Noeyes I know you are a genuine member of the community. However whenever I try to go to your site, instead I get a porn site and a warning from Windows that it is about to try and write into my Hard Drive. I have been caught by these tag along sites in the past. What they do is plaster porn icons all over your computer, and overide your modem dial up program to access the web through them, at an extreme premium rate (all of this can take a good hour to dig out of your computer, and can leave you causing damage if you don't know what your doing). Even when I clicked cancel on the genuine windows warning, the webpage then came up with another 'psuedo windows' box, saying I had to click Yes to continue. Past experience has shown that clicking yes to that, will again write the program and icons to your hard drive. Thus the only way out of it, it to hit alt, ctrl, del.
Now I am sure you are not aware of this, and that when you try and access your site everything seems fine. Therefore you might want to:
1) Access your site a couple of times from a cyber cafe, to see how it comes up.
2) Get another ISP or provider of webspace.