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Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn: A "Quiet" Night in Gotham City (F/F)


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
This is a story based on an old commission done for me by LostOneZero which I've always wanted to write a story for (I have attached the commission picture below to)


All characters belong to DC/Warner Bros

Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn: A “Quiet” Night in Gotham City

It was late on Saturday night and in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Gotham City the super villainess known as Poison Ivy had spent the last few weeks working hard on creating a new breed of killer plants ever since escaping from Arkham Asylum. Poison Ivy whose real name was Pamela Isley sat at a lab table she had set up in the middle of a large room and was checking the progress of her experiments in some test tubes, taking out a pad and pen from the pocket of her white lab coat that she wore over her super villain costume she began making notes.
Ivy smiled to herself, her experiments were going well and the hideout was nice and quiet
“HIYA RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” ............. Well, almost quiet!

Ivy closed her eyes in frustration and took a deep calming breath as her partner in crime Harley Quinn approached from her own part of the hideout, she was wearing a pair of short denim cut offs, an over sized white shirt and barefoot with her long blonde hair tied up in two pigtails
“Ya still working on your mutant vegetable monster army huh?” she called over in her high pitched New Joisey accent but Ivy was too engrossed in her work to answer her, not one to be discouraged Harley walked up closer to Ivy and tried again
“Hello-oooo! Earth to Poison Ivy! HEY! YA DEAF OR SOMETHING?!” she screamed as she jumped up and down while waving her arms about wildly. Finally Ivy slammed down her notes and turned round to face her loud friend

“Yes Harley what is it?” She responded with a calm voice which contained a twinge of anger at being interrupted from her important work.
“Finally! Jeez it’s been like trying to talk to a wall! Look its Saturday night and I’ve been thinking, we’ve both been stuck hiding out here ever since we escaped the looney bin and it’s been soooooo boring that I think we deserve a night out on the town!” Ivy just glared at her friend and turned back to her research
“Sorry Harl but my work is very near completion so I don’t have time for any foolish distractions”
“Aww come on Red, think about it! We get all dressed up and hit the nightclubs or something? Cute guys fawning over us and buying all our drinks, it will be fun!”
“Sure Harley,” Ivy said mockingly “That won’t get the cops or the Bat straight on our case so they can haul us right back to Arkham!” Hearing this Harley went silent and started pacing back and forth behind Ivy for a few minutes, then an idea hit. She stopped her pacing and began rocking back and forth on her heels with her hands behind her back then spoke up again

“Look Red, the truth is I’m getting really worried about you. You haven’t taken a real break for over a week, it’s not good to work yourself ragged like this. You need a change of scenery at least” Ivy put down her notes and gentle rubbed her temples. She realized Harley was right in her own insane way, constantly looking nonstop at plant data was starting to get to her
“Maybe I could use a break.....” she thought to herself but knew she couldn’t risk going outside and having her plans ruined by getting caught. After several moments of silence she turned to Harley
“Ok here’s the deal, I will take the rest of the night off and we do something fun together BUT we don’t leave the hideout and I get to start back on my research without any distractions first thing in the morning, deal?” Harley squealed with delight upon hearing this
“DEAL!!!!!!” she exclaimed excitedly as she ran up behind Ivy and gave her a big hug that almost made Ivy drop one of the test tubes “Ok I got a great idea that will help you have fun that’s also guaranteed to help you relax to! Just give me 20 minutes to get everything ready ok?”
“Sure fine Harley, in the meantime I’m gonna keep on working” Ivy said but Harley had already disappeared back to her half of the hideout, Ivy just shrugged her shoulders and returned to her research.

Sometime later Ivy again heard Harley approaching her, turning round she saw Harley was now wearing her red & black jester’s costume with black domino mask
“Times a-wasting Red!” she said with glee. Ivy just sighed as she saved her data then stood up and removed her lab coat revealing her own costume comprised of a dark green one piece leotard with matching knee high boots and elbow length gloves along with lighter green full fashioned nylons. She then removed her hair clip allowing her long red hair to flow free and drop against her shoulders
“Ok so what’s the plan Harley? Pizza and a movie?” Spin the bottle?”
“You’ll see.....kinda because I need you to put this on” she passed something to Ivy
“A blindfold? What’s going on?”Ivy said confused as she looked at the length of white material
“Aw come on Red, just do it ok? I promise you’ll have a great laugh!” Ivy trusted Harley more than any other person on Earth so she decided to play along, tying the long piece of fabric around her eyes she then felt Harley walk behind her to check the knot
“Happy now?” said Ivy who was feeling quite silly
“Almost, now tonight I need you to trust me completely ok? Everything we do is for your benefit!”
Ivy let out a bemused sigh then said
“OK I trust you, so can we just get started already”
“You betcha!”

Ivy then felt Harley gently take her right wrist in her hand and tugged on her arm
“This way Red!” Harley called as she led Ivy by the hand deep into her domain, while Ivy’s section was in order with little in the way of furnishings beyond her lab and huge plant collection, Harley’s was a salute to pure chaos with discarded junk food containers and several stuffed animals strewn all over the floor along with random splashes of paint on the walls. Soon they stopped and Harley put her hands on Ivy’s shoulders to help her turn around 180 degrees then helped her walk backwards for a few steps
“Ok, here we are and remember NO PEEKING!”Harley commanded while under her blindfold Ivy rolled her eyes at her friend.

Ivy then felt Harley slowly remove her green gloves one at a time and drop them to the floor making a small thud
“Hey, what the...” Ivy said with confusion
“Uh uh uh, full trust tonight remember?!” Harley said reassuringly
“Ok fine, are we done yet?”
“Almost” Ivy then felt Harley run her hands down her left leg following the seam of her nylons and heard the unzipping of her boot, Harley then lifted Ivy’s leg slightly and pulled the boot off leaving her size 6 foot wiggling as it touched the cold concrete floor then the same thing was repeated with the right foot. Now wearing only her leotard and nylons Ivy felt herself being sat down in a chair. Sitting with her hands in her lap she then felt Harley lift her legs off the ground and placed each one on a padded attachment that made them stick out in the air while spread apart.

“Comfy?” Harley asked as she walked behind Ivy, gently touching her long red hair as she did so
“I guess so, can I take this silly blindfold off now?”
“Not yet!” Harley said as she picked up Ivy’s left wrist and held it upwards to bring it towards another padded attachment so her arm was now diagonally pointing outwards. Ivy then felt something odd happen, before she could react a leather strap had been buckled around her wrist holding it in place
“Hey!?” Ivy shouted out but before she knew it Harley had quickly done the same to her other arm as well, now both arms were held up as though she was a cheerleader making a “Y” pose with her arms. Ivy began trying to get free but she heard Harley calmly say
“Trust, remember?” so she stopped struggling, Harley then proceeded to strap down her ankles in place to followed by more attaching more straps at her upper arms and above her knees. Confident that Ivy was now secured in place Harley removed the blindfold making Ivy blink a couple of times in the light as Harley stood back to admire her handiwork. Ivy now saw she was in some kind of bondage chair in the center of a large room
“This is not what I was expecting Harl, what’s the big idea?” Harley walked back behind her and leaned in close to gently speak in Ivy’s left ear.

“Well like I said I know you’ve been working non-stop since we got here so decided you need a break. Remember I said we’re gonna have loads of laughs....” she trailed off as she lightly grazed her fingers against Ivy’s bare left underarm
“What do you mean....EEEEK!!!” Ivy let out a giggle at this, then began to slowly panic “Oh... oh no! You don’t mean that right? You wouldn’t? That’s just cruel!”
“Sorry Red but this is for your own good! As they say, laughter is the best medicine!” with that Harley unleashed all her fingers which swiftly made contact with both Ivy’s underarm’s!
“HAHAHAHAHAHA HHAAAARRRRLLLLLEEEYYYY!!!!! THHHIIISS IIIIISSSNNNNT WHAHAHAHAHAAAATTT IIII WWAAAAHAHAHANTEEEEDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ivy screamed as her whole body began thrashing about against the bonds to escape but she was held in place too well
“Awww you have such a sweet, sexy laugh Red, and I’ve got our whole evening planned out to listen to it all night!”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA NOOOOOO!!!!!!! STOOOOOPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ivy called out but Harley just ignored her
“Nope, sorry Ivy. You said you would trust me, well this is all part of the tonight’s plan so you need to trust me that this is all for the best!” her fingers then started exploring up and down Ivy’s sides, she tried to move away from them but it proved impossible

“Hey you want a verbal contract then call a lawyer!” Harley retorted as she continued alternating between tickling Ivy’s sides & underarms for several more minutes before stopping. Ivy’s body collapsed down into the chair while breathing heavily, once she finally stopped laughing she spoke
“HA HA HA HA, ok you made your point Harley, I need to laugh more and lighten up, now stop this before someone hears all this commotion and calls the cops”
“Come on Red you don’t get off that easy! I know you used your plant powers to cover the building with your special vines to make this place both sound proof and block out our heat signatures! You know I do pay attention sometimes right?” Ivy began to get worried, Harley was indeed correct and she had promised her an evening of fun but was she really going to tickle her all night? Ivy regained her composure and spoke up in a stern voice
“Ok jokes over Harley, untie me right now or I call my plants to get me out of here!” Hearing this Harley stood up and walked round to face Ivy, she stared at her friend for a few moments then put her hands on her shoulders and calmly spoke
“No you won’t Ivy, you promised that you would trust me all night, yes? Well I’m holding you to that until I say when we’re done here” Ivy gritted her teeth, she had promised Harley and she knew her friend would never actually hurt her, but still she absolutely hated being tickled! She looked away and shut her eyes
“Damn it......ok you’re right I promised” she finally said

“GREAT!” Harley cheered, “Well then times a-wasting!” she then sat down in a yoga position with her legs crossed by Ivy’s right foot
“Oh no not there!” Ivy began to say but it was too late as Harley began running her fingers over her nyloned arch
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA KKNNNNNOOOOCCCKKK IIIIIIIIIIIIT OOOOFFHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” Ivy again tried to pull free but the straps kept her firmly in place, Ivy started moving her foot around wildly to escape from Harleys fingers so Harley just grabbed her foot and held back her toes to tickle along the arch and undersides of her toes making her scream. The sight of her normally composed and stoic friend slowly lose control made Harley smile to herself
“AWWWW, WATSSAMATTA WED? IS DA BIG BAD POIWSON IVY A WITTLE BIT TICKWISH? She began taunting gleefully, Ivy was getting mad now
“Ooooh I’m so scared!” came the sarcastic response, Harley knew what she was doing and that Ivy would never actually make good on these threats

After 10 minutes of torturing Ivy’s foot Harley granted a small break and once more Ivy started pulling desperately at the straps as soon as she had regained her strength but to no avail, meanwhile Harley went to the kitchen area and returned with a bottle of water which Ivy gratefully drank from. Once Ivy was done Harley walked over to her left foot
“Please Harley, please STAAAAAAHHAHAHAHHAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!” Ivy’s pleading tone instantly changed to a desperate laugh as Harley’s nimble fingers began running over both her foot and inner thigh! As before Harley chose her spots to tickle randomly which made it impossible for Ivy to predict and prepare herself for the tickling, once Harley began tickling a new spot all she could do was desperately try and move away without much success, her nylons didn’t help the situation either as the silky sheer fabric against her skin added to the tickling sensation making it even worse
“HAHAHAHAHAHASTTTTAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!” she begged. Harley then moved closer and began tickling both her inner thighs at once making Ivy jump as her ticklish flesh was slowly tormented
“HAHAHAHHA OOOOOOOHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA GGEEEETTT OOOFFFFAAAA MEEEEE!!!” this continued for another 20 minutes before Harley lessened the tickling and looked up at her weary friend

“Having fun yet?”
“HA HA HA HA, NO!!!!!” Ivy shouted between deep breaths, she wasn’t used to being under someone else’s control for this long
“Oh that’s a shame”, Harley said mockingly “Looks like I’ll have to kick things up a notch then!” she said with a wink, she knew Ivy was really daring her to go even further. Harley cart wheeled away into her bedroom and the sound of items being thrown around soon followed. Ivy just sat in the chair trying to regain her strength for the next upcoming tickle assault. Harley soon returned carrying a large cardboard box marked “TOYS” and set it down behind the chair, she then removed her own gloves and jester boots showing off her red and black nails and RHT nylons – one foot in red and the other in black. After helping Ivy drink some more water she then re-blindfolded her and whispered gently into Ivy’s ear
“Hope you’re ready for round two Red!” Ivy just took a deep breath and prepared herself for whatever was next
“Bring it on!” she said defiantly

Ivy then heard Harley start rummaging through the box behind her and a few seconds later heard Harley walk around to her right foot. Ivy jumped as Harley then began to lightly tickle the arch, even though she knew it was coming! Now that her gloves were gone Harley’s sharp nails tickled even worse than before as she applied them to various points of Ivy’s foot, then without warning she felt Harley start to tear the nylon open leaving her slender bare foot exposed
“HEY! THOSE NYLONS ARE EXPENSIVE!” Ivy shouted out in anger
“Oh please,” Harley countered back “I’m sure you just walked into some fancy store and kissed one of the assistants to convince him to give you them for free!” she watched as Ivy’s helpless bare foot moved around to try and avoid her sharp nails, Ivy used a special mix of plant extracts to keep her skin including her size 6 feet in great shape and they were complimented with a deep green shade of nail polish. Ivy went silent before speaking again
“.......THAT’S NOT THE POINT! I DONT WANT YOU TO ARRRRGGGGGHHH” Ivy then heard a hissing noise as she felt something cold land on her toes, it felt weird whatever it was
“WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?” she shrieked
“Here I’ll show ya” Harley said, Ivy heard the noise again then she felt the back of Harleys hand brush gently against her cheek “Open wide Red” Ivy obeyed and opened her mouth where Harley inserted the tip of her index finger to let Ivy taste what was on it, Ivy instantly recognised what it was and started to panic, it was whipped cream!

“NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! YOU’RE NOT DOING THAT! GET AWAY FROM MY FOOT RIGHT NOW!!!!” Ivy shouted out as she began to wildly thrash around but Harley was already back by her bare foot, Ivy tensed up as Harley blew softly along her arch which caused her foot to instinctively flex up and down while the cream dripped down it
“Wow, your foot sure seems sensitive out of those nylons, let’s see how those toes taste” she inquired out loud
“Please Harley I’m begging you not to NOOOOOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! But it was too late as Harley’s tongue began to curl around her toes and slurp away at the cream, the reaction was instantaneous
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STTTAAAHHHAAPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” but Harley was enjoying herself far too much to stop, she ran her tongue along Ivy’s arch before returning to the toes, licking each one individually until only the big toe was left covered in cream, she could tell Ivy knew this was coming and was mentally preparing herself so instead she used her hands to tickle both of Ivy’s thighs to keep her guessing where the tickling would come from next
“HAHAHAHA NOOOOOO FAAAAHAHAHAHAIIIIIIRRRRR!!!!!!!!” Her captive screamed while her face was turning almost as red as her hair, Harley then went in for the kill as she popped the whole toe in her mouth which made Ivy scream

Harley expertly used her tongue to curl around the toe and lick off the last bit the cream then used her teeth to lightly nibble the underside of the toe as well. Once she opened her mouth and released it Ivy pulled it away as quickly as possible. Looking up at her friend she could see tears streaming down Ivy’s cheeks from under the blindfold, she then leaned in close again and kissed the underside of each toe in succession leaving a red & black lipstick mark on each of them before returning to the toy box to get some more things. Standing up she undid the blindfold but before Ivy had a chance to think clearly Harley gently forced her mouth open and inserted a red ball gag into it. Ivy tried to angrily protest and spit it out but she then heard the “CLICK” sound as the buckle was secured in place. Ivy’s body had lost the will to try and escape by now and all she wanted was an end to the tickling, she looked to her friend with large pleading eyes and tried to reason with her despite being gagged
“PLLSSSSEEEESSTTTPPPPP!” was all she could say making Harley smile gently
“Almost there Red, trust me you’ll feel like a new person when were finished, just a little while longer ok?” Ivy shut her eyes and nodded submissively as Harley walked back to the bare foot and showed Ivy a ball point pen which she brandished around menacingly
“Well I made some nice art on your toes so now I’m gonna sign my work!” Ivy began laughing through the gag before it had even made contact

“MMMFFFHAHAHAHAHAMMMMFFFFOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as her head thrashed from side to side when Harley gripped her big toe and held it back to stop her foot from moving anymore and began slowly drawing a large circle in the centre of her arch
“MMFFFFDDDMMMMNNNNIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!” was all Harley heard from Ivy as she finished drawing the circle then lazily sketched two smaller circles for eyes followed by a smile to complete the smiley face
“MMFFFHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAPWEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!!!” Ivy tried to talk as she began drooling heavily from the gag
“Aw what a work of art huh Red?” Harley said as she stood back up and undid the gag
“Just two more things and we are done I promise!” she said reassuringly as she walked behind Ivy again and picked something up from the toy box. She then brought over a spare chair and placed it behind Ivy so she could sit directly behind her before adding another strap around Ivy’s midsection to hold her upper body in place, Ivy tried to move and found she had even less freedom than before

“Ok, home stretch now Red, get ready! 3....2.....1!” Ivy tensed up as she heard “1” then saw Harleys hands appear from behind her at either side as they hovered just by the top of her green one piece. Without warning they quickly grabbed the top of her leotard and pulled it down along with her bra causing her large bare breasts to spill out
“HEY WHAT THE HELL!” Ivy cried worriedly as the hands disappeared behind her again, Ivy was now nervous as Harley had gone quiet which meant something big was going to happen. Slowly the hands reappeared, each one was holding a can of whipped cream with the nozzles pointed inwards towards her breasts causing Ivy to scream out
“ARRRRGGGGHHH NOOOOOOO DONT! HARLEY PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! NOOOOO!” But she was again ignored as she heard the hissing noise come from the cans as the push nozzles were activated, a few seconds later the streams of the cool, delicious dessert shot out the nozzles and made contact with her breasts

“ARRRGHHH THAAAAATSS SSOOOOOOO COOOOOOLLLLD!!!! PLEASE HAAAARRLEEY!!! PLLLEEAASSEE STTOOOOPP!!!!” Ivy’s body was drained from both the nonstop tickling and struggles against the bonds, so it didn’t take long for both her breasts to be completely covered in cream leaving only her nipples exposed. Harley walked around to face Ivy and licked her lips with glee at the sight
“MMMMM I just love whipped cream don’t you Red? It looks just like a pair of ice cream sundaes with cherries on top!”
“P..P..please don’t!” Ivy quietly begged as Harley sat down on her right side and slowly leaned towards her target with her tongue out ready, Ivy screamed as it made contact

“Mmmm this is sooooo tasty!” was all Harley said as her tongue lapped up all the cream in the immediate area of the side boob then kissed the whole area once it was clear before starting to do the same thing at the under boob
“HAHAHAHAHAHA YOOOUURREEEE TTIIIICCKKLIIINNGGG MEEEEE TOOO DEEEATTHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Ivy’s body thrashed as much as possible which caused her breasts to bounce around wildly but this just made Harley go even slower to prolong the torture, after planting another few kisses she then stood up and started licking the upper breast clean also followed by some more kisses. She then positioned herself in front of Ivy’s cleavage, she stared up to her friend who was shaking her head and silently pleading “No” but Harley just grinned and began licking the remaining bits of cream off her right breast, Ivy’s mix of laughter and begging continued to echo around the room, after planting one final kiss Harley stood back to look at her work. Ivy’s chest heaved up and down as she tried desperately to catch her breath, she was glad that it was over but then saw Harley lean in again
“I always love to save the cherry on a sundae ‘til last!”

“What....what do you.....OH NOOOOOOOOO!” Ivy realised what this meant as Harley began to use her tongue to glide all over Ivy’s right nipple! She used the tip of her tongue to lick in both up and down and side to side directions across the sensitive nipple, Harley could feel it get more and more erect as she did this while Ivy had turned to silent laughter by this point. Tears poured down her face which had turned a deep shade of red, after several minutes she finally managed to try and speak again
Finally Harley planted a final kiss on her rock hard nipple and stopped. Ivy could barely speak now
“HAHAHAHAYOU...HAHAHA....WHY?......NO MORE...HAHAHA...TICKLES!” was all she could get out between her breathing and laughter but as she saw Harley walk over to her left breast Ivy stared with begging eyes for some semblance of mercy. Harley just casually winked at her before leaning in again, this time she changed tactics and would just kiss a random spot and slowly slurp off any cream caught between her lips then use her tongue to ensure she had licked the area clean, she would then repeat this on another random spot. This had the added bonus of being a much slower torture which prolonged Ivy’s agony as Harley’s tongue worked its way over every spot of her breast

As before Harley ensured that every scrap of cream was cleared off before she finally stopped, when it was all done Ivy saw her breast was covered in dozens of kiss marks! She then mentally prepared herself as she knew her nipple would be next but Harley instead picked up one of the cans of and slowly pointed the nozzle again at her breast
“HAHAHAHA!!! PLLLLLEEEEEAASSEE!!! NOOOOTTT AGGGAAAIIINNN!!!! IIIMMM GOOONNAAA DIIIEEE!!!! She tensed up as she heard the hiss of the can but this time it only lasted a few seconds as she felt her nipple get cold as Harley had covered the whole thing in cream
“NOOOOO!!!! NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!” she begged as Harley dropped the can on the floor with a loud “CLANG” and moved towards her target, she opened the mouth and placed the whole nipple inside as she began to suck on it deeply

As Harley continued she wrapped both her arms around Ivy’s upper body to stop her moving away and then started alternating between sucking, licking and gently kissing the rock hard nipple, she found that each of them got a different reaction from Ivy. Sucking led to her breath quickening while licking would cause fits of laughter and kissing caused a long moan to come from her friend, she then used her teeth to gently bite on it
“HAHAHA OWWWWW HAHAHAHA STTOOOOPPPPPP IIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!” this mix of varying torturous techniques continued for several more minutes, once she finally stopped and let go of Ivy’s body her head fell forward while her face and neck had gone an even brighter red. After finally regaining her breath she slowly spoke quietly with her voice no louder than a whisper
“Harley...... please ....... no more, I can’t take this anymore, please let me go ok? I’m really begging you now!” Harley brought her hand to Ivy’s chin and gently lifted her head up to face her
“You’re doing so well Red, there’s only one thing left to do and we’re done, I promise” she then helped Ivy drink some more and returned to her box while Ivy slowly regained her strength. Harley then left a few things on the floor under the chair and returned to face Ivy, picking up two items she showed them to Ivy – two large red feathers! Slowly she moved them towards her nipples

“OH COME ON!!!!” Ivy shouted loudly “YOU’VE TORTURED THEM ENOUGH ALREADY HARLEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” Ivy’s head shook about wildly has Harley began using the soft feathery tips to dance all over the still hardened nipples, Ivy soon returned to silent laughing as it was becoming too much for her to take
A couple of minutes later Harley stopped and put the feathers down, Ivy was breathing heavily again
“Sorry Ivy that was just a warm up for the grand finale”
“Yeah, you see I noticed before how sensitive your nipples were getting and I bet that’s not the only place either” she crouched down and put her hand near Ivy’s lap, her fingers skirted along the edge of Ivy’s one piece “In fact I’m sure of it!” she added mischievously. Slowly the devilish fingers worked their way the under her green leotard and soon she had her answer “Yep I’m right, you’re enjoying this way more than you want to admit Red!”

Ivy looked shocked at her friends comments and turned away bashfully
“N-n-no I hate all of this, just stop and untie me already!” she prayed Harley couldn’t see her blushing.
“Oh we got a little way to go before I can do that Red” Harley picked up a pair of scissors from under the chair and proceeded to carefully cut open the bottom of her leotard, pulling the material out of the way soon revealed Ivy’s dark green panties which were clearly soaked through
“HEY NOW!” Ivy protested at this but she went silent when she heard a low buzzing noise, looking down in a panic she saw Harley was now holding a vibrator which she held mere inches away from her lap
“OH NO! YOU WOULDNT!?!!!” She began begging but without any answer from Harley the device lightly made contact against her thin panties
“ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! THIIISSSS IIISSSSS NNNNOOOOOOTTT RREEEEELLLLAAAXXXXIIIINNGGGGG!!!! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OOOOOAAAAAHHHFFFF!!!!!” Harley held the vibrator in place for a minute or so before pulling it away making Ivy fall back in her seat, Ivy took a few moments to compose herself

“This isn’t fair damn it! Just how the hell is this supposed to be relaxing?” she shouted out but Harley just grinned at her
“Oh you’ll see!” she replied as she got the scissors again and carefully cut the panties open exposing Ivy’s mound before bringing the vibrator back
“All I want is my BFF to have some fun” and put the vibrator back against her
“OHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHH YEEESSS!!!! NNNOOOO!!! STTTOOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!” Ivy purred as the device touched her again, she could feel herself begin building to an orgasm, slowly it grew within her but just when she was about to climax the vibrator was suddenly pulled away

“AAAAHHH!!!! WHHHYYYY!!!????!!!” she screamed out in anguish
“Sorry Red it’s not that easy. You’re gonna have to beg me” Ivy glared down at the smirking clown girl
“NEVER!” she growled indignantly, there was no way she would ever do that! Harley just took this as another challenge as she began ripping open Ivy’s nylons in random spots then moved inwards and began gently kissing Ivy’s now bare inner thighs before going towards her mound and began teasingly kissing the edges of Ivy’s swollen clit. Ivy bit her lower lip to hide just how turned on she was but Harley could easily tell still, she switched on the vibrator again and touched it against Ivy’s bare left foot making her scream
“HA HA HA HA OHHHHHH GOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she couldn’t belive Harley was using it to tickle her!

Harley then stood up and began planting gentle kisses on both her nipples again while holding the vibrator to her clit set to its teasingly lowest setting, Ivy began moaning loudly as her mind started to become overloaded by all these sensations as her body began convulsing towards an orgasm once again but her own stubbornness refused to let her give in and beg for a release, then Harley’s free hand began tickling her right underarm with one of the feathers
“HA HA HA HA OOOOOHHHH HAAAARRRLLEEEEYYYY NOOOOOO FAIIIRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! She tried raising her voice commandingly but it was impossible given her current situation. She tried desperately to think straight for a way out of this but once again the orgasm was building up. Harley stopped kissing her nipples and looked at her friend mischievously
“Anything you wanna say Red?” Ivy shut her eyes as she felt herself nearing a climax
“.....UNTIE ME RIGHT NOW HARLEY!” She shouted followed by another anguished cry as the vibrator was again removed just before she could climax, her tortured body writhed about with pent up frustration as Harley sat down again at Ivy’s lap and returned to kissing her inner thighs, only now she also used one hand to stroke a feather gently against her right nipple and pressed the vibrator now set to maximum against her left one

“AAAHHHHHAAHAHAHA OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH SSSSTTTHHHAAAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!” Ivy screamed out as her voiced jumped an octave. She was trapped between waves and waves of pleasure and her own stubbornness, once more her body tried to process all the various stimulation as her loins began to burn again when Harley started kissing the edges of the clit once more. Ivy would never before have guessed that Harley knew how to torture her body beyond all reason! Harley soon changed tactics again, this time moving around to nibble on her right foot while placing the vibrator, once more set to its lowest setting against her left thigh and slowly ran the feather over the right one. Ivy could barely breath now as her resistance began to crumble away when she felt another orgasm begin to burn within her tortured and very aroused body. Finally as Harley moved the vibrator back to her clit she realized she couldn’t take it anymore. She took a deep breath and finally spoke out

“H..H...Harley....” she slowly said as her head dropped down in defeat. Harley stopped the tickling and looked up at her friend
“Yes Red?” There was a long pause before Ivy spoke again
“Please......Let me cum, I’m begging you” there was a silence as Harley gently smiled at her companion
“You got it sweetie” she said softly
With that she set the vibrator back to maximum and pressed it against Ivy’s burning womanhood, Ivy quickly began to moan repeatedly as she once more felt an orgasm building up within her. Due to being so turned on already it didn’t take long for her to finally orgasm with a loud scream, followed by another and another as waves of pleasure erupted from her body once it was finally able to release all the pent up frustration it had endured from the torture session. When Ivy finally climaxed several nearby flower buds bloomed in unison due to their connection with her.

Once Ivy had finished orgasming she sat limp in the chair with her head leaning forward and too tired to communicate. Harley opened another bottle of water and put it to Ivy’s mouth which she quickly drank down as she lightly kissed Ivy’s forehead, she then unbuckled Ivy’s legs followed by her arms which she helped lower into her lap before finally undoing the waist strap.
Ivy was still too exhausted to move as she remained seated despite now being freed. Harley brushed her hair out of her face and gently kissed her in several spots along her neck and shoulders before lightly kissing her on the lips. She then slowly and gently picked up Ivy from the chair and cradled her softly before lifting her in a bridal carry through the door into her bedroom. She shut the door behind her and placed Ivy gently on the bed then pulled the covers over her. Harley then proceeded to remove her jester costume and underwear and turned off the lights leaving only a small lamp on a bedside table by Ivy to illuminate the room. Ivy meanwhile had slowly removed her own costume while under the covers and thrown it onto the floor. Harley climbed into the bed beside Ivy and listened to her soft breathing in silence

“......You know something?” Ivy finally spoke
“What?” Harley answered
“That actually felt pretty amazing, I haven’t orgasmed like that in such a long time” she turned her head to face Harley with a warm smile “You were right, it really did help me relax”
“I’m glad to hear it” Harley said as she leaned in to cuddle against Ivy and they gentle kissed each other
“But you know next time we play its going to be your turn for me to play with!” Ivy said flirtatiously
“Oh really? I’d like to see you try!” Harley replied with a wink
“Well, that or we kidnap Batgirl or Catwoman and bring them back here for a fun double team up”
“You know, I like the way you think Red!” Harley said happily as she leaned over Ivy to switch off the light leaving the two villainesses in the dark kissing and cuddling before drifting off to sleep

The End


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