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Pins and Needles


Level of Cherry Feather
Apr 17, 2001
Jonathan had quite the collection of tickling fiction. Under the bed, in the closet…pretty much all over. He wasn’t just a purveyor of tickle-porn.

Heavens no.

He was an inventor. Or so he called himself.

Now, Jonathan was a pretty lucky guy in one way. His wife, Lisa, was not only understanding of his tickling fetish, but a full participant. It went back to high-school when they were dating and Jonathan started to tickle her in the back seat of his car. From there, it lead to a comfortable relationship and eventually marriage. Both were in their early thirties now, having left their wild twenties behind and settling down.

More or less.

The tickle games Jonathan and Lisa played were the center of their love-life. But Jonathan had this thing about building a Tickle Machine. That’s what all the mags were for. He’d saved every one that had some sort of devious machine that tickled its captives until they were utterly broken by the cold, heartless things. Most of them were utterly fantastic, relying on Fusion power or Magic Tickle-pixie dust or some crap like that. But a few might be possible.

Much to Lisa’s chagrin, Jonathan was intent on actually attempting to build these things. Now some of them worked, somewhat. The foot tickler he’d devised kept in perfect contact with her soles, but the lightness of the feathers attached to the spinning wheel just didn’t tickle for very long. And the contraption he’d tried from the story out of TFTA with some kind of framework of vibrators hovering over her belly didn’t actually seem to get the job done as well as hoped, either.

Whoever had written that one must have been a nut-case, Lisa thought.

Jonathan knew what he was doing, having graduated with a Masters in Engineering, but none of his inventions seemed to really be worthy of something.

They occupied their time playing tickle-torture games, and Lisa was very good to her man to say the least. She was a blond, but a natural one. One of those girls you marry, not just date. Cute, looking ten years younger than her thirty-two years with a body that was the envy of many teen-agers. Firm breasts, slim waist, long legs. And she played her parts with relish. She fought and kicked, of course, but deep down she enjoyed being helpless to her husband’s tickling. She wore outfits that they both liked, him for the way they looked on her gorgeous body, and her for the exotic way they made her feel.

She’d been his harem-girl, captured spy, schoolgirl, cheerleader, stripper….you name it, she was game.

But still, Jonathan longed to create something different, something truly evil.

For, you see, Jonathan wished in a small way that his wife was not quite as cooperative in their tickle games. He longed to hear her beg him to stop, that she could take no more. She squealed alright, but for some reason, he wanted to feel that he was in complete control of her body…

…and drive her to her limit.

One evening, after untying Lisa from her bondage after a long bout of tickle torment, she hugged him and they laid back on the bed.
“I love the way your hands feel on me, Jon, so don’t worry so much about this creation you feel you have to make. Just tying me up lets me thrash around and have fun, y’know? Totally lose control…”

And then it hit him.

He was going about this all wrong.

After a quick shower, he found himself in his workshop toying with his new idea. Why make anything that tickled at all? It was the thrashing she enjoyed. No matter how tightly he tied her, she could still flinch muscles, pull at bonds and such. And that’s where he got his idea.

No bondage at all. He looked over his supplies and went to work.

After about three days, Lisa started to worry about him. He’d usually given up by now, she thought. He’d taken a few vacation days off of work, running up his tab at not only the hardware store, but Radio Shack and that hobby place down the street as well.

Four days later, it was ready.

“Honey, you wanna come out here please?” Jonathan hollered.

“Just give me a few minutes, darling and I’ll be right there,” she replied from the upstairs hallway. She knew that he had something special planned, and while these things rarely worked out, still she liked to make Jon feel appreciated, and a good scene of tickling usually cheered him (and her) up after one of his failures. She was getting herself ready.

Jon looked over his creation. A padded table, no restraints. It was what hung over the table that was the culmination of his hard work. A series of motored pulleys gripped cables that were attached to something that looked quite a bit like some sort of execution device. It almost appeared as if thousands of thin steel needles or spikes were hovering over the table, pointed downward, awaiting the fair victim. But impalement wasn’t their purpose. Far from it.

Lisa walked down the stairs and into the den that Jon had set his invention up in. She was, as usual, stunning. After all these years, Jon found her utterly irresistible. What she was wearing was barely there. The tiny bra top was more of a support frame with strings attached to meet over her nipples in a small patch of fabric, exposing most of her breasts. The bottom of the outfit may well have been dental floss and an eye patch….

Jon looked his darling wife over and motioned her to the table.

“If you would, please, my love?” he said with a sweep of his hand.

“Where’s the straps and stuff?” she asked curiously, putting her firm butt up on the table.

“We wont need any,” he replied as he started turning a few knobs on what looked like a battery pack of some sort, “Just lie on your back, spread eagle, and relax.”

“I’m supposed to relax with a million spikes hanging over me?”

“Trust me, love, they’re not spikes. They’re not even pointed. See?” He ran his hand over some of them, and they flexed with his touch, “A soft conductor, it wont hurt you, but you may want to stay away from them…..”

She was curious, but excited. He’d had some failures, but never anything that ever hurt her. She laid her trim body out on the table, closed her eyes and prepared for whatever he had planned.

Jonathan hit a few switches and the whole thing came down over his wife. He took measurements of her body and painstakingly designed each probe to hover about one inch from her body. At about a thousand points. She found herself lying there with a thin metallic probe poised over every part of her body. Her belly, arms, chest, breasts, legs, hips…pretty much everything except her face had the little mysterious things within a breath of her skin.

“So what do I do now?” She asked.

“Nothing,” Jon replied, getting a gleam in his eye, “All you have to do is lay there…and not move. Each one of these probes carries a tiny electric charge. Not anywhere near enough to hurt, more like a pins and needles feeling. Anyplace you move your body, you’re going to get that little Zap, now….multiply that by the number of probes around…and you may wanna lay still, honey.”

“Are you serious?” she said, “These things aren’t dangerous?”

“Go ahead,” Jon replied, “try it.”

Lisa experimentally lifted her arm until it brushed into contact with several of the tiny probes.

“Ohh! Yow!” It didn’t hurt, but sent a strange sort of tingle throughout the area around it. Not the pins and needles Jon described per se, more like the feeling when your leg falls asleep for a long time…then it starts to come back and you walk on it. The sort of feeling that shoots along your nerves.

“See? So, ummm….you may not want to move darling,” Jon smiled as he gathered a few things.

He’d done it. This is exactly what he wanted. She’d have to lie there, taking whatever he dished out through the spaces in the probes he’d strategically left open, not moving or flinching. She had no bonds to pull at, no ropes to struggle against. She was going to have to remain still through sheer willpower. Willpower he was planning on taking from her.

Nothing too hard, he reminded himself. She’s going to flinch involuntarily if you start poking her. He wanted her to have to use every ounce of control to remain still. He wanted it to be POSSIBLE for her to remain still, but unlikely. Approaching the table, he began to tease her.

“You know, you look pretty helpless right now, love. Kind of a sticky situation, huh?”

“Come on, you’ve had your fun,” she was getting nervous at this new type of torment. It had hit home exactly what she had gotten herself into. She didn’t mind him tickling her when she had some sort of physical outlet, but this was going drive her nuts. “Lift this thing off of me, and let’s go play, ok?”

“Oh, I fully intend to play, my love…..”

Jon pushed a finger through a space in the probes and brushed it gently along her bicep. Running down the outside of her armpit, he looked his honey and saw the will she was trying to gather.

“This is going to really tickle if you don’t get ready for it, you know…” he teased.

“Oh-oh c’mon, Jon…n-not…there hun…pleeeaasee? Hee hee…n-no….”

Jon ran the finger into her armpit and with the skill of a surgeon tickled the spot on his wife that he knew from years of practice really got to her. Feather light, he stroked the smooth skin back and forth.


She was valiant in her attempts to remain still, but the tickling feeling in her armpit was starting to get to her. He was not stopping, only changing his pace to keep her on her toes. He’d started tickling the other one.


She’d flinched and made contact with the probes, her breasts brushing against them. She realized as the electric feeling coursed through her chest that she had a lot more than a small Zap to contend with. That one tickled a little as it shocked her. Not much, but if she started thrashing and came in contact with so many of them….she steeled herself as Jon moved down her body.

“You know that little spot on your side that always drives you nuts?” Jon said as leaned next to his wife’s ear and whispered, “Well, I’m going to tickle you there…so you stay still, ok?”

“Oh God, Jon no PLEASE? I can’t stay still if you do that!!! Not there, please???”

Jon was in his own world now, though, as he gazed at the smooth flank of his wife, trapped under the thousands of tiny probes. Running a finger down its length, he rested it over her weak spot.

“Ready?” he teased.

“No p-please?? Not there…oh GOD!!”

She squeezed her eyes shut as Jon started to scratch over the ticklish spot. It was right at the curve of her waist, and he knew it tickled her immensely. He watched the muscles of her belly flinch as she tried to will herself into stillness.

“Kootchie-Kootchie…” He said, teasing her verbally, trying to get her to break.

Lisa was in the grip of tickling spasms as she fought with every muscle in her body to remain still.

“Come on, Lisa, you’re gonna give in….tickletickletickle……tickletickletickle….”

Although Lisa’s body was trapped, her voice was not, and everything poured into it.


Jon was merciless in the tickling of Lisa’s belly. He went around the table and started to tickle her other side, fresh nerves to play with. He knew exactly what he was doing, and getting what he’d longed for. Lisa had no out. She was his. This tickling was no longer a game, but pure torment to the woman trying so desperately not to move while being tickled. Her muscled rippled and sweat beaded on her forehead. Her teeth were clenched and she was hissing more than screaming now. Eventually, parts of her body started to flinch, making contact with the probes.


The electric feeling was compounding with the merciless tickling to send her body into overload. Every zap felt like a thousand tickling fingers for a brief second.

Jon stopped his torment and stood up. What he saw pleased him. His wife lay on the table stretched, daring not to move, her breath coming in gasps and her eyes, the only free part of her whole body, following his every move.

“J-Jon…PLEASE let me up now! This is too much, man. I’ll hand it to you, you outdid yourself, but enough’s enough. Ok? PLEEAAASSEEEE BAYBEEE??”

“Well, there is one thing left, my love…..” and he bored his gaze into her face as she realized what he meant when he took his place at the foot of the table.

“Oh God Jon No!! Please not the feet!!! I Wont be able to stay still, I swear! You win! You win! Don’t tickle my feet pleasepleaseplease don’t tickle my feet Jon!!!!”

Jon said not another word but twirled two feathers in the air at his wife and smiled broadly. He started to move them back and forth, getting ever closer to the tender ticklish skin of her bare soles. She was pleading with him.

“Jon please get those things away from my feet!!! N-N-NOOOOO!!!!Come ON JON NOO!!””

He touched the tip of the feathers to her soles and let them rest there.

“This is going to tickle you so much, my dear. Try not to move now, sweetie…..”

He brushed the feathers up her soles in a slow, soft motion. With the same motion he brought them back down again. Then up. Then down. A slow torturous route, giving her a chance to stay still, but it would take all of her remaining willpower.


Lisa was steeled in her efforts to remain motionless. Tears streamed down her lovely face.

Jon ran the feathers over and over her pretty feet. His touch was maddeningly light, but the pace was being picked up. The feathers started to dance over her soles in a macabre festival of tickling. Every nerve of her feet was on fire. She dared not move even a toe, lest a chain reaction begin and she start thrashing. The feathers were replaced by the very tips of Jon’s fingers and Lisa finally lost her fight.

As Jon scrabbled all of his fingers over the tortured pink soles, Lisa flinched. Her breasts brushed the probes, sending a quick tickly feeling through her flesh. Which in turn caused another flinch, this time getting her zapped under her arms and along her belly.

The chain reaction had started, and with all of the electric stimulations building into a tickling nightmare, Lisa simply let go. She squirmed and thrashed from side to side, each movement bringing another short jolt of tickling and zapping. Jon was still mercilessly tickling her feet, finally seeing his bride crack.


Jon slowed down the tickling, until he had stopped. Lisa regained control of her body long enough to catch her breath.

“So what do you think?” Jon asked his tormented wife.

“Well,” she replied, gasping, “If I don’t kill you, I might kiss you. Once you get used to the little zaps, the whole thing just tickles like hell! Ok, now let me up and gimme some, you big stud you….”

Jon toyed with an idea.

For about two seconds.

“Oh, I will…..eventually.”

“Wh-What do mean eventually Jon? Jon?”

“Oh, not much, I just forgot something that’s all, be right back. You don’t move now, ok?” he said with a smile.

What the hell was he up to now, she thought. This was going to drive her insane if he started again. Having to fight against her own body’s reflexes while he tickled her was just too much. Her spirits sank as she heard him yell from the adjoining bathroom…

“Honey? Where do we keep the electric toothbrush?…Oh, THERE it is……”
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