If anybody here has heard of the new medical''chip'' that some people in the usa have now adays.. for medical reasons & what not. So the med ''chip''that goes into your skin can track your every move pretty much. what do you all think about it? But heres my thoughts on it. In Revelation''in the bible'' it talks about the Beast ''who is the Antichrist'' not the real true one & only God. But anyways in revelations it talks about the Beast & how one day there will be a chip that every person on this earth will have to have embeded in them. And when that happens that will be a major that the Antichrist is coming cuz once you have that chip in side you. You'll basically have the number of (666) which is the beast's number. But for thoses that know CHRIST shall not be scared cuz trust in him & relie on him for protection cuz even though were in End times now! Jesus is on the up rise he's coming back to save his peolpe & if you haven't done so. Gaving your life towards christ or have had a terrible life & you just want some real meaning in your life. Plz i pray so hard that you would seek christ & all his wisdom & grace that he provides. If you still need more info on who this ''jesus'' guy is that i've been talking about Then plzzzz email me at [email protected] Thanks & bye bye--Shyguy😛
I'll shall not fear death itself for tha lord is with me