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Penny's Feathering Folly


Registered User
Sep 2, 2003
Penny’s Feathering Folly by FoxyRoxy

It was dark where she awoke. Penny didn’t know where she was or how she got there. She turned her head slowing to the left then slowly to the right, but it was in vain. Penny could make out only smudged images through the blindfold. She obviously was caught again. Penny tried moving her arms and found they had been forced back and tied tightly together, her hands where done in the same manner. Each hand was carefully fold over the other and tied with what like soft, braided rope. Penny felt something underneath her, most likely a chair. The chair somehow felt bigger, larger in length then width. She also found her legs unmovable as well. Each leg had been brought together and bound tightly across the kneecaps. She felt no pain but the sense of immovability frightened her. Her ankles had also been tied together allowing only a little movement of the feet.

Penny found this strange and utterly terrifying! Before when she had been caught all they did was tie her up and leave her. They always said they would be back but Penny managed to free herself before hand. However, this time freedom was not an option. Penny wondered what would become of her. Had Claw finally gotten fed up with her meddling enough to have her secluded for life?
The funny thing was she wasn’t gagged. With this thought in mind she began crying for help. “Help! Oh help! Anyone! I’m trapped in here, please someone help!” No answer, no indication that anyone heard her. Penny sat still and listened, but all she could hear was nothingness. Faint whispers of wind whistling in her ears and nothing more. She tried again to call for someone to find her that’s when she heard it. A loud, distinct sound of metal grinding against metal. The came the sound of what sounded like a door being forced under pressure. Could she be some ships hull or perhaps a M.A.D sub?

The door or whatever it was slammed shut. Penny could again hear it’s
crenching sound as it locked again. She heard footsteps. Footsteps walking towards her and then back again. However it was pacing back and forth.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?”, she asked. Their was no response.
“Look if your trying to frighten me you’ve succeeded, now who are you?” Again no reply. However it was could’ve been a guard. The pacing continued then stopped and continued again.

Great now they’ve got me guarded. But what for? Claw never had me guarded before. I wonder what that lunatic is up too now?

The door again opened with it’s loud entrance rang. This time she heard more then one pair of footsteps. Then she heard a voice, a famine voice. She uttered a few words of command and several feet where heard leaving the room.
The pacing had also stopped which was to Penny’s relief. For awhile she thought Claw had stuck her in a room with a psycho. The sound of something being dragged across the room could be heard. Penny’s position had not changed. Whatever they were moving they were moving it towards Penny!

Finally the noise stopped but now the footsteps were coming towards her once again. Thundering as they approached her. “You can take that off now I think.”, spoke the famine voice. Within moments darkness was replaced by daylight. Penny squinted her eyes as to allow them to adjust to the dim lighting. Allow though her vision was blurry she could make out a outline of a female person. “So we finally meet Mrs. Ralston.”

“Who are you? And what do want from me?”

“A questionable one you are. I like that, however, I’ll be doing the asking for this session.”

Ask me? Ask me what? What questions? What is she talking about?

“Forgive me impoliteness. My name is Labela.”

Labela? Now where have I heard that name before?

“You act as if you don’t know me. I’m sure your uncle the great Inspector Gadget has told you about me?”

“No, I can’t say he has.”

“I see. Well to make a long story short. I was stationed undercover in a small middle eastern town known as Pianostan. We, that is Dr. Claw and I were about to angulate a small war.”

Pianostan? Now I remember! “Your that witch who tried to kill my uncle!”, Penny fumed.

“Right you are. And the plan would’ve worked but Gadget spoiled everything! Months of planning it took to make that mission a success!”

“You’ll never win! My uncle will always stop you no matter what!”, she hissed.

Labela laughed heartily at this. Still cackling she walked to a wooden table. Obviously this was what they where moving. Labela took something from the table and walked back to Penny. Penny’s eyes widened when she saw what it was.

MY WATCH!!!!!!!! YOU TOOK MY WATCH!!!!!!!!!

“Interesting little thing. Very remarkable craftsmanship.”

“Give that back you fiend! It’s mine! My father made it for me!!!!!!!”

“Your father? How nice.”

“Give it back Labela!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that my dear. You were caught on Dr. Claws property.
This watch now belongs to him. And he would love so much if you showed him how to use it.”

“Tell your boss ‘No way Jose!’

“How cute. I just love little kids when their mad. Now clam yourself little one. Dr. Claw only wishes for obedience in his subjects.”

“I’m not one of Claws’ goons! I never will work for Dr. Claw!”

“I don’t think you understand your situation. Shall I explain it to you?”, Labela leaned forward a sinister look about her face, “YOUR TRAPPED!!!! THERE’S NO WAY OUT OF HERE!!!!!!! THE WALLS ARE MADE OF TITANIUM AND

Penny gave a cold stare at Labela which was given in return. Penny may have been young, but stupid she wasn’t nor was she anyway never as gullible as Claw would like her to believe. “My uncle will stop you.”, she blurted out.

“Your uncle is a fool! He can’t save you. He can hardly save himself from his clumsiness. Now for the last time tell us how the watch works!!!!” Again Penny remained silent.

You must be really dumb lady! You actually think I’m going to help you? I won’t tell you nothing so go tell Claw you failed.

Labela girted her teeth and made fists with both hands. Penny could tell she was lousing patience with her captive. But for some reason she calmed down and a smile replaced the sneer. “You thought you had outsmarted me. Wrong again!
Guard bring my tools!” The guard bowed and walked out as the door slammed shut again. “One last chance Ralston! Give me the secrets of the watch!”

“Stow it witch women! Your nothing but a common thief! Always have been and always will be!”

“Flattery will get you know where, but I do like it once and awhile. But enough of this small talk. Let’s get to the meat of the matter. The watch! How does it work!?”

Penny was becoming angered by this array of questions she would never hand over answers too. Her hands were sweating and her eyes constantly bombarding x-rays
at her captor. “Well!?”, cried Labela. Penny with a burst of energy and humiliation gave Labela the raspberry. Her tongue flickered at the M.A.D. agent sending drops of saliva at her opponents face. Labela snarled with rage as the bits of spit hit her cheeks, lips and eyes. “Why you little brat!!!!”, she custed. Her hand now inches away from slapping Penny across the face. Labela’s muscles tightened. Every part of her being shouted for redemption
from the humiliation. Just as her arms flew after Penny’s’ left cheek the guard
had returned and once again Labela regained her soft, famine side. With a whisper that only Penny could hear, “You wished I had hit you bitch.” Penny mocked Labela by lip-synching the words just spoken to her. She even went as far as to mimic Labela’s facial expressions.

Labela ignored Penny’s mockery and ordered the guard to leave the two of them.
As the guard left Labela busily began opening and unraveling her ‘tools’. Muttering to herself as she took several things from the small black kit.

Penny couldn’t see what Labela was up too. Her big red sneakers were in the way of all the action and both were bound with braided rope. “What do you have in store for me Labela?” Labela looked back at Penny but didn’t respond. “Come on! What is this the ‘Silent Treatment’?”, she asked. But Labela was to busy taking things out of the kit and placing them neatly on the wooden table to answer Penny’s question, as if she would’ve anyway. Penny began to wonder if her approach of the situation was the wise choice. And as Labela finished her arrangement she began to wonder if she’d walk out of the room alive!

Labela walked back to Penny and smiled at her again. Penny returned it with a faint smile. “Now my dear one last time. How does the watch work?” She
seemed calmer then usual. This frightened Penny and Labela could sense it. She felt like Labela had some back up plan. Something that would insure that she disclose the information. Penny thought quick. She had to respond or anything could happen! She decided her answer and that answer was.......

“NO!!!!!! I’ll never tell you what you wish to know! Go ahead and do what you will but the secret stays lady!”

“Such a brave brave girl. Your uncle would be proud of you. I wonder if your
will to sustain your little secret is as brave as you are. You see, Penny.
Yes, didn’t think I knew your name did you? We all have a will, a barrier that links are mind and spirit together. Sometimes a persons mind or spirit will become dislodged, causing insanity or worse! You to have a will, a breaking point.
It just takes that certain little effort on my part to break it! How long can you last? That’s what we will find out.”

Penny gulped after hearing the speech. She still didn’t know what she was trying to prove. From what it sounded like was, she was about to be interrogated. Brave as she was, her mind began thinking.

Okay Penny. She’s going to interrogate you. Never been tortured before, but I got to be strong. Don’t give in or you lose.

Labela looked over her victim. She obviously had a few ideas on what to do but wanted her prisoner to keep guessing. Finally she knew what to do and how to do it. With a smile forming anew she pickup a stool next to the table and sat down at the end of the chair holding Penny. Penny’s sneakers hadn’t moved much
since their bondage. However had tied her up had done a good job. Right now Penny could care less about moving and more about what Labela was going to do to her.

“My what nice sneakers you have on. Wish I had a pair just like them. Wait a minute..since I’m a thief I can just take one can’t I?” And take one she did.
Pulling on the shoestring very slowly until the loop came undone. The string stretched with a ‘snap’ as the lace pop out of Labela’s playful grip.

“Hay! What the heck do you think your doing!?”, exclaimed Penny. Labela ignored the pitiful question and went on untying Penny’s shoe. She slipped the red sneaker off and threw it on the floor. A dense ‘thud’ sounded as the shoe hit the steel floor. Labela did the same with the other sneaker, taking more time then the first. ‘Thud’ dropped the other shoe. Penny’s bright green stocking feet were now visible to Labela. Labela took hold of the toe of one
sock and began to pull upwards. The cotton fabric stretched as inch by
luscious inch, Penny’s bare foot was becoming visible.

One sock was gone and the other soon followed. Penny’s feet were now naked.
Her pretty toes shown in the dim light.

Labela reached for something on the table. It was a large turkey feather! She held the feather up so Penny could see it. “One more time Penny. How does the watch work?”

Nnnnever,:. was her reply.

“Very well then. Prepare for your torture!”

Labela lowered the feather toward Penny’s feet. She used the tip to fan the heel of one foot. Their was no response but Penny wasn’t going anywhere and Labela loved challenges. She had started with the heel of one foot and was
moving the feather from one heel to the other. Labela used low, teasing stokes on Penny’s bare heels. Once in awhile she’d look up to see how her captive was holding on. Slowly she could see strain on Penny’s face. Penny began to squirm in her bondage and even though her feet were secured to each other she
tried all the harder to free them.

“Fighting won’t do you any good girl. You can not resist forever. Soon you’ll be reduced to a mound of hysterical jelly and tortured never endings. Not to pleasant I assure you.”

Still holding on Penny could feel the tickling creeping up her heels to her ankles. Her hands were clinched in fists as she fought the urge to laugh. She had to keep a straight face. If she fought long enough Labela would have to stop, or would she? Tiny beads of sweat were now forming on Penny’s forehead.
Labela could tell from the way Penny’s face was squed that she was already suffering. Penny shut her eyes tightly as the
tickling moved up through her legs. As the feather went from heel to heel in slow rhythmic pattern penny got herself twice cracking a grin.

“No use resisting. I have control now Penny. Give in to your instincts. Laugh, laugh LAUGH!!!!!!”

And the more Labela worked the feather the more Penny could feel the tingling sensations all over her body. Penny wiggled her toes in an effort to get her mind off the tickling. It only made matters worse! The feather now moving towards her instep and back down to her heel, up to the instep, down to the heel. Labela continued this strategy as penny bit hard against her bottom lip.
Streams of sweat poured down. Finally she could stand no more and let out some giggles. The giggles turned into straight, loud laughter. Labela stopped the tickling. As the tickling left her body Penny breathed faintly. All that fighting had worn her out and she doubted she could take another attack.

“You see. Fighting only made it worse.”

“Please...I can..be..reasonable.....”,Penny painted.

“That time has past. You could’ve made it easier but like your uncle you want to play hero. Now tell me how the watch works or you’ll be very sorry!”

“Would it.....help to say I’m already sorry?”


With that Labela started back on her heels. “Oh no heh heh heh heh, please noooo ho hoho ah HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” Penny cried out in laughter as the feather tickled her heels. Labela was smiling when before she was sneering at her captive. Her plan was working. All she needed to do was tickle Penny’s feet until she reached her breaking point. By the way Penny was reacting so far that point was nearly here.

Oh God! I can’t stand it! I can’t stop laughing! Please, oh please stop your torture! My feet! I can’t believe what she’s doing to my feet!!!!!

Soon the only thing you could hear was Penny’s laughter echoing through the room. Labela kept up the tickling as she began to slide the feather up and down the naked soles.
Penny’s toes wiggled as the feather glided past them. Up and down the feather brushed poor Penny’s feet until Penny was quite out of control. Her eyes blinked and shut when the most extreme moments of tickling hit her. The chair began to shake somewhat as her belly jiggled from the laughing. Her hair was now being wetted down by perspiration. Her head flung from one side to the next causing her ponytails to fling about wildly. Labela kept right on torturing the tender soles.


Penny was out of breath by the time Labela stopped tickling her. Her feet were tinkling from the whole ordeal. Her stomach was quite sore as was her sides.
Labela had given up the feather and was now reaching for a small back
scratcher. Penny’s site was blurring from the tears pouring forth. She felt hot, exhausted and could barely find the words to speak.

Penny felt the first touch of the scratcher on her right sole. Her head shook back and forth, “No! Please! EEEEEE HE HE HE HE HE HE HEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!”

“Aren’t you tired yet?”


“No! No I’m not going to stop. Did you think I was finished with you? I know your brave and strong but after I’m done with you won’t be nothing but a pile of broken nerves.”

The scratcher was used on the ball of Penny’s feet. Starting out as a short scrap to a long scratch on the delicate flesh. Her toes started up again as her instep received the same treatment. Penny thought she’d go insane! Just the thought of what was being done to her was enough, but to feel it. To know that your feet are being treated the way they were, to have no control. Penny’s sides ached from laughing, her eyes now becoming red from squinting so.
Meanwhile Labela was busy scrapping the soles with the scratcher. Digging deep into the soft flesh causing Penny to laugh all the louder. “I see my scratcher makes you happy. I’ve never seen such happy feet in all my life.”


“You’ll never what? Talk? Oh I think you will Penny. In fact I’m positive you will! It’s either that or die laughing!” Labela kept the tickling going longer then five minutes. Afterward she allowed Penny to rest while she again questioned about the watch.

“I can tell how drained you must feel. And unless you want this to happen again I suggest you get that memory working and tell me how to work the damn watch!”

“Go..heh heh heh heh..to hell”

Labela frowned and then shrugged her shoulders, “Well, it’s your funeral.”

Penny was completely drained of all strength. All the laughing, struggling and wiggling had caused her muscles to grow tired. She felt like she would
collapse. Penny had been tickled before but not with such animal instinct as Labela had given her. Penny could feel the tickling start again, she even started laughing even before the scratcher touched her feet.

Oh please no more! I’ll do anything just stop tickling mine feet!!!!!!!

Penny lost control after the first two racks of the scratcher. Labela smiled wickedly as she tortured the young girl into submission. “I know this is hell for you so why don’t you just tell me? It can’t be worth all this, is it? Is it worth it?”


“It’s not worth Penny so why don’t you tell me!? Your only hurting yourself now tell me!!!!!!!!!!”

Still working on Penny’s left foot Label grabbed to medium size feathers and used them on her right foot. Penny squealed as the feathers brushed against her ticklish soles. Now instead of just the scratcher she had to deal with feathers as well! Penny’s eyes started to hurt from all the squinting. Her stomach ached with pain from laughing so hard. Her hair was all matted and drenched in her sweat. Her chest hurt and her poor throat was sore from forced
laughter. She could barely talk at all, yet some how she was able to keep on laughing even though it hurt.

“Had enough? Want to tell Labela everything? Or would you like more of this?”
Labela began tickling the tops of Penny’s feet with the two feathers. She had discarded the scratcher for now. Penny’s toes were still wiggling, almost none stop since the tickling started. Her body was now one big pile of tortured nerve endings. She couldn’t stand what was being done to her, and thought she’d go mad if it her captor didn’t stop. And it was getting worse! Before she could fight off the tickling while trying to undue her ropes. Now all she could do
was sit their, sit their and giggle like a little kid as her feet suffered more and more feathering.

Labela was still hard at work, tickling every part of Penny’s pretty, pink soles. The feathers had moved from the tops to the bottoms of both feet. Labela had never seen such response from one person. Has tormented as Penny must have felt she wouldn’t break. The feather trailed up and down her soles and then went for her wiggling toes. Penny found strength for more torturous laughter as all ten toes were tickled by the feathers’ tips. She scrunched her
toes up in hopes that it would prevent Labela from tickling them. Labela was amused by this tactic but soon took hold of one foot and prided the toes up and tickled in between them. She did this to the other foot as well, going back and forward with her evil feathers.

Penny was so tired she could barely breath. Her face was red and hot from sweating and laughing. Labela had done the job and slowly her will started to fade. Her hopes of escaping were slim. If ever she needed her uncle it was now. She never knew how far someone could push her limits until today. How long had Labela been torturing her? Her feet were tinkling all over from the tickling. Her feet moved the best they could and even her toe wiggling had slowed. Penny’s vision was blurring, she could feel herself losing consciousness.

“EEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!”, she screamed as the scratcher again made it’s presence felt. The feathers were still brushing away but now the scratcher took over the tops of her feet. Basic instinct was to move the feet way from danger and
try they did but Labela had control of the situation.


“AHAAAAA!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA OHHH OH HHHHOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Al...alright..ohoooooo oh ho ho ho ho..alright..I’ll I’ll tell.” Penny slumped in her chair and wept silently. All the times, all the kidnappings, the bondage, the death traps. She always came out on top. To many times she had cheated failure but now this Tickle Torture had become her folly.

“Excellent! I knew you’d see it my way.”

“Y....you’ll..never win Labela. Ttt...tickle me.....tickle me all you want. I’ll I”LL NEVER TALK!!!!!!!”


“Like I said witch. You can tickle me, cut me do anything you want and I’ll still fight you and M.A.D.”

Labela’s face turned beet red. Her eyes glared at the tired little girl strapped to the chair. She had mocked her before the torture and even now, as her life hangs in the balance she still was fighting! “Brave little twit you are.”, she said to herself. “Dr. Claw was right about you Penny. You have your father’s courage. But you also inherited your uncles stupidity! If you will
not talk then you will be destroyed!!!!! Dr. Claw’s scientists can unlock your little secret from your own memory banks!!!!”

Penny gulped at Labela’s words. She knew now that she hadn’t won in the first place but jeopardized her only chance at fleeing the trap. “What...what are you going to do? Torture me some more?”

“No. I grow tired of torturing you. Instead I’m going to tickle those feet yours until you beg me to kill you! Young fool! Only now do you see your lose and my win!”

Penny’s eyes widened as she saw what Labela had retrieved from the table. Labela was now holding in her hand a brush, a brush made of fine horse hair. Penny’s feet scrunched up when she saw the brush. Penny certainly didn’t want that to be used on her tender feet.

“Now young Penny....you will die.”, grinned Labela as she sat down next to Penny’s bare feet. The next few moments the air was filled with penny’s hysterical laughter. Would she ever find the strength to win? Would her uncle find her in time to save her? Had Dr. Claw won this time and not ‘Next Time’? How could Penny stand that much tickling? And would she live to take anymore?

The End..or is it?
Great story!I was intrigued by every word 😀 you did a great job explaining and describing every ticklish moment.I remember that cartoon very well ^__^ I could picture the whole thing in my mind especially the part where the shoes were removed and the intense tickle torture began!I like this story so much mostly because in my opinion there should've been an episode made where a situation like that happened(of course it would've been toned down for the younger viewers).Out of all the time that Penny was kidnapped they never did make an attempt at tickle torture,but you've at least given a great story on how it would've been 😀*applauses*.I really hope there's a continuation to this and is there a chance a picture could be made to summarize this story?Hope to see more!😀
Great Story!!!

This is a great story!!! I'm really looking forward to the next part...I hope Penny breaks!!!

old story?

I assume this story was a repost of an older story...does anyone know if there is a sequel to this story?


I would also like to know if there is a sequel to this story. I've seen this one on other tickling sites before, but I've been unable to find any continuation of it.
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