Ok I'm a new poster here. I too have tried peronals and have not had success, but a guy needs to look at this from all sides.
Yes we all are into tickling in some way or another. While there are a lot of womem who are active on this forum, you can bet they are not going around playing with every man that contacts them.
First off let's look at if from a numbers game. Many a time it is usully a guy who introduces a form of play in a relationship. You see many postings from women here who say they never even thougt of tickling as some type of fetish until a boyfriend introduced it to her.
So perhaps the answer is to try to introduce it to a girl as the relationship progresses.
Second: There is a trust factor here. Being realistic, what girl is going to let a complete stranger tie her up to a point where she is helpless then give into a tickling? There is so much potential for danger here.
And if you are looking to be the lee consider the same things, yes the girl is in control but there is always a danger in the guy being a nut.
It seems the best way to meet people here is to just interact on here plain and simple.
Ok most guys will say that there is a flaw to this statement. There is a bigger amout of guys on this site then women. A girl starts to post on this site and manytimes she makes more friends then guys, this is true but there is something to be said for persistance.
A guy post here and he might feel ignored. A personal will go unanswered, as well as responses or PMs then you make a few post and when nobody responds you feel invisible.
Then there are threads where there are private jokes between poeple who know each other for in many cases years and if you post you kind of feel like your inttruding on their discussion.
I have voiced this observation to many regular posters at a recant gathering and they have all said to just keep on posting. Quote some people. Respond to what they say. Worst that can happen is they don't answer, otheres will.
This brings me to another option.
Go to events and muches.
I went to my first event this past month andd of all ones to go to I went to nest.
Did I play? Very little, however I met a lot of nice people and by meeting them in person I was able to make a lot more connections.
None of them were for play this time around but I look at it this way.
Most of the women I met were in commited relationships and I would not want to cross a line but if you make freinds with them and their significant others, well you now have expanded your social network.
They might introduce you to a person who you can play with at another time or at least be able to say to a friend that this guy seems to be decent guy and help you out in that respect.
From my expericne at Nest I then attended my first much where I got to make more connections and start to build on others.
Also if you are looking to meet women keep in mind a lot of them here have close guy friends making friends with some guys can lead to female contacts.
On the boards don't just respond to women's post (and I'm not talking personal here I'm talking general conversation threads where people are talking about whatever)
I made friends with a whole buch of guys at nest just on line for a drink durring happy hour. You sart talking about your tickle experinces or what you would do to this girl or what you wish she would do to you, then next thing you know you found a common ground and the conversation moves to other random topics having nothing to do with tickling.
Two weeks ago I got an E-mail from a guy I met at nest telling me about a f/m tickling party in Hartford CT.
He knew I was a swith and since we became cool with each other he passed the info my way, now tomorrow I'm driving up to Hartford for this event.
It took going to a gathering to have this opportunity. I would have never met this guy otherwise and I would not have been invited to this event had he not put in a good word for me.
I too have found myself getting fustrated trying to enjoy my fetish and as a guy feel like a dime a dozen here on the TMF, but you know what? Rome wasn't built in a day. I will still continue to post and got to meet-ups and events as long as poeole will have me and I won't give up.
Well I hope you did not take this the wrong way. I just wanted to present another idea and another way at looking at things and possibly offer a bit of advice from what I tried to make an objective stand point.
Good luck in your search man.
I hope you can find what you are looking for.