him naked, isn't it?"

"Yes," Kristen replied, blushing a little. "I've actually... never seen anybody naked up close like this before."

"Well, please feel free to have a good look. He can't do anything to stop you. The penis is flaccid now, mainly because he was worried about your knowledge of his sexual interests."

Kristen smiled again. "That's hilarious," she said. "Why on earth would he think I wouldn't want to know about this? I'm his girlfriend. Why does he even think I hired you in the first place?"

"I'm sure he's only just realizing that," Jessica offered. She was correct.

Finally, Jessica relented, and Scott was left in a fit of silly-sounding gasps.

"Kri-- Kristen..." he panted. "I-- it's not... please..."

"One moment," said Jessica, travelling to his head again via the equipment cart. She no longer made eye contact with Scott.

"I'm s-- sorry..." he continued to pant.

Jessica methodically stimulated Scott's left underarm with one hand, bringing him quickly back into a frenzy. When his mouth was wide in an exhausted continuation of his laughter, he felt Jessica force an object past his lips and behind his teeth with her free hand. It felt smooth and rubbery inside his mouth. He was newly intimidated, like a confused animal at the veterinary clinic, as she finished inserting it. Jessica proceeded to swing one additional restraint over his forehead. It held his head in place like a helmet affixed to the table.

"That's better," said Jessica, continuing around to his left side. "Scott's body has been a lot more enthusiastic about participating than Scott has." Jessica tapped another button, switching the LCD display's content back to the close frame of his genitals.

Scott pulled and stretched as his neck, and it seemed to yield the same lack of avail as the rest of his body. His position allowed him to glance down at Kristen with his eyes, but there was no freedom of movement. He sucked and spat at the object in his mouth, but it was stuck as though it was a part of his anatomy. It was sealed tight around the outside of his mouth, and he soon resigned his breathing to his nose.

"Tickling. That is so fascinating," Kristen noted to herself.

"Undeniably positive response to tickling," responded Jessica, sitting on her stool. "Now it's time to test his response to feet."

Kristen looked at Jessica, genuinely surprised.

"Feet?" she said. With no other outlet for expression, Scott immediately blushed. He hoped they wouldn't notice.

"When I was looking through his files, there were two basic themes," Jessica explained to her. There was no mistake about her forward-leaning position from Scott's perspective. She was untying her shoes.

"One was tickling. Men tickling women, women tickling men. There were some video clips in there, and stories by erotic fiction authors. You're welcome to look through them with me after we collect his sexual response data."

Kristen's head tilted a little, as she stared at Jessica in fascination.

"The other one," Jessica continued, "was feet. Always women's feet, generally bare. Often being presented to, or imposed upon the man in some way. Some of the data I got earlier demonstrated that Scott shows an auto-erotic response to just hearing the word 'feet.' "

Scott heard her second shoe fall, and watched her body dip down in the obvious removal of her socks. For the first time since Kristen had entered the room, Jessica made eye contact with Scott.

"Scott," she said. Her voice was suddenly different-- the way it had been when she had first addressed him as a friend. The way she spoke to Kristen was so casual and sincere that by comparison, her addresses to Scott seemed fabricated. She was never trying to be friends with him at all, he realized. She had been toying with him from the start, and she was trying to do it again.

"Scott, look at me, please."

He had never expected this level of captivity, and he realized he no longer knew what Jessica was capable of. He would comply. But he would make it as difficult as possible for her.

With the rubbery object in his mouth, he could only focus his defiant expression through his eyes as he returned her gaze. His blush was still ablaze, making him look silently furious at her. Jessica continued with unhindered calmness.

"Focus right here, on my eyes," she said, lifting two fingers and indicating them. "Whatever happens, look right into my eyes."

Scott's own eyes narrowed icily at the instruction. He had to question himself again; was she trying to be genuine with him? Then he chastised himself. Of course she wasn't. How could she even make him ask that?

Her bare feet came into view. The mere shape of them, visible only peripherally as he stared at her eyes, was setting off alarms in his brain. He had spent so much time pursuing opportunities to stare covertly at the feet of his high school friends. This was incomparably different. This was a beautiful woman; a highly cunning woman, and she was showing him the soles of her feet.

They wiggled slowly just outside of the focused centre of his vision, and Jessica's face was adorned with a more disabling smirk than Scott had ever imagined.

"Please try to tell me that this does not arouse you, Scott," she cooed to his silent eyes, lifting the toes of her left foot into the focus of his stare, and wiggling them slowly.

It was embarrassing that she was forcing him to do this. He was far more private about feet-- in his own mind-- than he was about tickling. He could see the image in his peripheral vision of Kristen, taking a step closer and forcing him to witness her presence as Jessica continued to activate ganglia of erotic triggers in him. He couldn't see the precise expression in Kristen's face with his eyes locked on Jessica, but he could tell she was fascinated. Calm. Her eyes seemed to move between his own helpless face, his genitals, the LCD display, and Jessica's feet as she observed what Jessica was doing with them.

"Does he actually... like feet?" she asked tentatively. Scott felt so ashamed. He began to close his eyes in humiliation, but quickly opened them when he realized he might be provoking a consequence, hoping Jessica would believe it was a prolonged blink.

There was no trace of disappointment in Kristen's voice, and it was enigmatic beyond that. Scott had never seen her in a situation of any sexual matter, and he had no way of understanding how she felt. Even if he did, he could no longer respond in any way but by trying to keep himself reacting to Jessica.

"This is the first test I've performed on him, but the sensor is still recording his penile tumescence, so we'll have data shortly," Jessica responded. Though she was responding to Kristen's question, she continued to speak directly to Scott.

His penis was still flaccid since his shock at Kristen's entrance. He had been nervous with devastation and so that reaction had been expected, and he had been thankful that the circumstance had produced it.

Now, Jessica had just directed his attention to his penis once again, and he was filled with the same sudden self-consciousness as before. He could not react with an erection again with Kristen here.

"The content in his downloads folder suggests that Scott has an irrational sexual fixation on feet," Jessica continued. "Men with this deviancy tend to become fascinated by a woman's bare feet, whether in public or private. They can't explain why, and they can't suppress the arousal. Men like this fantasize about scenarios in which women deliberately seduce them with their feet. Beyond that, it depends on their specific interests."

It was one thing to hear Jessica's voice as she summarized his fantasy life to Kristen. The added factors of the forced eye contact with Jessica, the knowledge of Kristen's presence, and his extreme helplessness-- any one of which would have been unimaginably devastating on its own-- combined to make it feel like a butterfly was loose in his lower torso.

"Watch the data readout on the screen, Kristen," said Jessica. "Keep in mind that Scott will be trying to resist any sexual response."

Jessica proceeded to extend her legs, and Scott watched the sexy feet float toward his face.

"You're doing very well, Scott," Jessica cooed in her fabricated character voice. "Now, just relax and keep watching my eyes. You can't stop this."

Jessica's eyes flashed softly. There was something so confident about them. He heard her voice in his head once again, rife with the flavour of trumping expertise.

"Time for the next demonstration," it said, and Scott immediately felt the shape of her beautiful, advancing feet consult his brain for approval to prepare him for mating. The erection had already begun.

He blushed around the sinuses, actually forcing a groan through his nose and squinting in an effort to relax his body's response.

"Up you go! Scott loves feet!" Jessica's imagined voice intoned joyfully, and once again, his penis had expanded and pointed proudly at the ceiling.

It was so easy for her. He hated her.

"Did you see how rapidly he responded, Kristen? It's a deeply ingrained phenomenon for men. Sometimes deeper than is conscious. Truly repressive men will go very far to deny it."

Jessica began to rub her feet around his forehead, then his chin, then his cheeks. The pattern was sequential, contrived, and he felt it working on him.

"And that's why we have these tests, isn't it?" said Kristen out loud. It was the first thing she said that seemed to bear the semi-subconscious smack of girl-talk.

"And that's why we're testing your boyfriend for his sexual response to feet," replied Jessica snappily, deliberately placing her toes in front of Scott's eyes, forcing him to stare at them, and flexing them suggestively. Once again, she had placed a discreet emphasis on the word "feet," and he knew she had done it on purpose.

"What I find so enlightening about the male sexual response," Jessica continued sharing with Kristen, "is that it's an invitation to mate. The primary biological function of the male is to inseminate the female; to offer and give his sperm. Even though I've spent this entire time tickling and humiliating him, he's essentially offering to give himself to me right now."

Jessica spent the next minute smiling smugly at him. She flexed and curled her feet in front of his face in silence, making Scott observe the way the shape of her toes overrode his attempts to distract himself. The silence seemed to focus his senses, and Scott could feel his heartbeat in his penis, making it twitch steadily in the open gaze of his girlfriend as it was mimicked on the data readout. Jessica's feet reclaimed their close proximity to his face, the toes of one foot waving flirtatiously in front of his eyes, and the toes of the other fitting comfortably over his nose.

Scott had just exhaled. With Jessica's foot resting there, he tried instinctively to inhale through his mouth and was reminded by the suffocating pull of his rubbery gag that this was impossible. Scott hadn't thought very much about smelling feet, but he had encountered the fetish during his adventures on the Internet, and several related stories and pictures had survived his selection process and were saved on his hard drive. Now, he realized that Jessica had decided to test Scott's sexual response to that very activity, and she had already checkmated him before he was even aware that she was planning to.

She playfully cocked her head to one side and raised her eyebrows, wiggling the toes resting leisurely on his face, as she waited for his held breath to give.

Finally, it did. Scott felt himself analyze the scent as his sense of smell was invaded. He had already been deeply aroused by their momentary face-off before he was forced to inhale, but this factor was entirely different. He was not stricken with repugnance as he thought he might be, but rather with a new focus on Jessica's femininity. He remembered the occasional time when he had had the opportunity to smell a woman's hair, or even the sweat from under her arms; comparable to the smell produced by his own gender and yet mysteriously unique to the other, pretty sex. Now it was being imposed on him-- forced on him-- and it was so inextricably connected to his utter weakness for Jessica's feet, that he was aroused even further.

He was sure that his arousal was being recorded recognizably to Jessica's equipment, and there was nothing he could do about it. As Jessica switched feet, raising one corner of her mouth in that casually triumphant smirk, Scott thought for the first time that he understood was it was to be "dominated." She was holding him gently under the lowest part of her, making him watch her, smell her, feel her. Making his body respond passionately and involuntarily. Showing it to his girlfriend.

I love you, Jessica, Scott's mind said suddenly.

Scott banished the phrase as quickly as it had formed. He didn't love her. He despised her, and he hated what she was doing.

And then a quick, bright flash bounced off the wall, and Jessica's face. It almost made him jump.

"Don't look away, Scott," Jessica cooed immediately. "Kristen's just taking a few pictures."

Scott suddenly felt awake again. This was a curve ball that he didn't know how to respond to. In the confusion, he felt relieved that perhaps his erection would subside at the shock of this news, but instead, he felt thrilled by it. It was not the knowledge that he wouldn't be able to escape being photographed; it was the knowledge that he already had been. He was suddenly very turned on.

"I think it's a good idea for her to take them while my feet are still on your face," Jessica said. "The power dynamic is quite strong right now, isn't it? Scott appears to agree, according to his penile responses."

Another flash flicked over everything.

"Don't you think your penis is an amazing biological phenomenon, Scott? It's completely honest, even when you're not. It's more you than you are."

Another flash. With the aid of his peripheral vision, Scott could tell that the camera was close enough to him that Kristen had taken a close-up of his genital region.

"Have you got enough pictures, Kristen?" Jessica asked.

"I'd like to get a few of his feet, if that's okay," Kristen twitted, and traipsed toward them. Scott was reminded immediately of his embarrassment at being having his own naked feet so prominently featured without his consent. She kneeled on one leg, so that she could hold the camera high enough to see his feet, his penis, and his face as Jessica continued to manipulate it with her own feet.

"Wait a moment before you take them, Kristen. Let's have him pose properly."

Jessica reached one arm below the head of the table, and once again Scott felt his toes being pulled toward him, and the balls of his feet forced outward. There was nothing he could do to move them.

"Ohh...! That's so cute!" Kristen exclaimed. She took a moment to frame her shots properly, and then Scott lay helpless, naked, fiercely erect, smelling and staring at Jessica's feet, as his girlfriend's photos stored themselves one by one on her SD card.

"I think I have all the basic readings I intended to get from Scott," Jessica said. "There's no doubt he has a serious disposition toward female feet and tickling. If you'd like to experiment with any of this, this would be an excellent time."

Kristen must have communicated non-verbally, since Jessica had looked over to her, and then back into Scott's eyes.

"I'm glad you like my feet so much, Scott, but you can stop watching them now," Jessica giggled.

"N-no," Kristen said thoughtfully.

"No?" Jessica asked.

"No, keep them there," Kristen replied. Keep doing what you were doing. I'd like to try tickling Scott's feet at the same time."

"As you wish," Jessica said rather delightedly, rubbing both feet all over his face once again. Then, Scott jumped as he felt a sharp streak down his right sole. It was one of Kristen's fingernails.

Like an oncoming drizzle, the streak was joined by several more downward streaks as Kristen's spidering began. It was worse than what Jessica had done to him; she had been feather-light by comparison. Kristen was by no means harsh, but she seemed to be natural at producing the maximum sensation from his nerve endings.

Scott began trying to writhe and thrash in escape, but there was no mobility. His legs and feet were perfectly secured, and his head was so stable that Jessica was able to continue leisurely manipulating his face with her toes without any inconvenience.

It was too intense, and tittering giggles poured ungracefully through his nose and filled the room. It was terrifying, not being able to breathe through his mouth. Even now, Scott would still try to gasp only to feel as though he was on the brink of suffocation, and then inhale as deeply as possible through his nose, upon which Jessica's feet rested in anticipation.

Kristen's fingernails bore the intensity of tiny neon points on a radar screen as they traversed his heels, up and down his soles, and then collected in swarms around the balls of the feet.

Scott thought that he had heard her voice again, and presently he felt his gag being removed by Jessica. His mouth felt fresh and airy as the rubbery substance popped out, followed by a pent-up cascade of deep laughter.

Kristen's electric fingernails moved even further up, tickling all the way down the toes, right through the area that Scott's feet would normally clench hard to protect, even if he made made a concentrated effort to keep them relaxed. Now there was no protection. This part of a human was never meant to be tickled, and Kristen exploited it thoroughly. Scott wailed with laughter, and it quickly got crazier as she militaristically sustained her treatment.

Then-- unbelievably-- ten more fingernails were zooming up and down his soles simultaneously with the ones tickling under his toes. He had never been aware that Jessica had moved, and realized in turn that he hadn't been focusing on any visual input for the last while.

Jessica's fingernails migrated slowly from his heels around the sides of his feet. This was a place that, if Scott had even known how sensitive he was there, he would have tried bury safely away. Instead, he tried exhaustedly to move-- even a little would have been helpful-- and had zero success. Jessica's nails were dragged freely around his feet and Kristen's fingernails continued to tickle the undersides of his toes relentlessly. The laughter was crazy, and turning silent.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle! We're tickling your feet!" he heard.

The next several minutes of his memory-- or perhaps more-- would bear no visual images, and only basic thought patterns. He would remember them as mainly sensation. It began to feel strange, as he observed the feelings of his feet in a new way. He felt pleasantly light-headed, as though he had no head at all. There was no thinking; only being. He was the sensation, and this is what the sensation did. He felt free. Occasionally, the sing-song sound of "tickle, tickle..." would decorate this state of consciousness.

Scott-- yes, that was his name-- blinked several times as he remembered what was going on. He saw specks of light as his vision returned, and there was Kristen standing over him, slightly to the left. He realized his breath was coming out through a goofy, open-mouthed grin.

He stifled it immediately while blushing fiercely. He couldn't believe that he had just spent those few seconds showing no sign of protest to his captivity. He shrunk his outward enjoyment back behind his face like closing pores.

Kristen perched herself on the stool that Jessica had teased him from earlier, and nodded over at Jessica. Scott tracked his eyes to the opposite side of the table too late to understand what was going on; the gag was being re-inserted. He was surprised once again at how deftly she was able to deprive him of his speech, as once again her practised motion made him feel like a small, helpless animal.

"I really had no idea that your feet were so ticklish, Scott," came Kristen's voice from the other side. Kristen's voice was familiar to him, and he knew from her tone that she was not putting on a facade in the way that Jessica had done. However, he had never heard her mention anything remotely sexual to him, and to hear such content in her natural speech was thrilling.

"I'm going to use my feet on you now, Scott. Jessica said that we could continue to measure your sexual responses if I wanted, and I think this would be interesting."

Scott had been too detached from reality to notice the state of his erection, but hearing this he felt a stunning firmness between his legs which was brand new. It was like trying to control an over-excited steed.

Her shoes and socks were off quickly, and Kristen paused and smiled at him like somebody overwhelmed with love. Scott scrambled to recall and sustain that memory of the first time he had seen her feet on the concrete steps. He had been so lucky, not just to see them, but to get to know Kristen. To spend time with her, talk with her, and become friends with her. But never would he have imagined this.

If Kristen was aware that he was reminiscing, then she must have decided that he had spent enough time doing so. She placed both feet firmly on his face as though imposing a heartfelt kiss.

Scott was overwhelmed. Even through Kristen's consent was beyond obvious (and the lack of his own consent was even plainer), he still felt guilty about what was happening.

Suddenly, emotions dissolved. His nervous system surged as Jessica's hand gripped Scott's foreskin and dragged it firmly over the head of his penis, and then back down.

"His response to your feet was off the charts, Kristen," she chirped. "But this would be a good time to test something else."

"I hope you're looking at me, Scott," said Kristen. "You know what happens if you break eye contact with me."

Scott had not understood that he was meant to carry on the instruction given to him by Jessica, nor did he know what consequence was associated with breaking that rule. But there was no way to ask, and there was no room in his palette for intimidation. He felt his eyes rest on Kristen's.

This was different than looking at Jessica. Jessica was very sexy, but he had felt no accountability when he was forced to look in her eyes. Kristen's eyes, on the other hand, gave him empathic pins and needles. He felt ashamed, guilty, helpless, and reverent. All in the extreme.

"When a man's penis is stimulated, he feels the urge to contract his pelvic muscles," said Jessica, who was now masturbating Scott at a moderato.

"If he really relaxes, he can resist the urge. However, if he is presented with a visual stimulus that is especially primal to him, he loses control and the penis flexes involuntarily, over and over again. Just like Scott's is now."

Scott had never been masturbated by another person, but even so, this felt like no masturbation session. The feeling pulsed in him like light energy. Kristen's feet played slowly around his face, and she grinned at him lovingly. At Kristen's comment, the grin tugged at the sides of her mouth. It looked like she had been about to crack up, only with endearment.

"This is the main driving force behind the sexual response. If we continue, Scott will become rapidly more aroused over the next few minutes, and then he will ejaculate."

Scott was feeling an emotion not yet named. He had never imagined ejaculating in front of anybody. Not his girlfriend, not his doctor.

"I hope this will be recorded on the DVD."

Jessica snickered through her nose.

"I believe I said if, Kristen."

"You're right," replied Kristen to that reminder. "But every boy's first memories should be documented. His first steps... his first word... his first ejaculation under the bare feet of his girlfriend." She smiled and wiggled the toes of one foot around his nose.

"Don't tease him, Kristen," Jessica replied. "This has already been extremely embarrassing for Scott, and he's going to be trying very hard not to ejaculate." Scott felt Jessica begin sliding her hand more quickly, and he felt his pelvic muscles contract tightly.

"It's too bad that we can't tickle his feet at the same time, now that we know Scott loves it when I tickle his feet," cooed Kristen. "You love it when I tickle your feet, don't you, Scott?"

"Scott does show a definite auto-erotic response to tickling. All the files in his downloads folder suggested that, too. Didn't they, Scott? Kristen's going to be looking through them, now that she knows you like tickling and feet."

Kristen winked at him playfully, and Scott felt a sudden terrifying surge of his muscles.

"Oh, there we go..." Jessica said a moment later, slowing her rhythm suddenly.

"What is it?"

"There's a moment when the pelvic muscle hyperflexes immediately before the sympathetic nervous system initiates the ejaculation. The penis gets especially hard, and that's the point at which I have complete control over whether Scott will have an orgasm. If I let go immediately as I just did, then the reflex will not initiate. However, if I continue the stimulation, then Scott can try anything he wants, but he'll still ejaculate all over himself."

Kristen's eyes were focused on Jessica as she spoke; she had momentarily phased out of her loving amusement to a more intent expression. She nodded. Then she turned that intention back to Scott, wiggling the toes of one foot in the open air as if to greet him again before rubbing it on his face.

Jessica's tempo rose again, and Scott was still caught in the giddy inescapability of it.

"Your feet seem to be working perfectly well, Kristen. I can feel his muscles working hard. I think we can count him down."

"Please feel free to initiate it," said Kristen. "And Scott, keep watching my eyes."

"Five," began Jessica clinically. "Four."

Scott stayed himself as his eyes almost jumped over to Jessica. Did she mean that she was counting down to his orgasm? He couldn't imagine that someone other than himself could force him to have an orgasm, but she had succeeded in everything she had tried on him so far. He could feel that his muscles were working hard; a sensation that he almost didn't notice over the erotic whirlwind that Kristen was puppeting through his brain. He had no range of motion, but he could feel that his hips were exerting against the restraints, and that the muscles of his own feet were locked in flexion. His face was tense and his breathing was rapid and heavy; a feature of his condition that his girlfriend was using to force him to take in her scent as well as her image. The female animal was winning the male.


The foreskin was once again dragged over the head of his penis, which he felt press hard against her hand. If he could relax it, then he could still avoid the involuntary orgasm. It might work.

As he began trying, he breathed in once again. It jumped in Jessica's hand again, holding itself rigid.


As Kristen's erotic ministrations and Jessica's hand continued to induce bull-like reactions from Scott's body, he felt one fingertip pushing firmly on his perineum, and massaging rhythmically. The pleasurable sensations which rippled through his pelvis suddenly gained a new depth, and it mixed perfectly with his emotional tempest.


He suddenly panicked. Kristen's feet were so beautiful. Kristen was his girlfriend. His girlfriend, and she was doing this to him. She had been starting at him all this time, as though she was in love with him. No, not in love. It was too playful. Deeper. She looked at him as though she had grown up with him. Like she was his best friend.

Suddenly his penis felt very hard, and he knew that Jessica was going to try to put him over the edge for the first time outside of solitude. He tried to calm himself, to relax.

In the silence that followed the final count, Kristen giggled, and wiggled her toes seductively in front of his eyes.

Scott's penis flexed harder than he could imagine, and his feet spasmed wildly in their unmovable bonds. He felt warm inside. The warmth grew quickly and spread upward through his body. It felt brand new to him; not just the pleasurable sensation, but the long-forgotten feeling that he was about to urinate, which characterized his very first orgasm before he understood what it was.

One of Kristen's feet pressed firmly over his nose, just in time for a sharp, reflexive inhalation. Jessica continued stimulating his penis rapidly, and the finger on his perineum vibrated with it.

He blushed hard. He willed himself harder than he had ever willed, to relax. Not to ejaculate in front of Kristen and this total stranger.

"Time for fireworks," Jessica sang lightly.

Scott felt a shock pass straight through his brain through his pelvis, spasming it massively. His pelvic muscles squeezed hard, and his penis shot semen like exaltation into the air. All Scott could see was Kristen's beautiful face, and her beautiful feet, as he felt himself shoot again, and again, and again.

Scott attempted for a moment to stop spilling all over his own chest, but he knew quickly that it was Jessica's decision when. She relentlessly stimulated the head of his penis, controlling his reflex as it cycled longer, making him produce far more sperm than he had ever known himself capable of.

Finally, Scott's reflexes passed, and his body relaxed profoundly into the table and began breathing in recovery, as Kristen smiled calmly at him and watched his face.

The following few minutes were a warm blur for Scott. After thanking Scott for being such a good friend, Jessica had removed most of her equipment in a humble exit before Kristen closed the door. She made her way back to him, looking at him lucidly as she took her position on the stool. He was still helpless and unable to speak.

"Scott, I love you," Kristen said to him.

Scott's eyes focused on her.

"And you must hate me."

She sat on the stool, looking at him silently for a minute. He saw tears in the corners of both her eyes.

"Would you ever have told me? You've been... the best boyfriend. The best I could ever imagine. And I was so interested in knowing you, that I had this done to you. I didn't even ask your permission."

She blinked a little.

"Jessica is making a DVD right now. It will have the entire video of what we did to you. It shows your penis and the readings of your sexual responses over the entire morning. It shows that close-up of us tickling your bare feet in that adorable, helpless position."

As she continued, her hand went under the table, and Scott felt the restraints around his feet and toes loosen.

"All the way up through that fantastic-looking orgasm. And I know you enjoyed it."

She stood up and looked down at him.

"If you still want to stay with me after this... if you still want me as your girlfriend, then I'll show you that DVD every night, if you want. I'll make you watch it, and I'll masturbate you and tease you about it. I'll tie you up and tickle you, and I'll use my feet to play with you all the time. And... I'm begging you to. I want that more than anything, Scott."

She giggled through her tears, looking at the far wall for a moment.

"But, as soon as I let you go, you could call the police if you wanted to. I knew that when I hired Jessica. I know I'm honestly somewhat crazy," she continued.

"And I'll make it easy for you. If you tell me to, I promise I won't ever bother you again. I'll even move out of the city this weekend. I've already told my family that I might come back to live with them and go to the community college, and I did it because I knew I'd have to if you wouldn't forgive me."

She looked back at Scott, and stayed silent for a moment.

"I love you, Scott," she said again.

"And... I'm going to take out your gag now."

She bit her lip a little, and took a couple of breaths before either arm budged. Then she brought her hands to Scott's face, and he felt the cool air inside his mouth again.

He breathed in and out a couple of times, slowly, staring at her as she blinked away another tear.

"So... what would you like, Scott?" she said.
Well *I* certainly felt dominated. I'm not a foot fetishest myself, but there's no need for improvement on the D/s aspects of the story! And I'm glad that Scott could get such a happy ending, both physically and emotionally. Tales where the hapless male is forced to become submissive without his agreement are too deep into the male-sub spectrum for me. Having Kristen ask for his consent at the end was perfect.

Though, had Jessica played the teasing mistress and worked him to the edge of orgasm several times in the course of her experiments before Kristin finished things, I wouldn't have minded.
my fantasy

that was a great story, feels like the writer was in my head as that's just about my perfect fantasy :feather:

LOVE the ending!! (And also the warning at the beginning. It's horrible, getting really into a story and then feeling bad that you have to skip likely too much 🙁) It's great that he was given a choice, and the 'ler realized practically all of the possible repercussions/consequences from her actions. What I read, very well described, like practically EVERY other piece you've written. :ggrin:
brilliantly written..details were amazingly descriptive..as usual, i placed myself in the position of the lee..it's stunning how alike my fantasy and what happened to him initially combine..almost as if you knew what i have fantasized about at times..the humiliation, the being tied up helpless in a room, and the footsteps approaching..and hoping they will pass you by...mm also i love how he tried to convince himself that he was in control..and his first words were "H Hi?"..as i said before...brilliant..you have an excellent future in story telling..i was captivated from the start...now i will definitely check out your other stories..great job, Coda..
I wouldn't mind a girlfriend like her either. I too have always kept my fetish to myself. Then one day I told my wife of my desire to be tickled, no bondage mentioned mind you, just tickling. She told me I was a sick perverted individual for wanting to be tickled, that tickling was for babies and that "people like you should be locked up". Kristen would embrace that fetish. -Bob
Yes, I've read this over at TMF as well... One of my favorites...
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