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Planet Kildre part 1


TMF Poster
Dec 23, 2006
WELL i just searched and realized... this story isn't up here <,< so guess what I'm posting it ^_^. its not highly tickling based in fact the story dose take priority here but it dose have tickling. i don't think its a lot but some may disagree please tell me what you think ^_^

Ania yawned, at the blank screen in front of her. She was working late again. She usually lovers her work, but tonight not much work is getting done. She works on technologies that help her species live better lives in a medical since. The planet Kildre is inhabited by many different life forms but the Kyren are the original sentient being on there. She stood up and stretched to a full 7’4 her normal height is about 6’8 she’s around normal height for her species. She has short silver hair, and pink pupilless eyes that drooped a bit. Her head resembled a lizard, but her snout didn’t extend that far from her face. She yawned
“I need kopi” she walked out of her office towards the café*. Her legs bent backwards at the knee, her feet had three toes with small claws at the end and she had four fingers including one thumb. Her skin, like all females of her species, was dark purple with a few yellow markings all over her body. She dragged her feet into the café* looking for her fix of Kopi. She yawned showing a mixed set of sharp and flat teeth. She wore a silver top and silver shorts, like all of her species her feet were bare. She opened her eyes to see Dmitri.
“Hey Ania nice to see you are in your usual sunshiny mood” Ania growled maliciously “whoa no need to get angry with me what’s wrong?” Dmitri was usually worried about problems, especially ones involving Ania. Ania sighed
“Just get me your best cup of Kopi” Ania impatiently waited in complete silence. It took a couple of minutes because Dmitri made his special Kopi by hand. He gave it to her with a big smile on his face. She picked it up, took a sip, and sighed in pleasure.
“Oh that is the best cup of Kopi I have ever had” she sat there with her eyes closed and her mouth in a big smile. Then something popped in her head she looked over at Dmitri “oh I’m so sorry for acting rude” her sincere look made Dmitri smile. Dmitri was a bit taller then she was at 6’10, like all males his skin was teal with dark green spots, unlike all males his body was a lot less muscular, he had a more female body build but the mussels were still there. He wore a blue shirt with weird black patterns on it and pants that went down to his ankles. His eyes were yellow, and his short hair was brownish.
“It’s fine, believe me I get worse from other people” Dmitri proceeded to clean some glasses that were lying around.
“No it’s not fine!” Ania exclaimed “there is no excuse for how I acted! There has got to be some way I can repay you. How much is this Kopi ill pay extra”
“It’s on the house”
“Then I’ll tip you” Ania reached for the jar with some money in her hand
“I don’t want your money” Dmitri stopped her hand
“But I wont feel right unless I do something for you” Ania bowed her head in disappointment
“Um well how about you take me to dinner some time, I’ll pay”
“But how would I be repaying you if I don’t pay?” Ania was confused
“Believe me your company would be payment enough” Dmitri smiled as Ania blushed. “Now for more recent problems, what’s wrong?” Ania rolled her eyes
“Oh I was given all the paper work to do, AGAIN, I’m just as useful as everyone else. But because I’m new they single me out. Then Sileny must have a grudge against
me or something” Ania pouted
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“Hey, Sileny is a cyka. She’s been that way since day one, or at least my day one. I’ve wanted to complain, but her mother is the owner of all of this. So I decided my job was worth more then my pride. She stopped screwing with me but she finds a new victim, and doesn’t stop tormenting them until they fallow her or leave” Dmitri rolled his eyes “and it’s only because she’s mommies little girl that she hasn’t been canned yet.”
“Oh Dmitri you have no idea how much that means to me” Ania smiled. Their eyes met and locked for a few seconds, they leaned in but backed away.
“Um, oh tell you what, I’ll come over to your office and help you with your work. Even if all I do is just sit there it probably would be nice to have some one to talk to” Ania looked at Dmitri with a big smile on her face still blushing.
“Would you really?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s not like there’s that many people left here any way. Besides if they really need Kopi then they can just use the machine, it’s not as good but I think you need my time a bit more” Dmitri smiled at her. They walked back to her office hand in hand. When they got there, Ania went straight to work. Dmitri was right the work went by faster then expected.
“Oh thank you so much Dmitri, I would still be working if it wasn’t for you.”
“It’s not a problem Ania, I would do it again if you wanted me to” They looked around the room nervously as if in search of a topic of discussion. It except the table they sat at in the middle, a computer at the far end, and a few file cabinets, the room was completely empty. They were sitting very close and it seemed they started to move closer and closer, they closed their eyes as their mouths moved closer to each other. There lips so close they might as well have been connected.
“HEY ANIA!” a coworker burst through the door startling the two so much that Dmitri jumped out of his skin, and Ania fell on the floor.
Zori was a bit smaller then most of her species at about 6’6 she whore a long sleeved shirt that was green, with pants so long they went down a few inches from her toes, her eyes were a green color and her hair was orange.
Ania just sat on the ground still looking a little dazed as if she blacked out within the last few seconds. Dmitri shook his head as he put the first two fingers of his hand on either side of his nose, he sighed
“Not Zori, any one but Zori” Dmitri turned to greet her with a smile that screamed “why are you doing this to me?”
“Oh, did I interrupt something from happening?” Zori tilted her head in a mock concern putting her fingers to her mouth.
“No we were just sitting here like normal Kyren discussing normal things, like normal Kyren do.” Dmitri rolled his eyes.
“Oh well I’m sorry, I heard that Ania was stuck here with plenty of paperwork to do, so I decided to come over to cheer her up” Zori smiled at them.
“Yeah right, you were probably passing by and you peaked in to see what we were doing just to know when to burst through the door to ruin the moment”
“WHAT?! I’m shocked, SHOCKED! Well maybe not that shocked, but still quite appalled”
“But it is what you did isn’t it?” Dmitri looked over already knowing the answer to that.
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“Well, I mean I wouldn’t call it eves dropping, I’d call it investigative journalism” Zori smiled to Ania, who after a few seconds realized what she was doing and giggled to her self.
“But your not even a, oh just never mind” Dmitri pouted as Zori and Ania laugh to each other. Dmitri got a little idea in his head and snuck around to the back of Zori and then scribbled his claws all around Zori’s sides she jumped giggling because of more then what she thought was funny. Zori suddenly looked appalled but she got a smirk on her face and looked over at Ania. They both nodded as they closed in on Dmitri “hey, girls come on cant we talk about this?” he said waving his hands in a defensive manner. But it was too late, Ania jumped for Dmitri and he dodged her only to have his feet get grabbed by Zori. He was down on the ground faster then he went up, and Zori made sure he was not going any where any time soon. Ania recovered just in time to hold down his upper body. Zori scraped a single finger up Dmitri’s sole. If they were not holding him down he would have jumped to the ceiling. He immediately started laughing Zori then continued to rake her claws from toe to heel which sent Dmitri into hysterics. Ania took her opportunity to tickle his sides, Dmitri tried to dodge her fingers but it was no use. The constant tickling of his feet and his sides was making him unable to respond. Ania and Zori seemed to get a bit carried away tickling him.
They tickled him for a while until he got really tiered and they stopped. He lied there panting with his eyes on the ceiling. Ania looked over to Zori and smiled “hey thanks for hanging out with us. I’m glad you came over to cheer me up, I am much happier now” Ania smiled again.
“Oh it was nothing, besides any chance to pick on Dmitri I am more then willing to do”
“Speaking… of… Dmitri…” Dmitri panted on the ground “help… would… be nice…” Ania and Zori both looked down at Dmitri..
“Oh come on shake it off weakling” Zori insisted laughing to her self.
“Well, I suppose I’ll help him walk home, it’s the least I can do after what he did for me and what we did to him” she giggled.
“Laugh… it up… you’re the one… who gets to… carry me home” Dmitri mocks looking angry.
“Alright that’s good, I just need to tell Dmitri some things. Can you wait over by the door?” Ania nodded, she didn’t like being cut out of the loop but she didn’t want to impose. It took them a few minutes and Zori helped Dmitri over to Ania. Ania helped Dmitri out of the building and over towards her place.
“I need to get something from my home before we head over to your place. Is that ok?” Ania looked down at Dmitri
“Sounds good” Dmitri was gaining his strength back but not to quickly. They walked down the main street which was bustling with movement.
“Hey can I ask you something really quick?” Ania kept walking with Dmitri
“Sure” Dmitri looked over at Ania.
“Are you and Zori, umm a couple?” Dmitri practically chocked on air at this question, he started laughing. “What’s wrong with that? That is a completely legitimate question are you or are you not” Ania’s cheeks burned in embarrassment.
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“no, no you don’t understand I’m not Zori’s type, well umm how can I put this, Zori and I are looking for the same thing in a partner” Ania thought about this for a second and then it clicked
“Oh she’s a lesbian?” Dmitri nodded.
“Don’t tell her I told you this, and please don’t let this affect you and her relationship, but she kind of has the hots for you” Ania’s cheeks went redder then before. They passed by a theater, a few stores and the museum. It was actually a very popular mainly because of the tickling exhibit. Ania never approved of what they did with it. The tickling exhibit took prisoners and random creatures from all over the universe. They got to a side street which had barely anyone on it. A couple who seemed to be unable to see any one but themselves littered one side of the street. Of course the random robot doing jobs programmed for them like cleaning, and protecting. One of the robots turned to Ania and Dmitri.
“You two should be careful, it’s late and there might be some stalkers or muggers out at this time” the robot gave a smile, programmed into its personality chip. Only robots that came into direct contact with living creature were programmed with personality chips
“Oh don’t worry we will be fine, but thank you any way” Ania said still walking in the same direction.
“Famous last words, you be careful” it said, she laughed at his comment. It wasn’t too much of a distance from there. They got to her apartment complex.
“You know I’ve been thinking. You could probably just sleep here. Then we could go to work together tomorrow” she smiled
“Uh, you know what. I’m sorry, I really need to get home” Ania frowned a bit
“Well can I at least walk you home, I mean you’re probably still a bit weak, here ill go get my thing” Ania turned to walk up the stares
“Um, well I think I’m strong enough to walk home” he saw her bowed her head and sniffled. “Oh don’t cry! Look honestly it’s just, my place is messy I don’t really want you to see that” Dmitri put his hand on her shoulder
“It’s ok, I don’t care about messy” Ania perked up a bit.
“Really I need to go home, alone… but hey I’ll” Dmitri thought for a second. “How about we go out tomorrow night, after work I know this really great restaurant. I’m sure you’ll like it, does that sound good?” Ania nodded, whipping the tears from her eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean” Dmitri leaned in and kissed her. She was surprised but went into it. It was a moment she wished would never end, but with a playful biting of the lip he walked away. Ania just sat down there smiling, blushing, heart racing she couldn’t believe she had to watch him go. She got up twirled on her toes and practically skipped up to her apartment. She could barely sleep, thinking.
She woke up late the next morning, her alarm went off but she turned it off and went back to sleep. When she did awake she hopped out of bed, and hummed to herself wile she went into the shower, and wile she brushed her fangs. She put some shorts and a long sleeved purple shirt. She wore a wonderful smile on her face despite the horrible conditions the day was presenting. It was overcast, no rain just very depressing conditions. She walked down to the corner store that she always went to with a bounce in her step. She went into the store still humming to herself giggling every once in a while. “Well, some one is in a good mood today” Vladimir the store clerk smiled. “What
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happened you’re not usually this happy” Ania smiled as she walked over to the counter with some of the things she had.
“Oh Vlad I met the cutest guy at work today, he’s so nice, and cute, and oh he’s just the best” Ania had a sparkle in her eye that was unmistakably love. She never really fell for any one. But she felt a bit different with him, he was so nice to her.
“Well it would seem so. I’m glad you found some one you really like. As long as you’re happy I’m happy for you.” Vladimir smiled as he looked over the items she had picked out. He checked out the items, gave her the price and handed the items over
“Oh so how is business going?” she tilted her head to the side a bit. She was concerned for her favorite store for getting things she needed.
“Well it’s doing ok, the franchises are doing better, naturally but its just a slow day today” he looks around at the practically empty store, save a kid checking out magazines and an elderly Ren checking out fruits “but it will get better soon. Don’t worry I will be here for plenty of time to come.” He waved goodbye as she went back to her apartment. She put the food away and fell asleep on the couch after watching a device much like a television. She stretched as she awoke and looked at the time drowsily.
“Oh good I still have 5 more minutes till I have to be to work” she lied down for a few seconds before realizing that her work was more then 5 minutes away and she wasn’t even ready yet. So she practically threw her work cloths on and ran down to work. She got about 15 minutes late. She sighed because no one seemed to notice or care. She walked over to her office. She didn’t know if she wanted to go see Dmitri or just wait. She decided not to bother him. It seemed like such a slutty thing to do, to flirt in the work place, so she decided against it and went straight to work. She didn’t know if it was a blessing or a misfortune that tonight was a slow night. She was leaning towards misfortune because she was so board, she wanted to go talk to Dmitri but she resisted and played with little items. She wished that there were some more things to do in this small laboratory/office. She soon fell asleep in her chair with her face on the key board.
“Ania are you ok?” a familiar voice came into her ears.
“I am now that you’re here Dmitri” Ania reached over and hugged Dmitri in her dream and kissed him a few times. “Oh I was hoping you would come to rescue me from my prison here. I was just so board, you’re my hero” Ania smiled
“That’s great but, umm can you get off of me?” Ania awoke. She was on top of Dmitri arms wrapped around his body, and head underneath his chin. She looked at him and he was smiling, blushing a little bit. She Jumped off of him, her face going completely red.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok”
“I could have hurt you”
“It’s ok”
“But I-”
“-Look, its ok. After all I am a male that brings the ladies to their knees” he gave a playfully smug smile and she hit his shoulder lightly. “I thought it would be a good idea to check on you, see if you were swamped with work again, I take it your done?”
“Oh yes of course, I was just board” Ania shrugged
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“I can see that” Dmitri pointed at the small amount of drool on her keyboard “here come back to the Café with me I could use some company, its pretty slow for me too, so it shouldn’t be to much of a problem” Ania accompanied Dmitri back to the Café, it wasn’t the most beautiful place, but it was better then being alone. They made small talk and Dmitri served the occasional customer every once in a while, they had to stay a bit later then every one else because this was the last day of work for the week, he had to clean up and work out the currency. They went into the bathroom to change. She changed into a red dress, it went down to her Knees. When she came out he was already out wearing basic dressing clothes for males, it looked a bit more casual then her clothing did. But she didn’t care. They walked out side and across the street and then walked a little ways to get to a fancy looking place. Ania had never been here before, it looked really nice. Dmitri opened the door for her and they walked inside. He approached the desk.
“Um hey I made reservations here yesterday” the waiter looked up at him
“May I ask who the party name is under sir?” the waiter inquired.
“Oh, I believe the party is under the name Dmitri” the waiter looked at him
“I’m sorry sir but we don’t have a party under that name” the waiter looked at him
“Are you sure, did you even check the list there, I am pretty sure I made reservations here.” Ania was looking a bit worried, but she was pretending to be interested in the painting on the wall.
“Oh wait here we are, there is a note here telling me, that the Dmitri party was replaced, I’m terribly sorry sir” the Waiter sure didn’t look it though.
“What? You’re telling me you gave my reservations away to some person and the reason is?”
“Money sir” the waiter answered without losing a beat.
“Interesting, so this means I get a refund correct?” the Waiter reached in his pocket and gave him some money back. Dmitri sighed then him and Ania left. “They stole from me, they actually stole from me, that reservation was a lot more then what was given me” Dmitri sighed “I’m sorry I screwed up the date, ugh that’s the last time I try and go there, well that’s the only time” he rolled his eyes. All the While Ania was looking at the money in his hand “what are you doing?”
“20, 40 yeah that should be enough come on” she pulled on his arm, and they ran back to the street she lived on and over to the corner store. Vladimir was out side locking up “VLAD!” he turned at Ania’s voice.
“OH my” the old Kyren looked shocked. “Ania what are you doing out at this hour, and who is the young Ren you are with?”
“It’s ok Vlad” Ania panted a bit “he’s the guy I was telling you about” Dmitri waved panting slightly.
“Oh well what can I do for you?” Vladimir smiled at the two who just appeared
“Can I ask you a favor” Vladimir nodded “can we get a few things from your store really quick please?” she put her hands together to emphasize her point.
“Well I wouldn’t do this for any one else” He said as he turned to open the door.
“OH you’re the best Vlad!” Ania hugged Vladimir from the back. He smiled and finished opening the door. He then proceeded walked up to the counter. He sat down and waited. Ania ran up and down the isle to grab whatever she could think of.
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“Ania, wait, what are you looking for?” Ania said stuff and continued to grab things at what looked like random. “Are you sure we need all of that” Dmitri looked a bit worried.
“Oh don’t worry I have this all under control” she brought all of the things she got up to the counter and put them down. “There that should be it” he looked down at the items and scanned them all, he looked at all of the sykelaft that was placed in front of him. He then looked up at Ania with a raised eyebrow.
“Um I’m going to have to see Identification for this” Dmitri promptly readied his arm
“OH you know how old I am” Ania said just as Dmitri was about to give him his arm to scan.
“yeah I know, I’m just playing with you, but are you sure your going to use all of this” she nodded “well alright but don’t drink it all in one night, wouldn’t want to see you get hurt” she picked up all of the items she had just paid for and Dmitri picked up the Sykelaft “hey, you, I don’t want to hear about her getting hurt understand me?” Vladimir looked very serious for a second
“Oh don’t worry she is in good hands” Dmitri smiled as he walked for the door
“I would hope so, for your sake” Dmitri shuddered at that thought as Ania assured him he was joking. From the sound of his voice it sounded like Vladimir was far from joking but he put the thought out of his mind. They walked the very short distance to the apartment she lived in. she ran directly into the kitchen with all of the items. She went into a whirlwind of creation. Dmitri just stood there and watched in awe of her speed. She stopped every once in a while because the cooking time, but almost right after it was done she zoomed back into action. It was truly an amazing site to be seen. When she was done, she put the master piece that looked and smelled amazing. She placed the creation on the table while Dmitri gawked in amazement.
“Uh, Dmitri, are you ok?” Ania snapped her fingers in front of his face a few times, before he came back to reality. He looked at her for a few seconds before responding.
“THAT WAS AMAZING!” he couldn’t contain himself he had never seen some one cook so, fast.
“Oh, it wasn’t anything. The real factor of it being amazing is its tasty” Dmitri was already eating some.
“Wow, that’s the best thing I’ve eaten, where did you learn that any way?” Ania was a bit embarrassed from his complements, but she recovered by telling him a few things about her past.
“Well back when I was living with my mother and father. I would always go to the kitchen to watch the servants work. Most of them were servant robots but there was still the cook, he was a nice Ren. He taught me all of his secrets and I never forgot them.” She shrugged as she took a bite from the dish “hmm, could have used a bit more spices”
“That’s interesting, wait you had servants, so your family was-“
“Yes my mother and father are rich. Ugh, I never really wanted to be supported by them, I accepted the money for college but other then that I didn’t really want to take anything. Money corrupts people who don’t earn it, I knew if I took their money I would end up some stuck up cyka with friends who like me only for my money” She sighed and shook her head. “That’s why I decided on staying here I’m going to make my self big by perseverance and hard work” she looked completely serious for a second there then she looked at Dmitri “so what was your past like?”
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“It was ok, my parents were poor, but they loved me and tried their hardest to get what I wanted. Unfortunately I was only able to get the minimal education, so I got a job at where we work and yeah, not much else there. Well let’s eat this wondrous food before it gets cold” they continued through dinner in silence. The food was wonderful, but there didn’t seem to be any thing to talk about. After they were done they exchanged words of “good food” and continued to sit there. Then Ania remembered something.
“OH YEAH now I remember what I wanted to do.” She went straight to the kitchen leaving Dmitri confused. She emerged with two glasses and the bag full of sykelaft. She placed it on the table “so, up for a contest?” Dmitri was a little taken aback he was about to question what kind, though he had a really good idea as to what she meant. “A drinking contest, I bet I could beat you no problem”
“Oh right, sure you could beat me no problem” he put great sarcasm into his words. “Alright your on, first to pass out loses, and umm I don’t know”
“Buys dinner tomorrow or something” they both agreed and started. It was one of those tastes that you like but your tong does not. They shot drinks for a while, tallying the amount that they got. 3 drinks went by and they got a sleight buzz. 7 went by and they were drunk. After 9 hit they lost track of how many they were drinking. After a bit, one of the bottles was emptied. “Are you done yet?” her words were slurred.
“Yeah, I suppose.” He looked over at her, she was swaying slightly she looked like she would fall over at any point.
“YAY” she raised her arms in celebration and fell over side ways she giggled at what happened. Dmitri got an idea as he scotched over to her she looked up at him, he was tipsy as well but not as much as she was. “What are YOU looking at?” she said playfully as she pushed at his shoulder.
“well I was just thinking about the past” he didn’t notice how bad his speech really was but he continued. “I remembered that I still haven’t paid you back for what you did to me at the lab” his face grew a wide grin as he looked at her he moved in slowly for the kill.
“NO don’t do that, what ever will I do?” she backed away slowly as she pretended to be scared. She put her hand over her fore head slightly covering her eyes. Dmitri took this opportunity to go for her stomach he caught her off guard and she jumped. His fingers moved to her side as she giggled. She was trying to push him away with her hands but her erratic movements were hindering her progress. She had then proceeded to attempt to push him away with her feet. However after the second nudge he grabbed onto her ankles and started running his claws up and down her soles, this sent her into hysterics. She was trying to pull away laughing and kicking her legs attempting to get free. He had then started to work on her toes using his claws to lightly tickle in between her toes. Tears were dropping from her as she still tried to kick away. After a few minutes he finally stopped leaving here panting and smiling on the ground.
“Are you ok?” Dmitri peered at her face. She just nodded in response as he helped her up and over to her bed. He lied her down on the bed and she smiled at him and just fell asleep. He stumbled over to the other side and fell on the other side of the bed then fell asleep.
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The next morning Ania awoke slowly noticing someone on top of her, she went beet red as she saw Dmitri lying on top of him. A sort of scream was made and some shuffling and a groan of pain. They were a table length apart at that point. “D-d-did we do anything last night?” Ania was a bit scared. Dmitri looked like he was in so much pain. He opened up his eye to look at both Ania and himself.
“well from the looks of things, it wouldn’t have been possible… we were so drunk last night I doubt that we could have taken off our clothing and then put them back on”. Ania looked completely relieved. “Hey could you help me with this head ache, it’s a bit of a problem for me” Dmitri attempted to smile but winced at his head. Ania practically jumped up to walk to the kitchen. She emerged from the kitchen carrying some medicine for him to take and a glass of water. It was a very powerful medicine he would probably be a bit out of it for a little bit after the dose was taken. However its effects were almost instant. He swallowed the pills then the water, its effects took a few minutes to work but after that he looked and felt a lot better.
“So, do you want to do anything?” Ania asked more of to break the silence then curiosity. Dmitri thought for a few seconds. He didn’t really care he just wanted to be with Ania today. He thought for a few seconds putting his hand to his chin and looking at the ceiling.
“Umm, hey can I use your phone really quickly? I need to call a friend. He might be a bit worried I didn’t tell him I would be staying with you.” She nodded her head and pointed in to the kitchen. She just sat there waiting for him to finish. She wanted to know what he was talking about, but she didn’t like to eves drop. “Ok, so do you want to go somewhere? Maybe to the Karu, we could go to the Teku, or even perhaps umm the Museum” she rolled her eyes at those words
“I hate that place so much, I don’t think they have the right to do what they do.” She looked mad.
“Yeah I don’t like them much either” he said.
“Then why did you suggest going there?”
“Well, the thought sort of came out of nowhere, not to mention I didn’t know you didn’t like them.” He looked around the room for a subject to jump out at him “well I don’t know we could go to the Karu for the day, and then go dancing at night, sound good”
“Definitely” and she went over to get a coat on. They left out the door headed to the Karu. The Karu was nice, a little crowded but nice. The lines for some of the more popular activities were rather long but they didn’t mind too much. Time seemed to run away faster then they had intended and it ended up being a lot later then they had expected. They unfortunately didn’t have the time to go dancing but they minded very little as they walked towards Ania’s apartment. “So, do you want to spend the night here again?” Dmitri looked saddened
“I’m sorry Ania I have to go and help with the shop tomorrow, I’m really sorry” Dmitri expected Ania to get sad.
“Its ok” she smiled at him, he was stunned even more when she leaned in and pecked him on the lips “I had a great time, I hope we can do it again really soon” with that she walked up to her apartment, though she didn’t really want to leave him, she was
________________________________page 9____________________________ happy. She was thinking about going over to his work tomorrow she decided to go to bed early. She lied down on her bed and stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep.
This one thing kept bugging her, she was walking down a corridor with Dmitri but there was something different about him. He was acting suspicious, they got to a door and Dmitri opened it for her. She thanked him walked through the door and waited for him to pass through the door but it closed. It was then that the floor fell out beneath her and she fell, it was this point to which she awoke in a cold sweat. She felt a bit drowsy but it seemed ok, she looked around it was day time. She wondered what the dream was supposed to mean, but quickly put it out of her mind as her stomach rumbled. She walked thoughtlessly to the kitchen to grab some food. Her thoughts strayed to her work, thinking about a few equations she had to solve tomorrow. After breakfast her mind continued to go back to Dmitri, she couldn’t take it. Her final decision was to go and talk to him in person. She remembered where he lived, or where he said lived, NO he said he lived there so he lives there. Her mind was a little scattered at the point, she had to see him, had to know if he was hiding something from her. She was so concentrated on her thoughts she had passed his place by.
“ATOK!” she shook her head and started back tracking. She arrived but for some reason she just couldn’t go inside. She just stood there as Kyren walked passed her. She didn’t want to bother him and look desperate, but she couldn’t stand not knowing if there was something wrong. It was driving her crazy. She wanted to let out a high pitched screech. She decided to walk in, shaking slightly she seemed to have some trouble working the door. But it passed as she pulled the door open. She shuddered as she walked into the store. It was small and had really only snack items and essential food items. Some extra objects that were needed at times, its counter was at the back of the store, there was a door behind it. There was only one other person in the store at the moment.
“Hello?” Ania asked behind the counter. After a few seconds a ren emerged. He looked very muscular. His upper body was very large compared to most ren she has seen. He was wearing a uniform that was red and white, his hare was dark brown, and his eyes were green.
“May I help you?” he asked looking her up and down. She didn’t know if he was checking her out or analyzing her, it looked like a little bit of both.
“Uh may I see Dmitri?” she said, it was as if those words triggered something in the muscles on his face as his mouth went into a smirk.
“Yeah” he turned towards the back room “hey Dmitri your girlfriend is here to see you!” those words made Ania blush heavily. Dmitri came around the corner with the ren at his back.
“Hey Ania, I see I’m not the only one happy to see you” he shot a stare at the ren behind him. He just smiled
“Alright I’ll leave you two alone I can see you have things to discuses, don’t get to graphic” he waved his hand and was off before Dmitri could say something. Dmitri just shook his head and looked back and Ania.
“Sorry Ania that was just Boris he’s stupid but whatever how have you been?” Ania blinked.
__________________________________page10 _______________________
“Well you just saw me yesterday, but if it’s any consolation I’m fine” she looked a bit embarrassed and they stood in silence for a few minutes. “So how’s work?” Ania didn’t know what to say she was at a loss for words.
“It’s… good” he looked around the room as though searching for a topic, but the walls were not talking. “Look Ania, I would really like to be with you right now, but I have things I need to do here”
“Well I could always just stay here and wait till your done” he sighed and she knew what he was going to say next.
“You kind of can’t stay, look my boss is going to get mad at me if you stay here he would think I was being distracted. Besides I’m probably going to be here all day I have a lot of work to do. I’m so sorry, I.”
“It’s ok, I understand” she turned and walked towards the door. She walked home with a lump in her throat. When she got home she sat down on her bed. One thought had gone through her head, he was hiding something. But what was it she was determined to find out what it was. She decided that tomorrow after work she would find out, But how. How about she calls in sick, then after he goes home she will sneak over there behind him and catch him in the act. Whatever it was it seemed more important then she was. She stayed up in bed thinking about it. She slowly drifted to sleep. She awoke that morning to the sound of her alarm clock. She turned it off and walked over to call her work to tell them she was sick. She did know how to act so she was at least slightly convincing. Then afterwards she went back to bed. She awoke later and did a few things around her house then just sat down on her couch. It was like watching paint dry. She couldn’t even find any thing good to watch. She ended up trying to find a good position to lye down on her couch nothing seemed to be comfortable enough. Minutes went by like hours. But finally she had a call on the intercom from down stares. She prepped her self in case it was Dmitri.
“Hello?” she said in the intercom with her most raspy voice possible. She waited a few seconds before Dmitri’s voice came ringing back.
“Ania? Are you ok? You seemed just fine yesterday. Hey can I come up?” he sounded concerned. She would have liked to let him up but she couldn’t.
“I’m to contagious, the doctor said I needed to stay inside and try to stay away from others. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” The raspy voice was making her throat sore so she coughed.
“I don’t care! I feel responsible for this, please just let me help you” she really wanted to let him up, but she swallowed the feeling and continued the act.
“Look its not your fault, I don’t want to get you sick, besides it would not be good if two people got sick, please it’s not that I don’t want to see you. It’s just, I don’t want to hurt you.” She was worried he would catch on.
“You know I hate doing that” he sighed heavily “I’m so sorry, I…I... I’m just sorry for so much” she could hear him walk away. She was beginning to have second thoughts. She put the thought out of her mind, as she put her coat on and attempted to fallow him. It was lucky for her his mind seemed elsewhere. She never was the most quite person. She was usually very clumsy, but tonight she was a lot better she was focused. He walked with his eyes on the ground for the duration of the trip. He sighed as he unlocked the door, walked in, locked the door, and walked behind the counter. He disappeared through the door. Ania was quick to the door. She was easily able to pick the
______________________________page 11____________________________ lock she sighed at the lack of an alarm. She walked through the door calmly and walked toward where Dmitri disappeared. She looked down the seemingly endless corridor and slowly walked down it. It looked very similar to a mine shaft without the dirt. There was a sudden movement in front of her as a big monstrous creature jumped out at her. She jumped back and started to cringe, expecting the worst. But nothing happened. She opened up a single eye and looked at it, it was a fake. She sighed in relief and passed it by. She was looking around waiting for something else, but nothing was happening. She walked to the end and turned the next part was a room, very dark she could not see anything. She was looking around as she walked forward blindly. She didn’t see it coming as her foot was pulled from underneath her. Her back hit the floor but was quickly hoisted up along with the rest of her body. She swung back and forth slightly dazed. It wasn’t to long until some figures started to come towards her. One was Dmitri fallowed by Zori and Boris. Dmitri walked closer to her.
“So, you thought you could spy on us, eh?” she didn’t answer, she didn’t know if he knew it was her or not, she was assuming he didn’t know and was dreading the point he figured it out. Her cheeks went crimson. “Who are you working for? Answer me!” he paused for a second. “Some one turn on the light I want to see his face”. Ania could hear Zori walking towards a wall. Ania closed her eyes wishing it was all just a bad dream. She heard the lights click, and there was a gasp. “A-A-Ania?” was the words that Dmitri said.
“Wow I never thought she would be the spy type.” Ania opened her eyes to meet Dmitri’s. Her face went redder.
“I’m not a spy!” Ania said she didn’t seem to be able speak much. Zori walked up to her, her head coming up to Ania’s stomach. She reached up and poked Ania in the stomach, to which Ania Giggled “stop that”
“If you’re not a spy then what are you doing here?” Zori asked.
“I thought you were sick” Dmitri said in sort of a back ground voice.
“Be quite Dmitri, look we are not going to hurt you just what are you doing here?” Zori knelt down to talk to Ania face to face.
“I, I was worried about Dmitri” she said, not knowing if it was the truth or not.
“Worried?” Ania’s face was looking like a tomato now “ok what were you worried about”
“He just never talks about what he does here, and it felt like he was hiding something.” Ania paused for a second contemplating whether she should ask or not. “Umm, Zori, May I ask you a question?” Zori smiled warmly and nodded. “What’s going on here?” Zori looked up at Dmitri.
“Oh no, I don’t want her to know. I would never forgive myself if she got hurt.” He crossed his arms.
“She has a right to know. Look Dmitri you care for her right?”
“Of course!”
“Do you love her?” Zori looked into his eyes with great concentration. Dmitri went slightly red.
“Well, y-yeah” he looked over to the ground.
“Alright then you would want her to be happy more then any thing else. So it’s up to her, Ania do you really wish to know?” Zori was completely serious.
__________________________________page 12________________________
“Yes I do” Ania was a little off set because she wasn’t used to Zori being so serious.
“Before you go completely through with this remember if we tell you this there is no turning back. You will know a very valuably secret. I’m afraid to say you will be marked for life as one of us. Do you still wish to go through with it this?” Ania thought for a second.
“Yes I don’t care I wish to know.” Ania’s eagerness turned to an embarrassed expression. “But um can you let me down first?” she smiled nervously.
She was then brought into a room, with a few other people in it, two other females she didn’t know. “Alright let’s go down the list of people Dmitri is the rector, he’s usually the one to direct us. Boris is a gnarsio, he’s pretty self explanatory.” She pointed at the big guy “I and Meliora are aneikukis.” She pointed at one of the females in the corner. She looked slender and very short. She was dressed in black and gave Ania a wave “We are supposed to be able to infiltrate any place for extra information and even assassinations if required. Ruana and Gavril are scientia.” She pointed towards the wall “They are in the other room. They make sure we know exactly what we are doing and going to do. Finally Fia is a haruverto.” Zori pointed to the last female in the room. She was dressed in regular clothing she smiled at Ania “she deals with support from a distance and of course tracking people.” Zori looked at Dmitri as though she was expecting him to take over. But when he didn’t she just rolled her eyes and continued. “We have been around for 16 jannar trying to overthrow the corrupt touji, and its even more corrupt Teneo. Well, any questions?” Ania tilted her head for a second.
“Is this everyone?”
“No there are 4 other groups that are allied with us in the Varos, and that is only the organized Koutai” Zori was prepared for that question.
“Are you the original group?”
“The original group was formed elsewhere our group split off from it” Zori’s eyes were serious
“Are you all the original members of this group?”
“No, only Me Zori and Ruana were part of the original group, the rest of the founding members were either KIA, or assassinated. THAT is why I don’t think you should be hearing this, because I know your going to want to join. But I don’t want to put you into that kind of danger” Dmitri stepped forward.
“Any kind of danger that you’re in?” Ania’s words hit him, he opened his mouth to respond but before he could “look do you think I want to lose you any more then you want to lose me. I lu-, I don’t want to lose you! Why would I go through all that I have with you and just not care that you risk your life. I know we have only been dating for a short period of time, but it was great.” She would have said more but she thinks he understood “besides, you’re missing a medical officer”
“She has a point, I’ve seen her work she is very good. She probably knows more about your body then you do” Zori looked over to Dmitri. He looked around the room and saw agreeing nods from the rest of the room. Obviously if Ania was good enough for Zori then Ania was good enough for everyone, she always seemed to be the co-leader. Dmitri just shook his head and groaned.
_________________________________page 13________________________
“FINE, fine, but I’m not happy, I just don’t want to see you hurt” Dmitri sighed and shook his head.
“Well then I suppose that she has to go to the machine” Boris looked around. There was mutterings of agreement and a few giggles from some as they all looked at Ania.
“M-m-machine?” Ania stuttered a question.
“In order to keep track of members we created a machine that marks everyone with a mark very similar to the one on your arm” Dmitri said as a matter of fact
“And, where does it go” to answer this Dmitri sat down and showed her the bottom of his right foot. On the ball of his foot was a bar code. She was led by Dmitri into a room with one big machine in the middle. The rest of the room was round. On one wall there was a glass window, the others were in there. She was instructed to sit down and stay there for the duration, the right side of the chairs foot rest was raised so as to have the right foot extended out. He locked her foot in and she sat down into the padded part of the seat, it was quite comfortable. He did some thing around her foot that made her smile and giggle a little as he walked away she could see that the thing he did made it so she could not move her foot. “Uh, I’m not feeling to comfortable.”
“Look I’m sorry it’s all we could do to make sure we would stay still. Oh and this will tickle, a lot.” With that he walked out of the room and into the room behind the glass. She was getting nervous now. She wasn’t sure she could completely trust them but she supposed at this point she didn’t have much choice. “Are you alright?” rang Dmitri’s voice over the speakers.
“Well I’m a little nervous…” her voice trailed off.
“Well this is your last chance to turn back” he paused for a second as to let her think “after this there is no turning back, you will literally be marked for life. Are you sure you want to go through with this” she already knew her answer.
“Yes” she sat there looking at the window, she could see the outlines of people, and she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t see them well enough. Her mind wandered a bit. Dmitri’s voice brought her back though.
“Alright starting the procedure, stand by” there was a pause before some machines started moving. It was one mechanical arm, it had two joints and on the end of the arm had a cone like point with a hole on the end. It extended from the ceiling, down towards her section by section. Its end stopped before her extended foot. “Starting laser”
“Laser?” was the only word Ania could say before she felt a sensation on the ball of her foot, it was really intense. Laughter burst from her mouth. It was a ticklish feeling she had never felt before it was like a hundred feathers tickling that one spot. She was laughing really hard, she tried to move her toes to protect her foot but nothing helped. She heard some voices but she couldn’t quite make it out over her laughter. The laser was moving, slowly across her sole. Tears were streaming from her eyes by this point. All she could think about at that time was the tickling. Nothing else mattered to her. Her mind was losing focus her mind was not being able to keep conscious. Her laughter was losing energy. The laser was now around her arches almost done. She was almost through, almost there, almost, almost, almo. Her head landed on the head rest. She had passed out.
_____________________________page 14______________________________
An interesting story. I like the details of the aliens, very good descriptions. You may want to try and re-format the text so it is a little easier to read. Aside from that point I really liked it. Good job.
thank you i tried my best to make it good but you know, i still think the tickling is a bit of a side note in this story, i should have done a bit more, but i duknow
thank you i tried my best to make it good but you know, i still think the tickling is a bit of a side note in this story, i should have done a bit more, but i duknow

Write the story for the sake of the telling the tale. My story is more story than tickling too. You just need to find a vehicle to work more tickling in if you feel that you want to move the story in that direction. You came up with a clever story, I'm sure that you could work it out.
Write the story for the sake of the telling the tale. My story is more story than tickling too. You just need to find a vehicle to work more tickling in if you feel that you want to move the story in that direction. You came up with a clever story, I'm sure that you could work it out.

ok thanks for the advice ^_^ ill make sure to keep that im mind when writing part two ill probably add more tickling as well XD
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