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Pillow Talk (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Poor Michael! He was offered a featured role in role in a sexy threesome—but first he had to audition for the part with his girlfriend's kinky cousin!




T.T. Gore


When you’re in bed with a significant other you should be VERY careful what you say. That’s the moral of my story. It’s the sexy and hilarious tale of a handsome, dark-haired well-endowed stud named Michael, who in the throes of passion confessed to his girlfriend Donna that from time to time he fantasized about what it might be like to do it with another guy.

Donna, a curvy brunette whose wholesome appearance concealed a strong streak of sadistic kinkiness, was immediately intrigued. “Got anyone special in mind?” she inquired playfully.

“No, not really,” Michael replied. Already he was sorry he’d said anything. But Donna wouldn’t drop it. She kept peppering him with questions—questions supplemented by kisses of a kind that made him wiggle his hips. And eventually, Donna’s erotic interrogation techniques paid off. First she got my name out of him, then she made him cum.

The next day, she called me.

To say that I was delighted by the information that she imparted would be a considerable understatement. For years—since college, in fact—I’d harbored a bit of a crush on my handsome former roomie. And among the few people who knew that I was a tad bit bi was my cousin Donna. We had in the past been rather close—“kissing cousins” is the phrase, I believe. That she was currently dating Michael was a happy coincidence indeed!

“You know,” Donna said now, “I’ve always kind of thought that it would be a turn-on to do it with two guys at the same time.”

“Really?” I replied in a noncommittal tone.

“Um-hum.” She affirmed. “Especially if the two guys in question kind of liked one another, if you see what I mean.”

I said that I most certainly did!

“So you’re interested?” she purred.

Did a bear defecate in the woods? Was the Pope Catholic? Why, of COURSE I was interested!

“I thought you might be,” Donna chuckled. “But the problem is Michael. He has certain…urges…along those lines, but he’s never acted on them.”

“So he needs to be, shall we say, broken in,” I suggested.

“Exactly!” Donna giggled. “And I have a pretty good idea of how to do it!”

She proceeded to describe her plan. It was sadistic. It was evil. Indeed, it was positively FIENDISH!

I couldn’t WAIT to get started!


Donna’s scheme was simplicity itself.

Over the months of their relationship, she had gradually introduced Michael to a variety of kinky variations—including bondage. So she had no problem luring him to the isolated farmhouse her family owned, and preparing him for our little session. When she was finished, Donna gave him a peck on the cheek. “Be back soon!” she promised, sashaying out of the bedroom.

A moment later, I strolled in. Michael’s eyes got big. And no wonder, since I, like him, was bare-assed naked!

“Well!” I exclaimed, smiling down at Michael, who was spreadeagled on the bed, arms and legs securely bound to the brass corner posts. “I guess we’ve got you under control, eh?”

“Tommy, what the FUCK?!” he cried. But I was gratified to see that his eyes roved over my slender body.

“Well, big boy,” I replied, kneeling by the side of the bed. “It’s like this. After your little confession to Donna, she thought that you might like to try something a bit different, if you know what I mean. And she called me to ask for my help. Which I am MORE than happy to provide…”

“Ohmygod, Tommy!” he gulped. “I don’t know if I was really SERIOUS! I mean, I just don’t KNOW about this…”

“Well, sure, you’re not sure.” I put a hand on his thigh. “It’s just for an hour, Michael. After that, if you decide you’re not really into the all-guy thing, fine. But you DO want to give it a try, yes? That’s what you told Donna, isn’t it? Of course, if she misunderstood your meaning, I’ll untie you right now. Is that what you want me to do?”

He had no response to that—but his burgeoning erection was eloquent testimony to the true state of his emotions. And I was confident that whatever he might say now or later, Michael would be a willing participant in our sixty-minute session.

“Poor Michael! I whispered, moving my hand to his chest. “No doubt you wish it was Donna who had you at her mercy, right now. How about it? Would you like it if SHE tied you up like this?”

“Omygod!” he moaned. “Oh, I don’t KNOW—!”

“You don’t know?” I began playing with his dark chest hair. “Gosh, Michael, I think my FEELINGS would be hurt if you preferred HER to ME!”

“But I don’t…I mean I’m not…I mean I CAN’T…” he stammered.

“You can’t? Then why is your precious PENIS sticking up, hmmm?” I punctuated my question by giving Michael’s joystick a brief caress. This made him shiver. “Is it because of little ME? Or is it just because you’re thinking about DONNA?”

“N-n-no—!” he gulped.

“Well, I think you ARE thinking of her!” I exclaimed, rising from my knees and moving to the foot of the bed. "And I have to tell you, big boy, that really DOES hurt my feelings!”

“Your f-f-f-feelings? He gulped. “What ABOUT your feeling?!”

“Oh, come ON, big boy!” I replied, kneeling down and gazing at his bare, wiggling feet with fond anticipation. “Don’t tell me that you haven’t always known how I feel about YOU!” And I proceeded to explain. In some detail.

Perhaps at this point Michael really did change his mind about our little tryst. At any rate, he made a desperate, convulsive attempt to jerk free of his bonds. It was an exercise in futility, of course. My darling cousin Donna had done her work too well.

“And you prefer Donna to me!” I concluded. “So now you have to be PUNISHED, big boy!” I whispered. “Let’s start by finding out how ticklish your FEET are, hmmm?”

And before he could protest I ran a sharp-nailed finger down the bottom his left foot, from toes to heel!


“Awww, come ON, big boy!” I giggled. “You KNOW you LOVE it!”


“Mmmm, does it make you feel all FUNNY?” I inquired. “Does it make you want to crawl out your SKIN—?”


“Gee!” I snickered as I stroked the sole of his foot with my well-honed nails. “Whoever would have thought that a big strong guy like you would turn out tobe so gosh-darned SENSITIVE!”

Michael’s response was to arch his back, wiggle his bare behind and release another shriek of anguished laughter. Already his face was turning pink. And his cock was still standing tall!

“I think I just might tickle your feet until you go completely BUGFUCK, Michael,” I suited the action to the word by increasing the intensity of my ticklish assault. “I won’t let you CUM, but I will make you LAUGH!”

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” he shrieked, jerking his limbs so energetically that the frame of the bed creaked. “AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA!!!”

Actually, if anyone was going to cum at that point, it was likely to be me. My own cock was sticking up at an acute angle and it required a real effort of will for me to keep my hands off it. Even so, I’d already squeezed out a clear, tiny drop of pre-cum.


“Well, all right,” I agreed. “Tell you what—let’s try something different!” So saying I moved to the side of the bed. “Gosh, big boy, the way you’re tied down, I could tickle you just about ANYWHERE! Such as HERE!” And I jabbed my fingers into his defenseless armpit!

“BWAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Michael bellowed. He squirmed and writhed with desperate energy. “AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!”

“I bet I know a place were you’re even MORE ticklish, big boy!” I giggled. And with one hand I began to caress his tumid tool, while with the other I continued to stroke his armpit. And my prisoner’s reaction was all that I could have wished for!

“EEEEEEEEEEEE-HEEEE-HEEEE-HEEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEE-HEEEE-HEEEE-HEEEE!!!” Michael screeched. His hips plunged in a desperate bid to achieve the blessed release he craved. His drum-tight belly convulsed with the effort of forcing out repeated howls of anguished hilarity. A fresh crop of goose bumps roughened his skin, making the dark hairs on his arms and legs stiffen like tiny wires—a detail that for some silly reason I found EXTREMELY sexy!

“Ah, so you LIKE this!” I whispered as my fingertips teased his straining shaft. “Think you can DO it, big boy? Think you can LAUGH your way to ORGASM?”

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” Michael bellowed. If a guy COULD make himself cum by laughing his ass off, he was going to do it! And I helped as best I could by continuing to tickle his armpit and ribs. But I was careful to tease his cock gently, so as to prolong the process as much as possible. In truth, I was enjoying myself FAR too much to take pity on poor Michael! The night was young, after all, and I was certain that my sexy stud possessed untapped reserves of stamina…

When he extruded that first delicious drop of pre-cum, I moved my hand from Michael’s cock to his balls, and then to his thigh. “Uh-uh!” I admonished him. “No squirting without PERMISSION, big boy!”


“Crazy for who?” I inquired. “Me or Donna? Are you pretending that’s SHE’s the one who ticking and tickling and tickling you? You ARE, aren’t you, big boy? And that makes me SO jealous!”

“OH-NO-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” he protested, bouncing his curvy derriere on the mattress to emphasize his denial. And though he certainly sounded sincere, I affected not to believe him.

“Come on now, big boy!” I admonished him. “Admit it! If you tell me the TRUTH, I might even let you CUM!” To encourage him, I darted my fingers into his armpit and tickled hard. Michael’s response was gratifying. He writhed on the bed like a weasel plugged into an electrical outlet. His desperate, girlish shrieks of laughter redoubled in volume. And another clear, tiny drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his swaying joystick…

I must confess that I found it difficult at that point to restrain myself. I kept thinking about what Donna had told me, how she’d gone on and on about how the idea of two guys getting intimate with one another turned her on. I imagined Michael and me engaging in mutual masturbation and performing fellatio on one another while she watched. Oh, the very IDEA of it made my balls tremble and my cock quiver!

“You wish she was here, don’t you?” I whispered as he shrieked and struggled. Probably he couldn’t hear me, but that didn’t matter, because I don’t think I was really talking to him. “You wish she could see what I’m DOING to you, isn’t that right? You wish she was HELPING me, don’t you…?”

Eventually—I’m not exactly certain when—I abandoned my position by Michael’s side to climb on the bed and kneel between his wide-open thighs. This gave me an excellent view of his pink, contorted face as I tickled the hollows of his knees and the backs of his legs. By then he was no longer laughing, really. The sound he made in response to my ministrations was more of a dry, desperate wheeze. And his struggles, too, had subsided from frantic writhing to feeble trembling. Poor Michael! He was at the end of his rope…so to speak.

Clearly, it was time for a break.

“That’s right, big boy,” I whispered as he lay there gasping for breath. “You just relax for a minute.” I gave his cock a brief squeeze. “And admit it, now—isn’t this just as good as anything you’ve ever done with Donna?”

“Wha…wha…why to you keep talking about her?” he stammered.

“Because she was right about you. About us.” I stroked his thigh. “Wasn’t she, big boy?”

“No!” he protested, jerking against the bonds that held him helpless. “Fuck you BOTH—I’m not that WAY—!”

“Oh, aren’t you? Then how do you explain THIS, hmmmm?” I gave his rigid shaft another squeeze. “It appears to me, big boy, that you’re WAY that way!”

Michael made no response to that. What COULD he say?

“And guess what?” I continued. “The next time you’re with darling Donna, she’s going to insist that you tell her all ABOUT our little session together! So I hope you’ve been paying ATTENTION, big boy!”

I forestalled Michael’s inevitable protest by scratching his belly button with the sharp nail of my index finger. His belly rippled and he squealed.

“Too late now for second thoughts, big boy!” I whispered. “We’re going all the way!” And with no more ado, I leaned forward and dug my fingers into his defenseless ribcage!

“HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Michael shrieked, jerking his torso to and fro in a hopeless attempt to evade my excruciating assault. My eyes were inevitably drawn to his hyper-erect cock, which swayed from side to side as he struggled. The sight of it made my own member extend itself to the max!

“Tickle, tickle, TICKLE!” I chanted as I stroked his ribs. “Who likes to be TICKLED?”

“BWAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR!!!” Michael bellowed by way of response. I took that as permission to tickle him even MORE! For surely no one could laugh that hard if he wasn’t truly enjoying himself! And even if he wasn’t, I certainly was!

“When you used to fantasize about going to bed with another guy, I bet you never DREAMED that it would be like THIS!” I snickered.

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” he howled. What music to my ears! Ah, it was so fucking SEXY to have him at my mercy—to make him wiggle his sexy ASS and scream like a fucking GIRL—to make him fucking BEG for the release that he craved with ever-increasing DESPERATION—!

From time to time I gave my big boy’s cock an occasional brief tease, but mostly I just tickled him. How often had scenes such as these dominated my late-night masturbation fantasies? Now those fantasies were coming true—!

And then I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Mind if I join you guys?” Donna inquired. I knew without looking that my voluptuous cousin was stark naked.

“We don’t mind at all!” I replied—somewhat breathlessly. “But first Michael and I have one small bit of unfinished business to transact.”

“I don’t mind waiting,” she said. “And watching.”

“Omygod!” Michael moaned. He knew what was about to happen. He knew he was going to hate it—and LOVE it. “Oh SHIT!” he cried. “Oh FUCK—!”

I leaned forward. I ran my fingers through his dark chest hair. I licked my lips and whispered, “OK, big boy—ready or not, here you CUM!”

And the rest is history—oral history. It only remains to assure you, dear reader, that in the course of the evening I was more than sufficiently compensated for my passionate exertions on handsome Michael’s behalf!
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