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Playing around (Mostly M/M)


TMF Expert
Aug 14, 2008
(Based on real life events)

The summer heat was starting to overpower the AC, but my parents were cheep; they made it clear that the thermostat was not to go below 80, little realizing that, in this house, 80 felt like 100, but how would they know? They were gone during the day.

The usual suspects were hanging out that day, Brian, Kyle, Janet and Becky. there were a few others but they were friends of friends and I didn't know them very well. The newbies seemed content to play cards in the dining room while I and the rest sat around in the living room.

Kyle took off his shirt and I couldn't help but feel a small sense of advantage over the girls who could not do the same to beat the heat. I, like Brian and the girls was wearing a tank top, and I was even considering taking that off. We were all wearing shorts and I'm sure I wasn't the only one considering how much more comfortable tighty whities would be on a day like this were it not for the company.

We lazed around for a while talking and, I don't remember exactly how it started but Brian started up with me about our last wrestling match.

You see, it was kind of a tradition that every now and again one of us would wrestle around with another, boy, girl it didn't matter, it was just something we did.

Well, the last time me and Brian went at it, I had gotten him in a sort of reverse Bearhug, and in the process of trying to get out of it, he did all of this ridiculous, technical stuff (which really didn't accomplish anything), only to get his left arm trapped behind his back and against my stomach, and his right hand pinned between my head and the floor, and he wrapped his legs around mine like that was doing something, (what he thought it was doing I had no idea)

After literally 'minutes' of him confidently struggling around like he was some kind of expert MMA fighter, he ended up in that ridiculous position and insisted the we stalemated.

I just laughed and said "all that and you left your armpit wide open".

He knew I was right, his hand was trapped behind my head and I pinned it there as I lazily kneeded and tickled his armpit..

"no! nohhahahahaha!" He had said and tried to tug his arm down, but I wouldn't let it budge.

"staahahaha thahahats cheeheheheting!!" He bellowed

I just grinned, all that technical bullshit and I was annihilating him with my fingers! To add to his humiliation, I put out the least amount of effort possible on his armpit, haphazardly pinching, kneading and tracing my fingers up and down and said "Just let me know when you want to submit".

He giggled and protested for a while, I could tell that he didn't want to submit to being tickled, but after a few minutes he had no choice and yelled out his submission.

I spider tickled his armpit for a few seconds just for good measure and let him up.

"You totally cheated!" he had said, I replied: "Bullshit! It's anything goes!"

He warned me that next time he would go for my balls or (as he put it) "Not cheat" in some way that I couldn't stand and I'd have to give up instantly. I didn't relish the prospect, especially if he figured out that I was ticklish too!

In any event, He recalled that I cheated in our last match but he wouldn't admit how. I had promised not to tell anyone that he got his ass handed to him by me tickling his armpit, and he was too proud to admit it.

He made a few overtures about having a rematch, but I was honestly afraid. Afraid that he'd go for the nuts, or (as I saw it), worse. See if I'm ticklish and make me submit from being tickled in front of all my friends.

"Well Brian" I said "I would fight you, but Kyle's here and I've never fought him before."

Kyle chuckled "Oh, I'm not much of a fighter, you're better off wrestling Brian, he knows what he's doing"

I actually laughed at that, and Brian got annoyed.

"C'mon Kyle, we all do it, it will be like your initiation".

The girls started egging him on and eventually he stood up to go through with it and they cheered for him.

I stood up and sized him up. He was lean but muscular like me, he didn't look 'that' strong, and from what he said he didn't have much experience. I was pretty confident that an easy victory was coming.

With this in mind I called out the rules before he could lunge at me. "No submissions, pin only".

I figured this was a good chance to impress the girls, particularly Becky who I secretly liked. If I could toy with this guy a little, it would really make me look good!

Kyle agreed and before I knew it, he lunged at me. He had been trying to spear me but I braced in time and we ended up grappling. It was all down hill from there!

Unlike Brian, Kyle knew EXACTLY what he was doing and to my utter amazement, he was able to grab me around the arms and do a takedown. I actually landed pretty hard and had to catch my breath. I was so dazed that I didn't realize what he was doing to my legs, all I could think was how annoyed I was that he sharked me!

Before I knew it, he had me in a figure 4 leg lock: IE: His legs wrapped around mine to where my legs made the shape of a 4 with my right foot under my left leg and my left foot practically on his stomach. All he had to do was pull his foot down to pour on the pressure. He did, and I started wincing!

This was not how I wanted things to go, the girls were applauding 'him' and not me while I was reduced to grunting and groaning.

He grinned at my predicament and would pull his foot down for a second at a time over and over at random causing me to "yelp" every time, and every time, the girls giggled. I hated it.

After about eight "pulls" he pulled his foot down and left it there. I let out a frustrated "AAAAH" and instinctively patted his foot.

"Are you tapping out?"

I shook my head

"Good cause it's pins only" He smiled

I panicked and grabbed his feet trying to pull his legs apart. He reflexively grabbed for my wrists trying to control my arms. My hands were right near my own feet, and when he grabbed for them, his hands made incidental contact, and I made a horrible mistake...

I giggled.

He got "that" look on his face and stopped trying to control my wrists, instead he started casually playing with my feet, and to my horror asked -

"Are you ticklish?"

My response was immediate:


His grin widened and he started skittering his fingers up and down the foot that was near his stomach, leaning back to get a better angle. I was gone!


He just smiled and started using one finger to trace in little patterns all over my helpless foot while I giggled hysterically

"I seem to remember it's anything goes" He said

The girls all seemed to be giggling about me, something about how adorable it was that my feet were ticklish, but my mind was in a panic and I wanted so badly to tap out.

He started using one hand on my left foot and his other to get my right, skittering from the balls of my foot down to my heal and back again, while tracing those awful little patterns all around my left.

I was reduced to silent laughter, not even able to beg I was laughing so hard.

Becky said something to the effect of "awwww, he can't take it". It was not real sympathy, she though it was cute, and that pissed me off even more. I wanted to tap out so bad, but I also wanted to beat this guy!

With all the strength I had left I did the only thing I would think of; I reached down and tickled his feet right back!

I skittered my fingers all around his soles, side to side across the balls of his feet and even over his toes!


I couldn't believe it! He wasn't ticklish!

For a few more pathetic moments I feebly played with his feet hoping that I would find some spot that would send him over the edge, but after a while I gave up. I was exhausted from being tickle tortured and I let my arms hang limp at my sides, my hands still on his feet.

There I was, a grown adult (I was 19 at the time), sitting in front of my opponent while he tickled my feet and all I could do is giggle like a little boy and stare at him.

He just stared right back, grinning, and absolutely delighted with the power he had over me and mixed up his torture routine, sometimes tracing my soles, sometimes running his fingers over my toes, I never had a chance to get used to any technique and I just stared helplessly, blubbering at him.

"If your feet can't take any more, lift your arms up and let me tickle your armpits and I'll give them a break."

I just gaped at him! I couldn't believe it! I was getting completely humiliated in front of the girls and all my friends. Even the new people had come in to see me suffer!


He continued his merciless assault on my feet

"Okay" he said "Just let me know when you can't take it".

This was a complete nightmare! I could end the torture on my feet any time but only if I gave him access to my pits instead! I continued giggle/babbling while he tortured my bare feet and after a little while longer, I started instinctively patting 'his' feet.

his smile widened. "there's no gives remember? pins only".

I panicked! I had totally forgotten about that. I had been trying this whole time not to tap, but now I wanted to and I wasn't allowed to give up!

For some reason this caused me to start tapping out on all kinds of other places, the floor, his leg, his shoulder, etc, all the while insisting that I submit! He and the girls were absolutely beside themselves laughing at this.

After about half a minute of my begging and tapping out over and over again, I realized that the only relief my feet were going to get was from my letting him tickle my pits. And in my panicked state, I submissively stretched my arms as high up toward the ceiling as I could and blurted out:

"Okay tickle my armpits!"

The girls laughed even harder! Kyle just smiled and moved his tickling hands from my feet to just below my armpits, he swished his fingers back and forth while moving his hands up and down both pits at once.

I BELLOWED in laughter but I had to keep my arms up, my feet couldn't take anymore!

He focused on my armpits for a minute or two, then wen to my stomach Kneading my sides and poking my belly button which made me giggle like a girl.

He counted every rib up and down, and by the time he was done with my upper body I was BEGGING him to pin me!

He had his fun for a while longer and then obliged.

He undid the figure 4 and I instinctively tried to curl up after my ordeal, but he didn't let me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and I was all ready to end up on my back and let him pin me.

But instead, he threw me forward so that I was on my stomach. He straddled my lower back and held my ankles to the floor. I knew exactly what he was trying to do and I started begging instantly!

"No! Kyle please don't! I give up just pin me!"

He ignored my whining

"Becky, you wanna go first?"

She was ecstatic.

"Sure!" she said in her typical bubbly way, and all of a sudden I felt those long finger nails running and skittering all over my feet.


I could hear her giggling at my begging and pleading, it only seemed to intensify her tickling my feet!

After she was done torturing me, I feat Kyle scoot me over a little and he said "Janet, you wanna go next?"

There was no audible answer, only more tickling on my poor feet which had already endured enough!

I giggled and begged the whole time, and just like Becky, it only spurred her on.

when he scooted me over again I knew it was Brian's turn, and I knew he wanted revenge.

"Here Brian, you want a turn?"

I knew exactly what was coming, and I hated it

"I want to get his armpits, they seem worse than his feet"

At this, Kyle sat me up and positioned him self behind me. He wrapped his legs around my stomach, reached under my arms and pulled my arms up into a "full nelson". I was too tickle exhausted to fight back.

Brian took full advantage and tickled every last inch of my armpits. For the first minute or so he mimicked exactly what I had done to his; expending very little effort, and then he went full on, tickling, poking, kneading and just torturing my pits.

When it was over I was completely exhausted and giggling uncontrollably. And that's when Kyle invited the newbies to come over and get their turn.
😱 Where. Is. This. School... - or wherever it is?

This story's fantastic! (spelling errs aside)

So, after your complete and horribly thorough humiliation, did this endear you in any way towards your 'desired' Becky? 😉 If it's still relevant in any way, figure you could use your apparently incapacitating ticklishness against you, asking her to a tickle match - or fight of some sort. (Now, I'm pretty sure you're not "Wade"-level ticklish, but... considering you can outmaneuver, sounds pretty simple for her to be delightful, ticklish goo in your hands, should opportunity warrant.)

Sorry your pride cost you so poorly. Just guess that means all the more incentive to try to 'even the odds' though, right? 😉
😱 Where. Is. This. School... - or wherever it is?

This story's fantastic! (spelling errs aside)

So, after your complete and horribly thorough humiliation, did this endear you in any way towards your 'desired' Becky? 😉 If it's still relevant in any way, figure you could use your apparently incapacitating ticklishness against you, asking her to a tickle match - or fight of some sort. (Now, I'm pretty sure you're not "Wade"-level ticklish, but... considering you can outmaneuver, sounds pretty simple for her to be delightful, ticklish goo in your hands, should opportunity warrant.)

Sorry your pride cost you so poorly. Just guess that means all the more incentive to try to 'even the odds' though, right? 😉

No matter what I do, no matter how much spell check and autocorrect I use, I always seem to have spelling errors, BAH!

She thought it was absolutely the most adorable thing in the universe that I had to tap out from being tickled, and it sort of endeared her to me (this was about 12 years ago and we ended up dating later).

My pride ALWAYS cost me dearly, or at least caused me to suffer more than I had to. lolz

We all used to get together at my house and be bored and every now and again we'd wrestle around or whatever, I have many, MANY more stories like this (that I embellish a little for effect), one of which is the me vs Becky match. Maybe I'll write that one up 😉

Thank you for the feedback!
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Meh. Don't worry about it, okay? If I wasn't such a slow reader, likely wouldn't have noticed the 'minor' mistakes. Doesn't affect the reading, understood it all quite well (thank you for sharing your 'misery' with the rest of us perverts online :lol).

Sounds like you had an ... entertaining group of friends, that's for sure. And yup, looking forward to reading that match (Becky vs. you), and any others that creep up, too!

I guess no good (- or wrong -) deed goes without punishment, hmm? All those ticklish repercussions tone down your pride, at all? Or still boasting for more 'entertainment'? 😉

Again, great read, please keep 'em coming! 😀
Meh. Don't worry about it, okay? If I wasn't such a slow reader, likely wouldn't have noticed the 'minor' mistakes. Doesn't affect the reading, understood it all quite well (thank you for sharing your 'misery' with the rest of us perverts online :lol).

Sounds like you had an ... entertaining group of friends, that's for sure. And yup, looking forward to reading that match (Becky vs. you), and any others that creep up, too!

I guess no good (- or wrong -) deed goes without punishment, hmm? All those ticklish repercussions tone down your pride, at all? Or still boasting for more 'entertainment'? 😉

Again, great read, please keep 'em coming! 😀

HAHA! It's cool 😉

I'll be writing up my match with Becky soon!

We all hung out over a couple of summers and this kind of thing happened pretty frequently, these were my earliest IRL experiences and a lot of them were M/M, but not all. Quite a few M/F F/M MM/F FF/M and other combinations of the letter F and the letter M to be had (lolz), I may do a "summer of laughter" series. (That name kind of sucks but you see what I'm getting at. lol). I have a TON of memories about those years and now that at least one person gives a crap I'll probably write them up.

Those ticklish experiences always make my pride go full on defense and cause me to try ant take it, probably more than I can, but I did get my revenge a few times.

more to come, ty again for the feedback! =)
HAHA! It's cool 😉

I'll be writing up my match with Becky soon!

We all hung out over a couple of summers and this kind of thing happened pretty frequently, these were my earliest IRL experiences and a lot of them were M/M, but not all. Quite a few M/F F/M MM/F FF/M and other combinations of the letter F and the letter M to be had (lolz), I may do a "summer of laughter" series. (That name kind of sucks but you see what I'm getting at. lol). I have a TON of memories about those years and now that at least one person gives a crap I'll probably write them up.

Those ticklish experiences always make my pride go full on defense and cause me to try ant take it, probably more than I can, but I did get my revenge a few times.

more to come, ty again for the feedback! =)

Well, you can count on at least one more person giving a crap.
This was a really well written, very enjoyable story. Though I'm one of those rare persons who prefers stories, few really catch my eye. And this one certainly did! Amazing.
I would love to read your other adventures and, since everyone else will vote for the others anyway, allow me to cast my vote for the M/M ones. 😉
Well, you can count on at least one more person giving a crap.
This was a really well written, very enjoyable story. Though I'm one of those rare persons who prefers stories, few really catch my eye. And this one certainly did! Amazing.
I would love to read your other adventures and, since everyone else will vote for the others anyway, allow me to cast my vote for the M/M ones. 😉

tyvm. got quite a few M/M i'll be posting 🙂
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